Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss

About two or three months ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The doctors said that my metabolism had completely stopped, which is why I was retaining so much weight.
I was just wondering if anyone with hypothyroidism has found a way to still lose weight. My doctor is acting like I'll never be able to do it, but I'm on a mission to prove them all wrong. Thanks in advance!


  • pegridenour
    pegridenour Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago. I just recently had success at losing weight. For me I had to seriously increase my exercise. For the last 43 days (since I started using MFP) I have exercised 5 times a week, 30 minutes each session; along with tracking daily. I have lost 18 lbs in this time period. I found that the exercise and posting were a huge help. Good luck.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Have you been put on replacement therapy? I was diagnosed July 2014, put on meds, and it has taken several tries to get the levels right. In that time period, no dice on weight loss. My hair stopped falling out and has started to regrow, and I kept getting fitter, but the caloric restriction it was going to take to affect weight loss was just not going to be sustainable if I wanted to continue to be active and not feel like garbage all the time, and survive just day to day eating choices. Finally, three weeks ago I had another adjustment as my doc finally got on board with current recommendations (I was fully prepared to argue my case, but apparently he had been doing some research/reading/continuing education in the meantime, so he actually brought up tightening things up. I love when that happens!) Now, I am losing while eating more than I was before. The first 3 pounds were jump started by a diuretic, as my hypothyroidism was also causing water retention that I was significantly unhappy with. The rest though, is "real" loss...finally!

    I am logging well, exercising well, trying to get a real handle on where maintenance and loss is for me. I have trended down on carbs, up on fats and proteins, but am by no means eating low carb. I have decreased high intensity cardio and increased weight training. This appears to be a good track, for me.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Disease and take .75mg of Synthroid daily for the past 11 years. When I'm not paying attention, the weight piles on pretty quickly - but when I focus it's not a problem at all. I've lost 60 pounds since August :)

  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    i was diagnosed with this when i was 16. i'm 37 now and on the right medication i have never had a problem losing weight when i've been in the right mindset. im on levothyroxine and have found a good dose that manages the condition ok. if i've ever gained weight it's been purely because i've eaten too much but when i've wanted to lose it, i have managed. it has been slow but it's come off steadily but i put that down to being disabled not my thyroid issue. i lost 2 and half stone in 2012 and have maintained quite well since then. i over indulged at christmas this year and i'm working on losing a few pounds again which is coming off a pound a week :)

    good luck, hope you have success.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Are you on replacement meds? I'm 52, I have a few autoimmune conditions and chronic migraines that often interfere with my ability to exercise and I'm losing weight. It might come off more slowly, but just eat at a reasonable deficit once your thyroid is corrected and you should see results.
  • nantta82
    nantta82 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, i don't have a
    my thyroid anymore because last year i found out i have thyroid cancer.
    I had 2 surgery and radiation and still fighting.
    My metabolism is very very low so this means i must work harder to lose weight.
    It will take longer but I'm doing it .
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    nantta82 wrote: »
    Hello, i don't have a
    my thyroid anymore because last year i found out i have thyroid cancer.
    I had 2 surgery and radiation and still fighting.
    My metabolism is very very low so this means i must work harder to lose weight.
    It will take longer but I'm doing it .

    Bless your heart!
  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    nantta82 wrote: »
    Hello, i don't have a
    my thyroid anymore because last year i found out i have thyroid cancer.
    I had 2 surgery and radiation and still fighting.
    My metabolism is very very low so this means i must work harder to lose weight.
    It will take longer but I'm doing it .

    hope the continued treatment goes well x

  • AmyH2323
    AmyH2323 Posts: 46 Member
    I have hashimoto disease. I started dieting in November. I am down 54 pounds. I keep my calories around 1400 and my carbs I like to keep at 30 or 40. I have also been taking truvision weight and energy. I really helps me a lot.