
I think im at a plateau. Im still at the same weight again.
I cute back my workout to running 3 days a week. Instead if 5 days a week.


  • annameeks00
    annameeks00 Posts: 46
    I did this for about 2 weeks and I was working out super hard.. like 2300 calories a day and loosing nothing :( My workout was walking uphill on the treadmill for 17 mins 8 times a day (HUGE calorie burn) and that was all i did besides weight training.. well just a week ago I switched it up to 4, 17 min uphill walks / 2, 17 min 5mph jogs on the treadmill / 17 min on the stairmaster and 17 mins on the eliptical and I have lost 5 pounds this week.

    I guess sometimes our bodies just want a little change! lol I was super happy to see the scale start going back down!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Have you made any changes in your food?
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    Why would you cut you workout if you stopped losing weight...?
  • hmkeith
    hmkeith Posts: 9
    I know it's frustrating. I tend to plateau a lot (around every 7-10lbs) and I work out reasonably hard both running and weight training. For me, I have to make sure I am getting wnough calories to keep my body out fo starvation mode. I am currently eating about 1600 calories a day a little more on days that I work out hard since burning 600+ calories at my workouts puts me below the 1200 calorie a day minimum.

    Otherwise, switch your workout method: bike instead of run. swim. get a new workout video. RUn a different route under different conditions or time of day etc. Just change it up completely and push extra hard! I would work out 5-6 days a week but make sure you are eating 1200 NET calories a day or you will be in starvation mode!!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Ijust started running..i stopped working out so much, because i had a death in the family, i have to finish my room so my daughter can move back home.