Not losing after big Calorie burn

Genie30 Posts: 316 Member

I've been working on my running since Christmas and can now manage to run a 10k which is great, exceot that my weight loss seems to stall afterwards. Becase I'm a big girl, I can clock up 1500 cal burn plus (measured with HRM) on a long run and i wondered if it's something to do with the amount of calories burned thats causing the problem?

Has anyone else exerienced this? Any tips for getting past it?




  • chrisallcock
    chrisallcock Posts: 173
    try changing your exercise routine...i was told never to let your body get use to the same exercise, try interval training
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    our bodies are very good at adapting to what we do to it.

    the more you run the more endurance and tolerance your body will have for it. meaning you'll become very efficient at it.

    if you are trying to lose weight, try taking a few weeks break from running...or try doing something swimming or lift weights. you HAVE to change it up every few months, or your body will adapt and your metabolism will even out.
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    try changing your exercise routine...i was told never to let your body get use to the same exercise, try interval training

    What he said! My weight loss stalled at about 40lb lost while I was only running... I now do a distance run once a week, high intensity interval training (it only takes 20 minutes!) twice a week, and one day of a randomly selected cardio class. After a week of shaking up the routine my weight started plummeting again.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys. I do cycle and do the 30 Day shred routine as well so at the moment, I'm probably running once a week. I will have a look and see what else I can work in instead.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    you could try taking a bit of a break, I was exercising regularly and seem to hit a wall with the weight loss which was really frustrating, then I injured my foot and couldn't exercise for 2 weeks, got back into it again last week and it seems to have kick started my weight loss again!

    how many calories are you consuming on days you burn 1500 cals? because some people say if you have too low a net calorie intake, your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to fat reserves.

    Also, it could be muscle gain that's leveling out the weight lost in fat!
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Is it staling just for the few days after the run or stalling full stop.

    If the general trend is down I would not worry.

    If it is only for a day or two your body could be holding water after the run.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks guys. It is for a few days so it could be water.
  • dan76n
    dan76n Posts: 23
    1500 calories for 10km seems too much.
    I have pasted an abstract below which has a formula you can use to work out calories a little better.

    What's the Burn? A Calorie Calculator
    You can use the formulas below to determine your calorie-burn while running and walking. The "Net Calorie Burn" measures calories burned, minus basal metabolism. Scientists consider this the best way to evaluate the actual calorie-burn of any exercise. The walking formulas apply to speeds of 3 to 4 mph. At 5 mph and faster, walking burns more calories than running.

    Your Total Calorie Burn/Mile

    0.75 x your weight (in lbs.)
    0.53 x your weight

    Your Net Calorie Burn/Mile

    Running:0.63 x your weight
    Walking: 0.30 x your weight

    Adapted from "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, Cameron et al, Dec. 2004.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks, if I understand this correctly, thats 158 per mile so that works out as 948 for 6 miles.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    1500 calories for 10km seems too much.
    I have pasted an abstract below which has a formula you can use to work out calories a little better.

    What's the Burn? A Calorie Calculator
    You can use the formulas below to determine your calorie-burn while running and walking. The "Net Calorie Burn" measures calories burned, minus basal metabolism. Scientists consider this the best way to evaluate the actual calorie-burn of any exercise. The walking formulas apply to speeds of 3 to 4 mph. At 5 mph and faster, walking burns more calories than running.

    Your Total Calorie Burn/Mile

    0.75 x your weight (in lbs.)
    0.53 x your weight

    Your Net Calorie Burn/Mile

    Running:0.63 x your weight
    Walking: 0.30 x your weight

    Adapted from "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, Cameron et al, Dec. 2004.

    yep that seems to work out spot on for me!