Burning Calories = eat more?

hsimpkin Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone,

I run twice a week between 2-5 miles, dependant on how I'm feeling and have a personal trainer once a week. I'm trying to stick to 1200 calories a day but ok if i go over to 1500. I feel like if I put my excercise into my diary it gives me leeway to eat a bit more and I know it shouldn't but it does - does anyone else feel this?

I have 7lbs to go in 2 months before my wedding to be at my maximum target weight, I want to have half a stone to play with :)


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    With Myfitnesspal you are supposed to eat the calories you burn in your exercise. Most sites include an estimate of the number of calorie you plan to burn in exercise in calculating the number or calories you should eat every day. MFP does not do that. It expects you to eat those calories. If you are only eating 1200 calories a day you definitely need to eat them as well as 1200 is extremely low calories unless you are quite short and very inactive. Here is a good post of how MFP works http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/235638-a-breif-explanation-of-how-mfp-is-setup-and-how-it-all-works
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've been eating back my calories since Monday and have dropped from 134 down to 132.4!! It's working for me so far!! Good luck on your weight loss - you'll get there before your wedding.....

    Sue :smile: x
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    what is it with 1200 cals all the time?

    i calculate my own BMR and enter my own calories. i dont go on anything MFP says. I just use it to track my calorie and macro intake.

    you have to listen to your own body, not myths on this site. everyone's body is different and we all respond differently to stimuli.
    just remember...we tend to overestimate the amount of calories we burn and underestimate the cals we intake..meaning you could be having a higher calorie count than you think. these things arent precise, since we are all different.

    so if you dont feel like eating those back dont..if you feel you need to, due to lack of energy or are hungry, then do.
  • hsimpkin
    hsimpkin Posts: 2
    Thanks, I have been putting my excercises in just feel bad sometimes when I treat myself but after reading what you have posted yes they are treats and it shows that I have changed my eating habits and must learn to not be so hard on myself! I shall get there in my own time as long as I stick to it! :)
  • simpkinlj
    simpkinlj Posts: 2
    I'm in the same boat! Thinking that I can eat more...however, I haven't been just been eating my regular meals. I know that calories are there if I want them, but I'm not eating them just becasue I can. I am worried though that I'm not eating enough so I'm slowing my metabolism down...weighed myself today and haven't lost anything. But I think that might be because my scales are rubbish.
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