Help with flat feet and shin splints



    LORIMCX Posts: 19 Member
    Check out this guy, he had flat feet and fixed his feet with barefoot/minimalist running shoes
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    adowe wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    shin splits and why they can happen

    improper fitting shoes
    not enough water
    not enough stretching
    running too fast, too soon i.e. slow down ( you should be running at a pace you can carry on a conversation - unless doing sprints or HIIT)

    Not entirely. I don't get shin splints unless I run a certain indoor track. Any other surface is no problem.

    Probably inadequate running shoes for that specific track.

    Most people who run this track say the same thing about shin splints. Not sure what it is, but we all can't be wearing the wrong shoes.

    Where are you getting your information?
  • bwatson74
    bwatson74 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys. Wow on this one day and got a ton of advice.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,459 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just don't run, man. I have flat feet. I bought some expensive-as$ stability shoes (under guidance at a specialty running store, they filmed my gait and everything), did C25K - even repeated some weeks to be sure I wasn't overdoing it - read up on running strides, ran on softer surfaces, not the sidewalk or treadmill... netted me a case of chronic tendinosis (still have, to this day, years later, will likely never go away) and a year of hardly moving at all.

    There is other *kitten* you can do that is less likely to screw you up.
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    Since I started walking as a form of exercise my feet are in constant pain. I have fallen arches and the shoes I was using were not supporting me at all. I went to a local sports store and had gait analysis done and discovered I was over pronouncing on my feet which meant I needed a stability trainer for walking and running. I would highly recommend you do this. Asics are meant to be one of the best brands out there but they can be expensive. Not sure where you are based but this is a store in Ireland that specialise in these type of trainers. I went to them as opposed to a local trainers store as they were selling me the wrong products and were also misinforming me, bottom line if I listened to them I would cause more damage to my feet. Tennis ball was also recommended to me.

    Good luck!


    Asics are good but not for everyone.
    I was originally fit in the Asics GT-3000 which is a stability shoe with extra support in it. You can only get it at specialty shops.
    I was re-fit for Saucony Guide 7s. The Asics GT-2000s are in the same stability class as the Sauconys so I took them for a demo run when Asics visited my local shop. So much pain and discomfort.

    Your mileage will definitely vary.

    Downward dog helps me stretch my calves and you can do it anywhere

    Thanks for the correction see what happens when you don't read back over what you wrote before you post lol
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    OP, I've had both and have been able to get rid of them in a timely manner. First off, no one here should recommend a certain shoe. You should go to a store like runners world and let them watch you run and recommend a certain shoe. Doesn't mean it'll be the perfect one but its better then any one of us could recommend. I could tell you what works for me but the likeliness of us having the same exact platform is probably slim. Once you have the injury the best thing is to use heat and cold when your able. You need to strengthen the area back up but very slowly. Stay away from steady state cardio or anything that aggravates the area. What worked for me was to completely start over using a treadmill. I had to completely stop running for at least 5-6 months. On the treadmill I had to start walking for 5mins and slowly increase the angles and speed. If the area started hurting I would stop immediately and try again every other day. I did the same thing until I was able to run for 2-3minutes and use the same speed and angle. But I wouldn't push it until pain. Eventually between stretching and alternating my cardio training the problem has gone away for the time being. Just be careful to not aggravate the injured areas once healed because you'll have to do the entire process over.

    Wasn't in fact recommending a shoe I stated that Asics are meant to be one of the best. I was also suggesting that he go for gait analysis so they could advise him what the issue might be and subsequently his best course of action, as you stated are all individuals what might work for me or you will not work for someone else. Bottom line it is worth trying out all suggestions, stretching, starting with walking and build to running or find another form of exercise. :)
  • squirrlt
    squirrlt Posts: 106 Member
    I am too squeamish to run barefoot, but switching to a minimalist shoe instantly relieved my shin splints. I buy Inov-8 but a lot of brands make similar. They may be worth trying. I've had stability-type shoes from Asics, Brooks, Mizuno, tried orthotics, but it turns out maybe I needed to stop giving my feet a crutch.
  • Kiku10
    Kiku10 Posts: 66 Member
    I have very wide, flat feet in the front and narrow heels. Square duck feet. Running shoes like New Balance that come in widths work but are still too flat often. I've got a pair of Saucony that are labeled regular width but are cut very wide at the front that are good. Some Brooks are supposed to be wider too. Stretching the heck out of my calves and also massaging them with a small hand roller helps my feet a lot. Also a ridged wooden roller for the soles helps too. I still have pain when I jog-walk every day. I'm trying to do more intense, longer sessions every other day so I can both workout and recover. Husband had terrible heel pain but New Balance with the rollbar saved him. Good luck and if all fails, it's work it to see a podiatrist who does orthotics specially molded to your feet and gait. It will be expensive but save you other health costs later!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    shin splits and why they can happen

    improper fitting shoes
    not enough water
    not enough stretching
    running too fast, too soon i.e. slow down ( you should be running at a pace you can carry on a conversation - unless doing sprints or HIIT)

    Not entirely. I don't get shin splints unless I run a certain indoor track. Any other surface is no problem.

    Probably inadequate running shoes for that specific track.

    Most people who run this track say the same thing about shin splints. Not sure what it is, but we all can't be wearing the wrong shoes.

    Where are you getting your information?

    that is quite the profile picture.

  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    I have flat feet, a prominent bunion on my left foot, a mild one on my right. My right foot overpronates and my left doesn't. So my feet are all sorts of screwed up. Also I had shin splints in high school so I know the pain. Best recommendations are: get a gait analysis done, tell them your issues, your planned running surfaces and distances for these shoes. They'll be able to help you find the right one.
    Also apart from this I'd recommend seeing a podiatrist if you can get to one. I mainly see one for my bunions but I have arch supports in my shoes that I use for every day as well as running and I've found them to be really helpful.
  • sycokid666
    sycokid666 Posts: 23 Member
    I also have flat feet and was heavy I would get terrible shin splints and if it wasn't chin splints my calves would start hurting I did exercises for them .. Sit on a chair or something line up your heels to your knees where there straight up and down and start tapping your toes up and down like your playing a double bass pedal for drums .. Just sit there and keep doing it until it starts to burn and you can hardly lift your toes up .. I would do this maybe three times a day and also roll a sponge thing up and down your chins massage them .. And for me I just keep running and pushing myself and once the weight came off I could run and run and run no pains anywhere's.. And I use sketchers go bionic 2 shoes to run in on dry surfaces it's basically like running barefoot and it seems to help with heel striking , you basically have to learn how to run .. I know it sounds funny but it's the truth ..
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I have feet like boards - the tennis ball thing is a godsend, only I've gone back to using a soup can instead. It's more stable and I'm able to get the sides of my feet without having the ball shoot across the room :)
    One stretch I do for calves & Achilles tendon is just to crouch down and hang out there, like I'm going to do a yogi squat even though I'm not flexible enough - I just grab ahold of something to keep me from falling over.