Putting ON weight! Not over-weight, but want to lose weight.


This is the first time I've actually posted on here. For the last few weeks i've enjoyed reading other people's post and comments...how the tables have turned!

I really need to some help or advice. To start, i'm not on a "diet". I'm changing my life-style choices; however, the aim is to ultimately lose weight and tone up.

So starting weight: 9st 3lbs (130lbs)
Third day: 9st 1.4 lbs (yay!)
1 week: 9st 5lbs...
stayed at 9st 5 for another whole week,
2 weeks: 9st 6lbs

Arggh! What's happening! My calorie allowance is 1,200. Exercise as follows:

Monday: 45mins Boxercise, 45mins of Spin.
Tuesday: 45mins Legs Bums and Tums, 45mins of Body Combat
Wednesday: 45mins of Spin
Thursday: day off
Friday: 30 mins on treadmill (or another day off whoops)
Saturday: 1 hour advance Spin

I eat my exercise calories as advised on the boards. I sometimes go over, def at weekends, rarely in the week.

How many times can I seriously say that it's muscle gain!!

Any comments would be useful. Thank you all muchly. Laura xx


  • lauracanham
    Sorry - should have said that my main question is - why am I putting on weight???
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Are you eating to enough?



    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Also this might be helpful http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/00trayn/view/how-to-bust-a-3-month-plateau-87677

    Good luck on your journey
  • lauracanham
    Yes thank you, I read your post only yesterday on somebody else's post! - v.helpful, but i'm def eating enough.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    maybe your going over too much on the weekends? We can't really tell since we can't see your food diary.
  • whateverdamnit
    I don't know about everyone else, but I know that I definitely either just maintain, or gain, weight whenever I "eat back my exercise calories." And to eat them back kind of defeats the whole purpose of working out. I've heard heaps of times that if you want to LOSE weight, don't eat back what you've burned!
  • GameOn2011
    GameOn2011 Posts: 73 Member
    I am in a similar boat. I only want to loose 10 pounds and it is 10 times harder to loose when you are so close to your goal weight. I always seem to be reaching plateau's myself or gaining 1 pound and I KNOW it is because I was splurging too much on the weekends.

    Take this upcoming weekend and watch EVERYTHING you eat and drink and continue to do so throughout the week (I know you already watch throughout the week). Once I did that, I lost the few pounds I gained and found myself back on track. Even the 0.6 pounds I lost last week is a victory! My weekends were real eye openers!

    I do not know if this is the case for you but I totally understand what you are saying and it is frustrating. Sometimes I wonder if I am really burning the high amount of calories from exercise that this site calculates or the fitness equipment tells me (I don't think I am). I know the longer you continue to perform the same cardio exercise, your body becomes more efficient and burns LESS calories. That could be another variable in the caloric intake equations. Try another form of cardio if you are too comfortable with spinning.

    Good luck!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    maybe you need to mix your exercise up a bit your body gets used to exercise maybe one week do spin and other week boxercise etc and then do a combined week and then seperate it again. I love to Spin and it's a fab workout-keep it up! maybe just do one class a day, i think maybe you are working too hard, i used to do double spin on a monday and after a while my body got used to it so i do normal gym (running machine or cross trainer) then i do my 45 min spin.

    Although i haven't been to the gym for about 3 weeks due to work lol hopefully my body will be given a bog shock 1.5weeks when work cools down!

    Good luck and keep it up!! x
  • lauracanham
    Thanks guys! I think that I'm going to lay-off the sugar and fats over the weekend! See how I get on -- although if i can't have my "sod-it Sunday", my life will be v.depressing!! ha!

    I understand what you say re the Spin, I love it too. How is it so difficult to lose a few pounds, it seems the harder I try, the more dissapointing the results are.x
  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    It sounds to me like you may be gaining muscle, since it weighs more than fat. Maybe check out bmi websites that tell you your lean muscle mass like http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/diet.html

    I use this website all of the time!