I've just started counting macros, would love to follow other girls doing the same for inspiration and motivation. I am currently aiming for 1800 cals, 230C 104P and 52F, wanting to loose fat until I switch over to lean mass. I have been following a low carb diet so will be easing into the high carbs week by week, has anyone else done this? :)


  • jaysiekemso
    jaysiekemso Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there :) 5 months ago I bought a diet plan online.. Dropped a lot of weight in 3 months. I just started IIFYM 2 months ago. I tried a high protein diet for about a month, didn't really see results. I'm now on a high carb diet.. Only just started a week ago so Idk how it's going yet. Just trying different things to see what works best for me atm. I'm toned and have gone slim but still have a little bit of stubborn fat to lose. I'm 5"4, 127lbs :) add me if you like
  • thespringbuck
    thespringbuck Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there :) 5 months ago I bought a diet plan online.. Dropped a lot of weight in 3 months. I just started IIFYM 2 months ago. I tried a high protein diet for about a month, didn't really see results. I'm now on a high carb diet.. Only just started a week ago so Idk how it's going yet. Just trying different things to see what works best for me atm. I'm toned and have gone slim but still have a little bit of stubborn fat to lose. I'm 5"4, 127lbs :) add me if you like

    I'd say check your IIFYM TDEE calculation again, apply the 15% deficit and look at possibly bumping your cals up for a week, review and adjust again if required until u find the range that works for you. It's what I had to do for my wife and her best calorie intake for results was actually around 10% deficit, she has dropped good body fat and is in the best shape ever, abs coming through very nicely.

    The lower your body fat gets. The harder it becomes... For me I had to eat at regular 2.5 hrs to 3 hour intervals with a strict 40/40/20 macro nutrient split to get down to 8% body fat, but for me it wasn't sustainable, I prefer being more flexible and enjoying food now and just playing squash, fits it well with work and family commitments with 2 little kids.
  • shadiyac21
    shadiyac21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there :) 5 months ago I bought a diet plan online.. Dropped a lot of weight in 3 months. I just started IIFYM 2 months ago. I tried a high protein diet for about a month, didn't really see results. I'm now on a high carb diet.. Only just started a week ago so Idk how it's going yet. Just trying different things to see what works best for me atm. I'm toned and have gone slim but still have a little bit of stubborn fat to lose. I'm 5"4, 127lbs :) add me if you like

    My situation is quite different from yours, I've lost 40kg and still have another 15 to go, but my ultimate goal is to be lean, therefore I'm starting with fat loss, I'm at 33% body fat, 187 pounds 5ft4
  • gwayby
    gwayby Posts: 42 Member
    Send me a friend request :) I'm switching over to IIFYM/maintenance now that I'm about 3 lbs from my goal weight. I've been packing as much protein into my days as possible, and eating at 1700 cals. Is your diary open? Would be cool to get some ideas on how to get more protein!
  • shadiyac21
    shadiyac21 Posts: 7 Member
    gwayby wrote: »
    Send me a friend request :) I'm switching over to IIFYM/maintenance now that I'm about 3 lbs from my goal weight. I've been packing as much protein into my days as possible, and eating at 1700 cals. Is your diary open? Would be cool to get some ideas on how to get more protein!

  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    You may want to check your numbers. Looking at your weight and height your protein and fat seems low and your carbs seem high. Try .8g per pound for protein and .35g per pound for fat. Then the rest is carbs. :)
  • shadiyac21
    shadiyac21 Posts: 7 Member
    I thought that but I used to iifym.com calculator and punched in the correct data, I'm going for fat loss not lean mass
  • Mapes84
    Mapes84 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there :) 5 months ago I bought a diet plan online.. Dropped a lot of weight in 3 months. I just started IIFYM 2 months ago. I tried a high protein diet for about a month, didn't really see results. I'm now on a high carb diet.. Only just started a week ago so Idk how it's going yet. Just trying different things to see what works best for me atm. I'm toned and have gone slim but still have a little bit of stubborn fat to lose. I'm 5"4, 127lbs :) add me if you like

    You sound just like me! High protein made me miserable and cranky, and I didn't lose a dang ounce in a two month span. Just added back some carbs last week, and instantly dropped three lb. The body is a weird, mysterious thing.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 434 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting IIFYM, and my macros are pretty similar to yours, 5'9, 166 lbs, 250C, 100 P, 66 F 1970 Cal. the calorie calculation was from a different TDEE calculator, I've been eating at maintenance for my goal weight for a while now, and don't eat back exercise cals. But just calculated my macros today! Sending you an add.
  • vanessafinalbattle
    vanessafinalbattle Posts: 16 Member
    I tried IIFYM, with protein at 1grm per LB, minimum of .35 grm fat per Lb and the rest what I want with a goal of carbs under 100 grms. I didn't really see results.

    I recently switched to higher fat, lower carb and it has been working very well. Presently I aim for 130 grms protein, 60-70 fat and carbs < 50 grms. I am 5'8" and at my biggest was 250 Lb, I am now 153 LB.

    I haven't really felt any change in energy, in fact I feel way better and my strength is still improving.

    I eat around 1500 cal, and do not eat back my calories. For your size I think 1900 calories is too much for you to notice any change in weight. Make sure your accurate with your calories. I started weighing my food, so I know exactly what I am eating. It has helped tremendously!

    Keep trying no matter what! That's the only thing I have learned in my journey. Losing weight especially the last little bit after a large weight loss takes time, calorie control and strength training.
  • Kali_Leptos
    Kali_Leptos Posts: 3 Member
    I've been following my macros for a while now and I love it! I'm never hungry or craving.
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    edited March 2015
    I tried this but found myself STARVING! can anyone suggest what I did wrong? 5'4", 141lbs, work out 5 times a week. To lose fat it had me around 1650 calories with 177 carbs, 56 fat, 112 protein. That also did not calculate to the right amount of calories. I thought I was going to die. I need lots of food apparently.....I want to get around 130.
  • Kali_Leptos
    Kali_Leptos Posts: 3 Member
    stang41992 wrote: »
    I tried this but found myself STARVING! can anyone suggest what I did wrong? 5'4", 141lbs, work out 5 times a week. To lose fat it had me around 1650 calories with 177 carbs, 56 fat, 112 protein. That also did not calculate to the right amount of calories. I thought I was going to die. I need lots of food apparently.....I want to get around 130.

    Sounds like your calories/fat were too low. You are taller and more active than me and only consuming 310 more calories than I do. Did you choose the aggressive weight loss option on the calculator?
  • zzaped
    zzaped Posts: 17 Member
    Ive been doing IIFYM on and off for a few months. I had a coach do my macros for me.

    CW: 88kg
    GW: 65kg

    1800 cals / 152 P / 158 C / 66 F

    I lift 5 x week
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi there, anyone on this board can feel free to send me a request. I follow a loose IIFYM approach. I'm mostly concerned about my calorie intake which is between 1800-2200 most days, and try to take in a good amount of protein. I'm also lifting 6 days a week for an hour each day. I'm definitely seeing results and feeling amazing! I'd love to have friends with similar goals. Btw I'm 5'2", 162 lbs, looking to get down into the 120s.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I aim for 2000 calories, at least 100g of protien and 50g of fat. I fill in the rest with whatever I'd like.

    It should be 0.8g to 1g of protein per pound of lean mass. So for me at 160lbs and about 25% body fat, that's a minimum of 96g protein.