
I know I don't eat enough and that's making me gain weight, I need some tips for getting my metabolism going, all I know right now is drink cold cold water and excercise, oh I should like some advice with that as well. I can't do much because of lower back problems, knee pain, weak ankles, weak hips, and shoulder pain...and authorities, I'm not old but my body doesn't know that. This is the reason i need to lose weight it would be a lot easier on my body. I really want help not just random comments about me needing to lose weight because I obviously already know that. In advance thank you for all your support :)


  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    I think I want to ry a schedule you know, not just a bunch of random excercise same day, choose an exercise and assign it a day, so either I need seven for a week or fourteen for two weeks and just stick to it. Is that a good idea? I really do need help, I want everyday to be a different excercise, I need to work on every part of my body to do this right, and what kind of food do i eat to get enough energy for this?
  • Craiger62012
    Craiger62012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sheliah!

    I can totally relate to the pain issues. I have the same. Without it sounding like a pity party or a "I'm going thru more than you" type of thing (trust me, some people get off on that), I've had 6 spinal surgeries due to 8 disc herniations (5 lumbar and 1 cervical), shoulder surgery and knee surgery. I have severe spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease. In fact, I'm experiencing sciatica as I write this. So...I'm right there with ya.

    Now...having said that, I am able to do some exercise. I just have to be careful and listen to my body on the bad days. I think you should do the same.

    My exercise is with a recumbent bike as I have difficuly riding a standard bike. Perhaps you could look into something similar that's low impact. I know swimming is one the absolute best for people like us as the buoyancy of the water takes weight off the spine.

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend something every day. Especially just starting out. Find what works for you a d go about it slow. Start out light and build up. And, most definitely, stretch before whatever it is you choose to do. As long as you're moving, you'll burn calories.

    For a good metabolism boost, try to eat something within 30-60 minutes of getting up. That will start the fat-burning process and kick the metabolism off for the day.

    And just try to eat as clean as possible. The My Fitness Pal app helps me, so much, with caloric intake and watching sodium (which, in excess, will cause you to retain water).

    Hope these ideas help you!

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    I totally dont mean to be debbie downer... but not eating enough does NOT cause weight gain. Ever. Eating too much does.any exercise will help. Most the time I just walk or do the exercise bike. To lose weight stay under the amount mfp gives u. Do something u can stick with long term.
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    Jenncornelson, not eating enough does make your body go into starvation mode, and when the body is in starvation mode it takes everything you do eat and turn it into fat...FAT...I've talked to my doctor about this, a nutrionist so on and so forth. When you eat only five hundred calories a day normally you gain weight.craiger62012, thank you so much, I think they might have something for me at my hospitals gym like that. I tried going up and down my stairs because you know we don't have a stair stepper or anything like that, and after three days of doing that most of the day my knees wanted to leave me forever lol.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Make sure that you are weighing and measuring food to be certain you are at a calorie deficit. I had problems with this when I first started! I would start with exercising for about 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week for the first month or so as you see how your body will handle the new activity. Some exercises would be swimming, walking, biking on the recumbent bike because they are low impact. As you see what your body is capable of doing without causing you additional pain, you can add additional time to your exercise every couple of weeks and then afterwards possible increase the intensity.

    Hope this helps. Good luck to you!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    sheliah92 wrote: »
    Jenncornelson, not eating enough does make your body go into starvation mode, and when the body is in starvation mode it takes everything you do eat and turn it into fat...FAT...I've talked to my doctor about this, a nutrionist so on and so forth. When you eat only five hundred calories a day normally you gain weight.craiger62012, thank you so much, I think they might have something for me at my hospitals gym like that. I tried going up and down my stairs because you know we don't have a stair stepper or anything like that, and after three days of doing that most of the day my knees wanted to leave me forever lol.

    Then explain how anorexics don't gain on 500 calories a day.

    Your metabolism is always going, otherwise you would no longer be living. Eat in a calorie deficit and do exercises that you enjoy and your body can handle.
  • pbutter07
    pbutter07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello! I recently read this book by Tom Venuto called Burn the fat feed the muscle. You can get it as an ebook online for less than $29. I strongly recommend it. It has helped me tremendously as a beginner. There are menus in the book, exercise programs, everything. Its awesome! I'm here for support! ☺
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You don't need to get your metabolism going, it already is. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit, this is ALL thats required to lose weight. Go get it!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Are u eating under 1200 cals every day? Then yes I can imagine u would have issues. So if uve talked to a dr and a nutritionist they hopefully were able to tell u what would help.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    sheliah92 wrote: »
    Jenncornelson, not eating enough does make your body go into starvation mode, and when the body is in starvation mode it takes everything you do eat and turn it into fat...FAT...I've talked to my doctor about this, a nutrionist so on and so forth. When you eat only five hundred calories a day normally you gain weight.craiger62012, thank you so much, I think they might have something for me at my hospitals gym like that. I tried going up and down my stairs because you know we don't have a stair stepper or anything like that, and after three days of doing that most of the day my knees wanted to leave me forever lol.

    Eating too little most certainly can cause weight gain and slow your metabolism to a halt! Dk where she got that from but I see it every single day!
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes usually between five hundred and seven hundred fifty or so, anyone who doubts talk to a doctor or nutrionist, we are pretty broke and most of the money goes to bills so we have eggs and cereal usually. My dad is home for good now and he makes sure we eat healthy so hopefully we all start eating more. Thank you guys for the help, and thank you other guys for a conversation i suppose. I will try some things :)
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Sheliah92 - have you been to a doctor and described your pain? You sound so much like I did. I hurt all over, my joints, my muscles my back and hips. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and put on meds for it. The meds didn't do much good and the pain continued. After a few more doctor's visits the doctor ran some blood tests and found out that my vit d levels were low, very low. I have been on suppliments for almost 4 months now and my life is so much different. I still feel pain, but nothing compared to before. Maybe you need to be tested for a vit d deficiency. Studies have shown that a very high percentage of people are deficient in Vitamin D. Just a thought. I wish you the very best and hope that you are able to be painfree soon. Hugs.
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    My doctor said i either have rumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia, the rumatoligist believes I have I can't spell it but it's a syndrome that comes with arthritis that's very rare. I will ask my doctor the next time i see her about vitamin D thank you so much here is hope I won't be in as much pain :)