Suggestion for a group (39 years old, mother of two boys)

I am 39 years old. I am a mother of two boys, 5 and 9. I just had a Hysterectomy and have been working really hard on my food and logging. I just started walking a little as my doctor allows. I will be back to my self in a couple of weeks.

I really need suggestion for a group to join. I also need some motivation. I would really like to be under 200 lbs. My current weight is 233. This is my heaviest weight.



  • mama2redhead
    mama2redhead Posts: 132 Member
    I am not sire what group...but I would love to be friends!. I am 37 and just had my second child. I was not yet to my goal when I got pregnant, so I have at least 30# to lose total.
  • abbyabigail
    abbyabigail Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I am 35 years old and mother of three, ages 4, 2, and 1. I would like to get a hysterectomy due to some medical issues but I have to lose weight. I weight 280 currently. I would love to join you ladies in our quest to a healthier lifestyle. I am in need of some motivation too and would like to cheer others on.

  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    Thank you ladies! I am super excited. I think we can do this together!
  • I'm 38, 6 and 9 year old kids. I had a hysterectomy about 3-4 years ago.
    I'm 50lb heavier than pre kids and feeling like I can't stick to anything. Determined to drop the weight, just need a support group, something to hold me accountable!
  • al_bro84
    al_bro84 Posts: 7
    I agree that support groups are vital! I have lost 35lbs since November and the number 1 thing that helped is my support/accountability group. Granted I have not had any kids because I am a guy lol. I have a toddler that keeps me on my toes. The support group I am in is on Facebook and there are about 40 or so of us all trying to be healthy and fit. If you want to join us, let me know and add me as a buddy!
  • I am 46 mother of 2, 26 and 21. I have lost and gained the same 20-25 lbs for 20 years!! It's so hard. It just took me a month to lose 1 lb. help!
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    I am in the exact same boat. Mother of 2 girls, 34 years old, and recently had a hysterectomy. I weigh 229 right now and my first goal is to be under 200 (onderland). I am down 27 pounds over the last year or so, but making a BIG push right now to be under 200.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 40, have 3 kids including 2 boys (11 & 7), was 224 when I started this journey a year ago, 52 lbs gone, 30ish more to go.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I should also have added, I've had 3 surgeries the past 8 months, so I know where you are coming from recovery wise
  • nikkisl37
    nikkisl37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ladies i have just started using this app for the second time. I am 39 years old and want to lose weight. I am 277 pounds and this is my heaviest and want to get under 200 as well. I really do need the motivation and just need some ideas of weight loss. I work in a providers office and i am starting a low carb lifestyle and needs some.motivation and help. I would love to befriend you all replying because you may have some motivation tips that can help me.
  • nikkisl37
    nikkisl37 Posts: 3 Member
    I should also add i am married with theee kids 15,11,and 5 years old. The oldest is a girl the last two are boys.
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    We have very familiar stories. I was thinking about starting a group. What do you think?
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    I started a group, strive for progress, not perfection
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    I am in
  • shickey08
    shickey08 Posts: 1 Member
    Susie.... Add me :))))) I can't find your group!!!!
  • Emartz2
    Emartz2 Posts: 108 Member
    I would love to join your group!

    I'm 38 and mom to three boys (14, 8 and 4). Depression runs deep in my family, and given that I'm very overweight (at 260)...depression hits me often.

    I have started exercising and have found endorphins amazing!!!

    But I need more support!!
  • RunsAround
    RunsAround Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2015
    Did you all end up keeping up with your group? I tried to find it because I'd love to join!! More power to young 20-somethings looking to get their bikini bods back. I remember that time well. But I'm just at a different stage in life right now. I'm 33 with a birthday this summer, have three kids ages 6 and under, and want to get back to a weight and shape that I feel comfortable in.

    I FLAT OUT spend another summer feeling ashamed and embarrassed in my swimsuit. I want to go to the pool with my kids and feel comfortable to sit by the side of the pool, to walk from one part to another without a towel, and to play with them.

    I'm 25 pounds overweight. 35 pounds would put me in dream weight territory. Even just 10 pounds down by summer would leave me feeling and looking better at the pool.
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    I did start my own group. It is called Strive for progress not perfection. Great group of ladies.

    Easy way to find it is to copy and paste this hyperlink.

    I invite the three of you. Please join and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • smartchix
    smartchix Posts: 6 Member
    Please add me as a friend everyone. 39 mom of two daughters, 13 and 19. Currently 206, but slow and steady wins the race right? :)