New here, lost 108lbs since last March!

Hi, my name is Connor and I've been using this app for almost a year now to help me lose weight since March of last year until I finally reach a healthy weight to maintain.
I actually didn't know the app had a community side to it, so I guess I'm here to check things out and say hey!

So... Hey! Pleased to make your acquaintance :)


  • Nice the meet you too! Congrats on the amazing weightloss thus far! How much further are you wanting to go? I've lost 82 pounds and have about 83 to go to reach my weightloss goal.
  • jwsfzr600
    jwsfzr600 Posts: 61 Member
    Congratulations on your weight-loss. And welcome to the community side of this app I just started using the community side as well. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Thank you, both of you! :)

    I'm planning at landing somewhere below 200, then seeing how low I can get before I maintain. Having started at 425, I can't wait to get into the 200s (almost there!!), and at this point I'm no longer thinking of it as a diet. I've changed my lifestyle and habits completely and it is changing my life :smiley:
  • clausone
    clausone Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Connor,
    New to both sides of the app! Started using at the end of January and in a month lost 18 pounds! For someone who battled weight long and hard I agree with you that this is not a diet but rather a life style change! Can't wait for the warmer weather so I can consistently start walking to help things along! Congrats on your progress! Hope in a years time I'm able to share the same type of success!