Why am I so tired?

Sewilban Posts: 43 Member
edited March 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hey, MFP community -

I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to the one that I'm having regarding fatigue. Over the last few months, I have felt my energy level dropping and do not know what could be the cause of it.

I'm 27; 5'6"; 121 pounds; 19.7 BMI; follow a fairly strict 90/10 Paleo lifestyle, consuming roughly 1300 calories everyday and making sure to take in plenty of protein, carbs, and healthy fats; run two-to-three miles four-to-five days per week and incorporate strength training two-to-three times per week; take in about 100 ounces of water every day; sleep 7-9 hours every night; am not a smoker; don't drink alcohol to excess; have one cup of regular and one cup of decaf coffee in the mornings, and usually a cup of green tea in the afternoon; and do not have any known thyroid- or anaemia-related problems. I recently had a blood screening test done, which showed normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Short of going to a doctor (which might be what I need to do), I'm at a loss. Any insight?


  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    Are you eating enough?
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    Try exercising every other day for a couple of weeks and see what effect that has. Your body needs to rebuild. Believe it or not, fitness increases from the body rebuilding during rest days.
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Weird question but -- do you snore?
  • Sewilban
    Sewilban Posts: 43 Member
    Weird question but -- do you snore?

    Not a weird question :) Someone else asked me that, too - thinking it could be related to sleep apnea; but nope, no snoring here.
  • Sewilban
    Sewilban Posts: 43 Member
    @lcooper327‌, I think that for my activity level, I'm eating enough. Might be something to look into, though.

    @Robertus‌, that's a good point, thanks!
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Pregnancy would be worth looking into, if you're at risk. It can make you feel totally worn out and exhausted on a daily basis. Otherwise, I would reconsider how much you're eating and make sure you're eating back exercise calories.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited March 2015
    Only 1300 calories with all that exercise? Or are you eating some or all of your exercise calories back?
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    The only things that occur to me are - more rest days needed, more food needed, possibly low vitamin d (I get super tired in the winter), not spending enough time in restful sleep stages (or not sleeping long enough). Do you work out close to bedtime? Sometimes that can hamper restful sleep as well. Good luck and do go see a doctor if it doesn't improve soon!
  • ZombieMom79
    ZombieMom79 Posts: 70 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    Also, I workout or run 4-5 days a week and eat 1600-1700 calories a day.
  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
    You can still have sleep apena even if you don't snore. Sleep apena will wipe you out
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sewilban wrote: »

    run two-to-three miles four-to-five days per week and incorporate strength training two-to-three times per week;

    running 3 miles will burn nearly 250-300 calories, are you eating those exercise calories back? If not, 1000 cals those on days are not enough. Same goes for strength training..

  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    You are exercising more than me, and eating about 600 calories less a day on average (if you are not eating the calories back), and we are the same height and weight. This could be a big factor.

    Aside from that, a shortage of iron can cause anaemia, which causes fatigue which creeps in gradually until suddenly you realise you're exhausted by normal life; I would get your levels checked.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Your BMI is actually 18.9, not 19.7, which means you are bordering on underweight, which is one thing to consider.

    You're also not eating nearly enough for that level of activity. You should be closer to 2000 calories just to maintain your current weight and activity level, and probably a little more since I went with 3-5 hours of moderate exercise in my calculations, and that was a conservative estimate just demonstrate how much you are undereating right now. It's no wonder you're tired, and you're actually increasing your risk of injury by undereating and doing that much exercise.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    foss44 wrote: »
    You can still have sleep apena even if you don't snore. Sleep apena will wipe you out

    It's unlikely she has sleep apnea based on the picture and BMI.

    OP: you're starving yourself, which is why you're tired.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I'm honestly the last person to suggest that someone is not eating enough, but considering your height, I would say you're not eating enough... I'm 4'11 and 110 pounds, and I eat more than 1300 calories.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Your BMI is actually 18.9, not 19.7, which means you are bordering on underweight, which is one thing to consider.

    I tried & got 19.5, so different again... I didn't realise different BMI calculators gave different numbers, that's interesting.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I also wonder whether or not you're eating your exercise calories back. If you aren't, no wonder you're tired. How much weight are you planning to lose, anyway?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are close to underweight, why are you starving yourself? You need to eat more, or else just be tired....
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough, either - with that level of exercise. Do you eat your exercise calories back?