"When are you due?" Seriously??



  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I totally had someone ask if I was pregnant, and I said, "No, just fat, I guess." Then she just blinked at me and said, "Really? Are you sure?"
    Yeah, I'm sure. "Did you just have a baby?"
    NO, LADY. Stop. Stop now.
  • DeAnna_DMBFan
    DeAnna_DMBFan Posts: 14 Member
    I did that. ONCE

    I was so sure I could tell the difference between a baby and overweight.
    The next time I was sure, I stayed quiet. As it turned out, she wasn't pregnant either :ohwell:

    It happens, don't take it personally.

    Congrats on your 18lb loss :flowerforyou:

    I did that too, but she had on a maternity suit jacket, complete with the tie in the BACK and she kept shifting her purse from one side to the other just like pregnant people do because they're backs are killing them.

    I would have felt bad, but she was a TOTAL B****, she earned it five times over.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    Happened to me too. Went to a restaurant with my sister & the hostess as she was taking us to the table asked me if I was pregnant. I just simply said no. She couldn't say anything & just sat us down & left. Needless to say.. I didn't eat my lunch :neutral_face:
  • lexlowe
    lexlowe Posts: 908 Member
    I made the mistake of asking a girl that when I was a naive 20-year old, and she immediately,vigorously, and vehemently schooled me in the inappropriateness of my inquiry.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I can't believe people still do that! Come on!! IMO, this kind of stupidity says a hell of a lot more about them than about how you actually look.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Well done on an awesome loss so far! You have every reason to feel good.

    It actually baffles me that anyone would dare say something like that to a woman when they don't absolutely know for sure that she pregnant, and even then, a stranger's due date has sod all to do with them anyway. It's like how people think they have the right to manhandle a woman's bump, which is one reason that I'm glad I'm not having any children, I don't cope well with strangers forcing physical contact on me and I would seriously freak out at randomers thinking they have the right to feel my stomach just because there's a baby in there. People are so infuriating and inconsiderate sometimes. I second the notion of quickly replying with 'no baby, just fat', it embarasses people and seeing them backtrack with a mortified look on their face is pretty entertaining.
  • kirsisyda
    kirsisyda Posts: 3 Member
    It happened to me as well and more than once. I'm 5'6'' and about 145 lbs, so in the normal weight range. Once the guy even thought it was a good pick up line. I usually don't say anything, just make a face and walk away.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Well first off - It's none of their darn business whether a woman is pregnant or not or when her due date is!
    Secondly - why the heck would anyone ask that questions even of their best friend if that friend didn't specifically tell them they were pregnant.
    The rudeness of some people just never ceases to amaze!
    The question, "When are you due," is always rude under any circumstance because it always insinuates a big belly!
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 420 Member
    I had the opposite happen. I am overweight and pregnant. I lost 30 lbs before getting pregnant. My husband and I were out shopping and some teenagers yelled out the window saying how fat I was. Nope not fat just a baby belly. I was glad they were in the car because my husband was ready to beat some heads together.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    A good friend of mine is overweight. However her stomach looks to be about 8 months pregnant not due to her weight issue. She had breast cancer, and from the chemo, she now has a very enlarged liver. Well .... one time she was flying to FL with a connecting hub in Atlanta. The queue was very long. She was in line, when someone from the airline came up to her and took her to another line to the side. They made a comment that they didn't want her standing too long. She realized that they thought she was VERY pregnant, so wanted to get her out of the line. She was too mortified to say anything. On her way home, she had a connecting flight through Detroit. The weather was horrible and she wasn't able to fly out, so they were all given rooms in a hotel. Of course, long line to check in. Sure enuf ... same thing. She was whisked to the front of the line, again, becuz they didn't want her standing on her feet that long. Again, she was terrified to say anything to the contrary. But at the same time, she thought she was all that and then some, because she was about 47 at the time. So thought, wow, for them to think SHE could be pregnant? Outstanding !!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    unfortunately I now look pregnant because of what the incision from my recent surgery did to my stomach. like a giant ball of muscle sitting there making me look somewhere around 4 or 5 months along....which may or may not go away. ever. I'll have to toss at least half the wardrobe I just finished building after the weight loss because despite not having gained weight i have gained so much girth below the belly button that i basically can't wear pants anymore. just waiting for the "when are you due" business to start.
  • Lacey0903
    Lacey0903 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's nice to hear that I'm in good company with these situations.
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    Oh I have heard that one as well. And I am not expecting........ Seriously, who would ask such a thing?
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I'll sheepishly admit that I *almost* asked someone I knew, once, but luckily didn't! I just don't understand why someone who wasn't pregnant would walk around with their pants gaping open 2 inches & belly protruding out of her shirt, held up by a belt (and no, I know for a fact they're not poor), and she carried all of her weight in her belly. Close call, and lesson learned, never ever ask... o:)