I'm having a tricky few days

This week i have been so tired for lots of reasons and for some reason thats played with my food choices. I have really struggled to stay awake, let alone do anything else and i have well and truly leapt off the wagon.

Does anyone else have an experience of this, any words of wisdom, advice, kick up the backside appreciated.

(PS: feel free to add me, losing weight is such a lonely business!)


  • newmemaw
    newmemaw Posts: 1
    Don't beat yourself up. Don't kick yourself. Just start fresh today. Today is a new day...make it a healthy one! Remember why you are doing this. That should help motivate you. Set a two week goal for yourself (a realistic one), and then treat yourself if you reach that goal. You can do it!!
  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    I was the same for the last couple of days, though today I am better. I am wondering if it's something I'm doing too. I've upped my exercise a bit (30 min walk each day) and had some juice today and feel a good bit better.

    How much exercise and how much sleep have you been getting?
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    everyone slips up at some point, the key is to not let the slip up take you down. You screwed up you know you did wrong now on ward and up ward start again and be mindful. If you are feeling tired look up healthy foods that boost energy. You can do this!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I am the same way when I get tired it's like my resolve goes out the window. Try this (I know it's corny - but just try it.....): Get some notecards and write on each one one reason you want to lose weight. Whenever you are tired and feel that resolve going (for me that means I want to just order a pizza and be done with it), review those cards first.
  • Kappyoc
    Kappyoc Posts: 39 Member
    Hey, we all have our "off" days. Its especially hard when you are tired and just want to grab something. That day is behind you and today is a new day. We all start off the same in the morning with the magic number of "zero" calories, so just make better choices today. :ohwell:
  • mercurybebe
    mercurybebe Posts: 32
    I've had a bad week too...started a new med that is making me feel famished ALL THE TIME and ugh, I am up 2.5lbs in a week :(

    It is so hard when you are exhausted and just need to grab anything, I struggle with that alot...especially after work when I am tired but my kids have a softball game and we have a 45 min window to have dinner and they eat but I dont and we get home late and so on and so forth. It never seems to end.

    I am trying to remind myself that today is the start of a new week and things can change, but it is very discouraging, as I am sure you know!

    All I can say is HANG IN THERE!!!!
  • Sam307
    Sam307 Posts: 10
    So you know you had some bad days...good for you! I think it's normal and we need to realize that we aren't going to be "on the wagon" at all times. But if you're feeling bad about it...you know you need to hop back on. I think the best way is to remember WHY you started doing something good for yourself in the first place then look at HOW FAR you've come since you started.

    You can do it...you just have to do it for you. None of us can cajole you to where you need to be if you don't want to be there so if you truly want to then you will. But by posting this thread I think you really want this for yourself so come on...you can do it.
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone I appreciate all that, onwards and upwards eh?

    Kel x