Anybody in the PG County/DC area? Need a gym partner?

I've had a membership to the local Bally's (Now L.A. Fitness) for over a year but I rarely go.
I find it extremely difficult to find the motivation to go by myself or when I DO go by myself I find it hard to push or do an intense workout. In the past, I've really enjoyed having a gym buddy but she's moved away and now I feel kind of lost.
I need a support system!
Is there anyone local who is looking for a gym buddy? I'd prefer a female but a dude would be okay too.


  • N2MEC3
    N2MEC3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I am in the PG County area. I don't belong to LA Fitness, but am a Gold's Gym member. I am looking for a workout buddy who is serious about getting and staying healthy. I love to walk and am trying to get my running back after a year of not running consistently (LOL! :# ). If you are still looking for a buddy, I'd like to hear from you.