Super Shred by Dr. Ian Smith - any thoughts?

I am considering starting this - I have already read the book and sounds like it would be best way for me to get ready for my cruise in 6 weeks. Just curious if anyone has successfully completed it and how it worked for them :)Thanks for any input!


  • janiegross
    janiegross Posts: 25 Member
    I am on week 4 day 1 of super shred. I lost 6 pounds week one and 6 pounds week 2 and almost 2 pounds week 3. It is working really well for me. After the first week I could wear clothes that were to tight. I've lost several inches but haven't officially measured myself. I think you should give it a try.
  • Hi, I'm thinking of starting it too. Feel free to friend me if you decide to do it and we can help each other with tips, results, etc.
  • dpandori
    dpandori Posts: 19 Member
    I'm reading about this as well. I wish I'd discovered it in January. :-) It seems like it is a great way to boost self esteem and just get things rolling. Good luck and Janie Gross, great job!
  • dpandori
    dpandori Posts: 19 Member
    I am on week 4 day 1 of super shred. I lost 6 pounds week one and 6 pounds week 2 and almost 2 pounds week 3. It is working really well for me. After the first week I could wear clothes that were to tight. I've lost several inches but haven't officially measured myself. I think you should give it a try.

    How hungry have you been while doing this? Any tips, hints, tricks to making sure that someone doesn't give up b/c they're hungry?
  • chickenz
    chickenz Posts: 101 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 2 of original shred, which isn't meant to lose weight as quickly as super shred. Still I am happy with the results but it is a challenging plan as far as eating so often but the foods themselves are simple and most easy to prepare ahead of time in bulk. I haven't looked at super shred but I imagine it is shred squared.
  • I did many cycles of normal Shred and two cycles of Super Shred and have lost around 50 pounds total from it. The programs are fairly easy but it is recommended that you start with normal Shred. Check out our facebook groups, ShredderNation and SuperShredders and there is a lot of support and ideas and advice! Shred is the best thing ever!! Best of luck if any of you choose to do it!! :)
  • janiegross
    janiegross Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't been any hungrier that I am on any other diet really. Week one and two were fairly easy, seems like I was eating all the time. Week three and four have been harder. To keep the hunger at bay as best I can, I choose snacks that have protein instead of just having empty calories. I think a male gets to eat 15% more calories a day than a female from what I've seen on the facebook boards. It's never to late to start. You can send me a friend request if you want to see what I've been eating. I think I started logging on week 2 day 2. I will probably be starting a cycle of regular shred on Monday. Good luck to you.
  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    i just got the book today and was thinking of starting the super shred and then if it worked well do the regular shred for six weeks. I'd love to have people to start with!!!
  • On Week 1 Day 1 today. It hasn't really bothered me because I generally don't eat until evening. However, eating on a time schedule makes me feel like i am always eating and I can tell you that by the time I feel like I am gonna starve it is time to eat! Loving it so far!
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    I am on Week 1 Day 1, so I can't vouch for results, but I have planned and pre-recorded all of my food for the week and it looks nutritionally sound. Lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, and low sodium. I will only exceed my daily allotment of sodium one day (I plugged in canned soup, but I might just make one of the recipes in the book today instead). There are two days I am way low on fiber, though, I noticed. I might get some fiber chews to get me through those days.

    Anyway, I welcome friend requests from anyone doing the Super Shred. Would love to commiserate with you!
  • zagbee
    zagbee Posts: 40 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 1 of the original shred right now and have lost roughly 5 lbs so far. I love it and I rarely feel hungry. There is a lot of planning and prep work that goes into it, but I think it is totally worth the time spent planning. My husband is doing it as well and he has probably lost 10 lbs in just the first 2 weeks. I'm excited to keep up with it and I really love the idea behind it.
  • aimsz
    aimsz Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on week 1 day 5 and it's funny that the hardest part is actually eating all of the meals! I think week one is difficult because it's meal, snack 1, snack 2, meal 2....and it makes it hard during busy mornings to have time to eat like that. But the good part is that I'm not as hungry as I have been on other diets.

    I plan on going on the regular Shred diet after this 4 week cycle is over and rotating them for long term weight loss.
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    I am on Week 1 Day 1, so I can't vouch for results, but I have planned and pre-recorded all of my food for the week and it looks nutritionally sound. Lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, and low sodium. I will only exceed my daily allotment of sodium one day (I plugged in canned soup, but I might just make one of the recipes in the book today instead). There are two days I am way low on fiber, though, I noticed. I might get some fiber chews to get me through those days.

    Anyway, I welcome friend requests from anyone doing the Super Shred. Would love to commiserate with you!

    I didn't last on this. Thought it was too hard. I was feeling lightheaded and "hangry." :)
  • Hi. I'm on super shred. I just finished week three and lost zero pounds. Up till now, I lost 8 lbs. I don't understand what happened thisweek. This was supposed to be the week of major results, per the book. Help?
  • msbgood
    msbgood Posts: 1 Member
    Starting Super Shred is anyone doing it currently?
  • tennischic74
    tennischic74 Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello...I just recently started Shred (week 3 of 6 - day 2). To anyone who completed the 6 week cycle, were you pleased with the end results....and have you maintained your weight loss? Also, how would you handle workouts? I'm finding that meal #3 (3:30 p.m.) doesn't provide enough energy for my 6:30 p.m. workout (90 minute tennis bootcamp class). What could I eat prior to the workout that won't mess up the plan? So far, I'm pleasantly surprised that this plan doesn't involve you starving, which is good because I do like to eat. :) I'm not big on smoothies, so this week will probably be a test for me. Other than that, I have learned a lot and hope that this will be a lifestyle change that helps me to make smarter choices, with a few indulgences here and there.
    ***I just came back to edit this post. I didn't realize the thread is for Super Shred (I'm doing the regular program but would still appreciate feedback). Thanks!