Am I doing it right this time?

zap5 Posts: 38 Member
6'4ft tall male currently 233 pounds, about two weeks into January I was at 257 pounds, and last summer I was at 270 pounds. Lost 40 pounds in two months and gained back 23 because my diet was not sustainable (did not accurately count calories, eating around 1000 a day, low carb low fat only one meal a day etc needless to say it failed. So yeah basically I was wondering if I was doing it right this time around, losing around 24 pounds in almost 7 weeks so roughly 2 pounds a week, I encorporate weight training and cardio about 5-6 times a week (I train full body) because I'm still in my first couple months of lifting regularly. I get around 15-20 percent of my calories a day from fat, and the rest is carbs and proteins. I usually hit my grams for protein per day ( a bit less than 150) and I eat anywhere from 100-170g of carbs a day. Some days I go lower and that drops to 60-90 grams of carbs a day but generally it is above 100 and I do not feel any affects of having no energy. I also have began intermittent fasting because I hear it has many benefits and helps with weight loss. I also have not forgotten about sugar and sodium intakes, I rarely go over my sodium intake and when I do it is probably because I ate food from outside in which the meats had a bit more sodium than the ones I have at home, and my sugar intake is very low probably less than 10 a day and I rarely ever exceed 20 grams of sugar. Is this in any way a bad thing? My goal is to be anywhere from 205-210 pounds, but I do not want to be skinny, I'm very much into playing sports and even though I was overweight I was very tall throughout my teenage years and could still play fairly well, I'm just wondering is there anything I am doing that is not good for me and what should I do to ensure im not skinny fat when I'm done but lean with an athletic build? I feel I am not losing weight too fast (2-3 pounds per week ) and that the foods I am eating are good enough for me to ensure I reach my goals. There is a tournament I would like to take part in and I want to reach my goal weight by then, it is in mid May. I have increased my knowledge on nutrition a lot during this weight loss attempt and I feel this is the most serious and correct way I've ever done it. I feel better than ever before and I think it is because my diet is finally sustainable and I'm getting my macros along with the encorporate weight training ( also do interval sprinting twice a week on the treadmill as part of my cardio). Basically - does this sound healthy, and do you think my goal date is too aggressive? (20-25 pounds by mid May)
Any comments and tips are appreciated, once again I'm about 6'4ft tall, getting anywhere from 1300-1800 cals a day from good nutrient filled food, some days it goes below 1000 but I do not do it on purpose, I just don't like to eat too late and when I run out of time in the day I just wait till next morning to eat.
Thanks for reading lol take care everyone


  • amandastock
    amandastock Posts: 53 Member
    Have you checked out the calculator on
  • amandastock
    amandastock Posts: 53 Member
    Also 20pounds by May is my goal too. But I am female and get 1700-2000 calls per day at 5'7" and 158. My husband is taller and heavier and needs more or he feels starved. So you can try it for a few days and see how you feel and adjust by a few hundred calories at a time until you find a good spot.
  • zap5
    zap5 Posts: 38 Member
    No doing it right now. Also i know it doesnt mean that much but there is no pop in my diet/juices, about 4-5litres of water a day though. Sometimes a cup of coffee in the morning (due to it boosting your metabolism?) before i go to the gym (fasted, due to my intermittent fasting periods of 8pm-12pm next day)
    Diary is also open for anyone to see
  • zap5
    zap5 Posts: 38 Member
    it says my BMR is around 2300 per day, and myfitness pal says to lose 2 pounds a week i must eat 2500 a day, but it just seems crazy theres no way i can get 2500 a day eating only good foods
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    zap5 wrote: »
    6'4ft tall male currently 233 pounds, about two weeks into January I was at 257 pounds, and last summer I was at 270 pounds. Lost 40 pounds in two months and gained back 23 because my diet was not sustainable (did not accurately count calories, eating around 1000 a day, low carb low fat only one meal a day etc needless to say it failed. So yeah basically I was wondering if I was doing it right this time around, losing around 24 pounds in almost 7 weeks so roughly 2 pounds a week, I encorporate weight training and cardio about 5-6 times a week (I train full body) because I'm still in my first couple months of lifting regularly. I get around 15-20 percent of my calories a day from fat, and the rest is carbs and proteins. I usually hit my grams for protein per day ( a bit less than 150) and I eat anywhere from 100-170g of carbs a day. Some days I go lower and that drops to 60-90 grams of carbs a day but generally it is above 100 and I do not feel any affects of having no energy. I also have began intermittent fasting because I hear it has many benefits and helps with weight loss. I also have not forgotten about sugar and sodium intakes, I rarely go over my sodium intake and when I do it is probably because I ate food from outside in which the meats had a bit more sodium than the ones I have at home, and my sugar intake is very low probably less than 10 a day and I rarely ever exceed 20 grams of sugar. Is this in any way a bad thing? My goal is to be anywhere from 205-210 pounds, but I do not want to be skinny, I'm very much into playing sports and even though I was overweight I was very tall throughout my teenage years and could still play fairly well, I'm just wondering is there anything I am doing that is not good for me and what should I do to ensure im not skinny fat when I'm done but lean with an athletic build? I feel I am not losing weight too fast (2-3 pounds per week ) and that the foods I am eating are good enough for me to ensure I reach my goals. There is a tournament I would like to take part in and I want to reach my goal weight by then, it is in mid May. I have increased my knowledge on nutrition a lot during this weight loss attempt and I feel this is the most serious and correct way I've ever done it. I feel better than ever before and I think it is because my diet is finally sustainable and I'm getting my macros along with the encorporate weight training ( also do interval sprinting twice a week on the treadmill as part of my cardio). Basically - does this sound healthy, and do you think my goal date is too aggressive? (20-25 pounds by mid May)
    Any comments and tips are appreciated, once again I'm about 6'4ft tall, getting anywhere from 1300-1800 cals a day from good nutrient filled food, some days it goes below 1000 but I do not do it on purpose, I just don't like to eat too late and when I run out of time in the day I just wait till next morning to eat.
    Thanks for reading lol take care everyone

