Logging over eating



  • Thelinna
    Thelinna Posts: 10 Member
    Getting into the habit is really important. Even if you're having a bad day, you can still do something good by keeping track of everything! This may help you learn from your mistakes. I log everything I eat, even if it goes over my calorie or other nutrient goals.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Logging it starts a pattern of thinking. Try and do a little better each day. Real change is a journey.
  • cplate
    cplate Posts: 16 Member
    Logging the food and making a note what triggered you to have a bad day may help you the next time. It makes you own your choices good or bad... Remember we all have set backs but own it and move on. Keep logging you can do it!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ....And if you don't log it, the only person you're cheating is yourself.
    Don't bury your head in the sand. Make a little change everyday. Slowly you'll get to where you want to be.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Realizing what you're capable of can really help you steer back on the right path. I have logged terrible days, felt my shame, and did much better figuring out WHY I did it.
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    You log it to be honest with yourself and to hold yourself accountable for your actions. No one else will do this for you. Don't lie to the person who can help you the most: yourself.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I log good and bad...I sometimes go through phases where I hide my diary from my friends, but then there are times, like now, when I want it out there..not that any of them would (or have) said anything, just a personal matter of keeping myself accountable makes a huge difference.

    Also, because I know I will log everything, I am more mindful of what I eat...because I dont want to have to log it...which means I dont eat it. That doesnt go for like, extra snacks, indulging a bit and stuff..no shame in that. Im talking about doing something like eating a whole pizza. Yeah, Id rather not have to write that down, so I dont do it.

    But if I did, I would log it, and then use that to help me balance out the rest of my week...because some days I eat more, other days less...its a weekly thing for me, not daily.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited February 2015
    So, over time, you see the consequences of your actions, good or bad. I know seeing what I'm eating in black and white helped me make changes over time.
  • DLD73
    DLD73 Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I am eating over my calories and it's very depressing (like I need something else to feel bad about) I have several health issues and I am really hoping to turn some things around for me. Thank you!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    To avoid denial. I log everything... even my 4200 calories days. Seeing it written down makes me realize that it will take me a week to make up for it, for example... so it's a good reminder.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Something that also keeps me in line is knowing my friends will see my stuff up, and it embarrasses me. My diary is also public for extra motivation
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    It's about knowledge, not self-criticism :-)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    edited March 2015
    One cool thing about logging a pig out day is that if it's just one day, it doesn't set you that far back. A logged over day can be a great learning tool, showing you how to fit those days into maintenance.

    Food isn't good or bad, it's a tool to fuel your body and to enjoy. Use this and all other out-of-step days to learn and grow! it's not realistic to think that youll never overeat on any day again ever. So, when it happens, log it, learn from it, and move on. One day's overage does not a failure make.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry you are having a bad day, and dealing with depression. It's awful! I had a crappy week and decided to just have a binge-fest today. BUT, I logged it. Taco bell, little Debbie's, soda....ever nasty calorie. Keep in the habit of logging. One change at a time. It will come, just don't give up! You can do this. Best of luck. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    "What is the point..?" That is the depression talking. The point is, you want to change and feel better. That's what got you here. Don't beat yourself up over a bad day. It's OK.

    None of us got to this point overnight and none of us was able to change our unhealthy habits overnight. Log it and leave it in the past. Tomorrow is a new day.

    I know this sounds like a bunch of platitudes, especially when you are feeling depressed. I have suffered from depression at various points in my life and it is indeed crippling. My health issues were making me feel very depressed and I'll tell you something about this weight loss journey on MFP - taking control of my diet has helped me feel like I have much more control of my life and my future. As I have started losing weight and exercising, I have become much more forward focused - which turns out to be a great cure for depression. I can't change what I screwed up in the past but I can certainly influence my future in a positive manner.

    "Depression is the inability to construct a future." ~ Rollo May
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    What's the point of trying to diet if your behavior will never change, right?

    We can just give up now 'cause it's all a waste - what's the point, right?

    We take responsibility and change our behavior, that's the point.

    That's the point.
  • Mafuezee
    Mafuezee Posts: 38 Member
    yesterday i literally ate a whole pizza hut box thing....but I logged it even though it all sucked . Today I did better
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Mafuezee wrote: »
    yesterday i literally ate a whole pizza hut box thing....but I logged it even though it all sucked . Today I did better

    Nice logging.

    I was tempted not to log my whisky/mac and cheese/arroz con leche/chocolate fest last night. But I got home at 2:30 am and went for it. Whoops.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I ate almost 500 calories over today and logged all of it. I know tomorrow I will stay under goal and everyday after that to make up for it. I would normally let that big res number freak me out but, this time around I learned what works for me is to have a day where I eat what I want and not worry that day and just be good the rest of the week. Kind of an 80/20 rule.