Activity Levels and Exercise logging...HELP!!!

sd892310 Posts: 151
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all :smile:

This is something i can't quite seem to get right with MFP and so a lil bit of advice is needed here.....

I work Mon - Fri in an office, i drive to work 30 mins each way, i go for a 20 - 45 min walk at lunch time at work and i am up and down in the office quite a bit. I have a 3 year old daughter who i get up and ready and to nursery each morning and then pick up each night, i get home and i tidy the house, cook the dinner, wash up, look after/play with daughter, bath her, put to bed, finish any tidying, do 15-25mins light exercising (crunches etc) and bath then chill. At weekends i visit family, do a big clean of the house, shop, perform mummy duties etc and still do my 15-25mins exercising a day. Once a week i also attend a body combat class.

My question is what should my activity level be set at on MFP and what should/shouldn't i be logging as exercises.

All help is appreciated


  • Joanne4494
    Joanne4494 Posts: 26 Member
    Haha that sounds exactly like my life, hopefully I can make use of the responses you get. x
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I would say set your activity level to sedentary.

    Is your lunchtime walk at a brisk pace? If so, then log it plus any exercises you do.

    I can't see you burning a great deal more calories from just moving the office and doing normal household chores. For example, when I'm at work (I have a desk job) I burn 1.3 calories per minute (78 cals per hour) - this is taken from my Ki Fit/Bodymedia Fit log.
    But on the days I'm at home cleaning, etc. I burn 2 calories per minute - only 0.7 per minute more (120 calories)

    This way, if you stick to the NET calories allocated to you on MFP (eat back exercise calories) - you may have a slightly larger calorie deficit on the days you are little more busy in your daily life.

    IMO, it's better to underestimate than over estimate....

  • sheets03
    sheets03 Posts: 18
    Sounds like "light" activity. Especially, if you are consistent with the walking, crunches, and body combat class. If you aren't.... sedentary.
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