Could I Be Gluten Sensitive?

Pretty much since the beginning of high school (I am almost 21 now), I have struggled with daily fatigue, no matter how many or how little hours I get. Even if I get the healthy balance of 8 hours, I still find myself tired, and having headaches. Not to mention, I have a tendency to get constipated at times. I've always had some bumps (keratosis pilars) and a little acne on my skin. I often feel bloated and have a gut, but that is a common symptom of being overweight, which I am, so that doesn't really count. Sure, anyone can have any of these symptoms, but given that my dad is completely gluten intolerant and has to take a pill whenever consuming gluten products, I am wondering if I could be gluten sensitive?

I guess the one sure way to know test this theory is by going gluten free for a few weeks, but for anyone who is gluten sensitive or has heard of others that are, do you think it is worth trying to go gluten free for a few weeks? Sorry to ask that without trying, but I really don't want to get my hopes up.

Also, how long does it usually take to see benefits from going off of it, if one is indeed gluten sensitive?



  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm a pharmacist, & I've never heard of a medication (yet) that can block gluten absorption -- it's not like lactose intolerance. Your symptoms are consistent with gluten intolerance or actual celiac disease. There does appear to be a genetic component to celiac disease, so if your dad has it, you may as well.
    Unfortunately, if you have actual celiac disease, going gluten free BEFORE seeing the doctor & having the blood test done is a bad idea. There has to be gluten in your system for the test to be accurate.
    If you can't see a doctor, how long it takes you to feel better depends on how long you have been ingesting gluten since the disease might have triggered. My daughter starting not feeling well the day after her 15th birthday, & was diagnosed with celiac 3 months later, mainly because I was very aggressive with her doctors about testing her. She took about 3-4 months to feel better, but the time frame between symptoms & diagnosis was short, so she didn't have much in her system to clear after the celiac was triggered, & her intestine healed very quickly. on the flip side, the longer she is gluten free, the less gluten it takes to trigger another attack, so if you go gluten free, you must be very vigilant in avoiding it.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    You need to hit up the doctor and get blood work done. Don't just guess around with your health.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You are lucky in a way. You have the knowledge of your father's diagnosis. Keep eating wheat and go to a doctor for your own diagnosis.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    As others have already stated, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor before you cut gluten out of your diet.
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    I am not intolerant to gluten however I feel so good without it!!! Energetic, I sleep better and no bloat/gas. I don't think you need the doctors confirmation, if you don't eat it, you'll feel different within a couple of weeks. I also would advise not to eat gluten-free packaged foods, these are highly processed.
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    Dairy sensitivities run in my family, not lactose intolerance. Anyways, it has such a range of symptoms that everyone can present differently. For instance my son had tummy aches, and runny stools. My mom would get so bad she would throw up and then she couldn't stop without going to DR for strong shots of meds. When I finally convinced her to try giving up dairy she felt so much better within days. However, when she's had allergy testing it never shows up bc it's not a true allergy, but a sensitivity. My point being, get the blood work done and then try an elimination diet, not just for wheat. If you google it, you'll get plenty of info. Basically cut your diet down to nothing and then slowly add foods back in, journaling how you feel, symptoms can appear hours to days afterwards. That's why it's recommended to wait several before adding something back into your diet. Good luck and hope you find relief