    You're not eating enough for a 6'4 male, especially a 20 year old one.
  • zap5
    zap5 Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2015
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    You're not eating enough for a 6'4 male, especially a 20 year old one.

    Why isn't it enough? I don't ever get hungry except close to bed time which is roughly 6 hours after my fasting has begun, and when I do eat my meals during my eating hours Im never hungry, in fact i stuff myself every time i eat during those hours just with foods that fill me up, beans are something i eat very often and also fruits like apples and bananas fill me up too especially after i eat my source of carb/protein in my meal, even the vegetables i eat such as cucumbers fill me up, i don't really understand why i need to eat more especially if im not starving myself and i am reaching a sufficient percentage of my macros per day

    I mean im not hungry a lot of the time because the foods i eat fill me up, thats what i meant up there it wasnt very clear though^
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Either you aren't eating enough or you aren't logging correctly. I am a 5'5" female twice your age and I am logging more calories than you are. With your stats, your BMR is @ 2300 per day. If you are truly eating 1300 cals a day, working out 5-6 times per week, and are not tired, you are some kind of medical miracle.

    I would strongly suggest you read the stickies at the top of the Diet and Weightloss forum about how to log food and count calories so you can be sure you are dealing with accurate data.
  • zap5
    zap5 Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm definitely logging pretty accurately, the only thing that may be off here and there are the calories when i add some chicken breast (everything else i eat has nutrition factors or are so low in calories that it doesnt make a significant impact, for example if i have some rice and i know it isnt half a cup ill still put it down as half a cup of rice eaten in my diary), but when we buy chicken breasts, say 2 pounds at a time, etc, and i eat all of it over the course of a few days, i know how many calories are going in because at the end of the few days whenever i run out of chicken i know ive eaten all 2 pounds, or 1 pound, or 500grams or whatever, is this confusing or do you understand what i mean by this?

    its not 1300 a day its anywhere from 1300-1800 a day, i would say it averages out to about 1600 calories a day, i dont add the calories from fruit or vegetables but they arent so much that it makes a difference (its less than 200 and for sure less than 300 of fruit a day)

    i think that because im fasting for 16 hours or so at a time, and im only eating during the 8 hours of the day, that it is very hard to get 2300 GOOD calories of food in your body. so since what im eating is generally good, it fills me up, and since my eating hours are only 8 hours long i dont eat many times a day, in result makes me eat less

    im going for a physical at my mothers office on monday so i guess i'll figure out if anything is wrong then, but it is all true, the only way i could fit more calories into my day would be if i were to enlarge my eating window and anything longer than 8 hours is essentially useless for me and my goals so yeah im not sure what else to do, i dont want to eat if im not hungry and sometimes im stuffing myself to get in the 1600-1800 cals a day anyway