I think I hurt my calf/ankle?

The area around my lower calf/upper ankle hurts. It hurts especially when I jump. I've been doing a lot of jumpy cardio, I mean not a TON but whenever I jump now it hurts really bad. I gave it a rest for like 3ish days over the weekend but whenever I jump, the pain comes back. I don't think these are shin splints, but could someone identify maybe this type of problem and any ways I can get better as soon as possible?

If it helps, it hurts like on the "sides" of my calf if that makes sense.


  • jbs2travel
    jbs2travel Posts: 68 Member
    You might want to check with a medical professional
  • amsmithatc33
    amsmithatc33 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm an athletic trainer (sports med) and it sounds to me like you have strained your achilles tendon at the musculotendinous junction. I would make sure to ice after working out, and if possible switch to a different cardio that isn't jumping so much. Also a heel lift in your shoe may help ease the stress on the affected side. good luck.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Rest for longer, 3 days is nothing. It can take weeks for some things to heal. If it doesn't get better, particularly if it hurts doing nothing, go to the doctor.
    It could also be anything. Shin splints feel like my bone is being twisted. Have you also got good trainers if you are doing a lot of bouncy things? They will help in the future.
  • faburizu
    faburizu Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    It definitely doesn't hurt doing nothing, or even walking. Jumping up and down is the only thing that hurts. Can anyone suggest other kinds of cardio that doesn't involve jumping? Even running hurts them because I'm putting more pressure on that area.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    You could test out bike (upright or recumbent), elliptical, *maybe* arc trainer, swimming, pool running. "Don't do what hurts" is a good rule. I agree it sounds like a problem with the Achilles. Definitely see a doctor or PT about how to treat it, because chances are just rest won't clear it up--as soon as you go back to poundy things, the pain will likely return.
  • amsmithatc33
    amsmithatc33 Posts: 27 Member
    An elliptical would be good until the inflammation is gone. I advise my athletes to use Advil 2x /day for two weeks and ice massage as well. (Freeze water in foam cup and massage with ice block for 10 minutes.
  • faburizu
    faburizu Posts: 32 Member
    I was reading an article about achilles tendonitis and it mentioned to rest until you can do toe-raises without being in pain. Toe-raises don't hurt but it hurts when I crouch down, a LOT especially in my calf. Do you think Bengay might help? I can take aspirin but it seems only useful to take it if I'm going to use this part of my body in a painful way since it usually doesn't hurt. It also hurts a little bit higher up than my ankle, but all of the other descriptions of achilles tendonitis seems accurate. It just makes me so sad to not be able to work out like I normally do :( and seeing a doctor isn't possible for me right now unfortunately because of cost.