I need help staying motivated

I have been trying to count calories for almost a year now and I haven't lost weight. Well, I have, but it came right back due to my apparent inability to keep on a diet. I might go a week or more doing great, keeping my calories down, but then it's weeks of not counting and going overboard. Help my from myself, please... I'm at a loss here...


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can talk about it, maybe I can help! :)
  • amyadams68
    I find I can do much better with someone to "keep me honest". My husband and I are both on a weight loss journey. We have our ups and downs but mostly do well when we are both doing it together. We use a "do it yourself" weight watchers system. I found information on how to figure out the point system. When we get home from the grocery store, we mark everything with a sharpie as to how many points everything is. We have much better results from the "old" ww point system than the ww pointsplus. We use MFP to figure out points on stuff we don't have nutritional info on. I have a bunch of my own recipes entered in so I can just bring up the information and figure out the points per serving. Periodically (maybe once a month), we have a "free day" where we don't keep track of anything. We use these days for family parties, eating out etc. This way we don't feel like we are depriving ourselves. We have both been losing weight slowly but consistently. We had some plumbing issues for the last couple of weeks (frozen water and sewage pipes) so we have been eating out a lot and not really keeping track. Plumbing issues are fixed now and when I stepped on the scale this morning expecting to have gained some weight, I had actually lost a pound during that 2 week period. I think the trick is finding something that works for you, and having someone to help you along the path. I also find that the first 2 weeks of "starting over" are the hardest. I have to force myself to be "good" and realize that I am going to be "hungry all the time" during that time. Once I get past that time frame, it is much easier and I don't feel as hungry all the time. I have also found a "workout" program that is relatively simple to do (but still makes me sweat) and am trying to be more consistent in doing it every day. It is free on Youtube. Go to Fitness Blender. They have tons of free videos to watch/do at just about every level/ability you could ask for. I do the "Low-impact Cardio for beginners". I by no means consider myself an expert in any of this. I am still very much a beginner. I have lost 10 pounds so far and have about 60 more to go, but I am trying hard to get healthier. I hope you find something in my ramblings that will help you. Good luck!
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    Been there. I'm new too, but this time is different. I'm not on a diet anymore. I'm just fed up, pun intended, with eating unhealthy foods and being fat. Try at first focusing on making a calorie deficit, then ease into healthier foods and maintaining the deficit in calories. Next try eliminating some of your empty high calorie foods like chips. This should help you gradually overhaul your food choices so you aren't experiencing that feeling of being on a diet and the disappointment with failure if you eat something that isn't good for you. Good luck
  • koobra87
    One problem I have is if I news up a day, it ribs at least a week... I really don't know why
  • amyadams68
    One thing I do that helps me is I divide my daily points (I do the old WW points) by 10. That is my "base" Then I divide my day into 6 "meals". Breakfast = 2, Snack 1 = 1, Lunch = 2, Snack 2 = 1, Dinner = 3, Snack 3 = 1. For example, if I get 30 points a day, my "base" is 3. B=6, S1=3, L=6, S2=3, D=9, S3= 3. This keeps my individual "meals" separate and I can plan out my day. If I have extra points/calories for lunch, I take it off of one of my snacks or dinner. You could use the same idea for just calories if you want. if you are having 1200 calories a day, your "base" would be 120. B=240, S1=120, L=240, S2=120, D=360, S3=120. It helps me to have much smaller goals/limits. If I see 30 as my goal/limit for the day, and not plan it out, I will have all 30 eaten by lunchtime. I keep telling myself it is all about choices. For a snack - I see a chocolate chip cookie that looks really good. I could have that, but I could choose a huge bowl of air popped popcorn instead. Most times I will choose the "smarter" choice, but I also allow myself the cookie once in a while.
  • bring444
    bring444 Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe you should focus more on the types of foods you're eating. I've never done well on low calorie diets. My body freaks out and I think my metabolism slows down. I usually do much better when I eat less carbohydrates, more veggies, meat and eggs. And add in some high intensity and strength training workouts to build muscle, which burns more fat!
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    Logging your door no matter how much you eat does make a difference but you have to review the data identify your triggers and try to make small changes. I'm no expert but I have found that if I can fight off a craving for 10 minutes or so it normally passes. I also try to drink a glass of water before reaching for a snack and find often times I am thirsty not hungry. It's certainly a journey and some days will be better than others but this is a lifestyle change. Just because you eat a few extra calories one day don't make it an excuse to continue the habit. Stop and rewind you can do it!!
  • ElisaBeth1996
    ElisaBeth1996 Posts: 13 Member
    I also need help staying motivated. I find myself in the same situation.