What Are Some Good Meals To Eat While Trying To Shread Fat?

Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Just eat less. Losing weight is about how much you eat, not what you eat (though that is important to your health).
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Best diet plan?

    Eating less than you need to maintain your current weight. That is literally it.

    Of course, some food choices are better than others when it comes to your health and helping you feel full.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    If you're looking for meals that'll allow you to eat more food for less calories, or keep you full longer or whatever, then you could have a look at the recipes forum. But ultimately calories are all that matter for weight loss.
  • starrthighh
    I've been eating extremely healthy, going to the gym everyday. It's been 8 days and I'm already seeing results. I'm staying away from the scale Til next week and hoping for a low number. I've become addicted to eating right and getting in the best shape of my life
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I like a good cheeseburger and ice cream.

    I just get a small one, or I don't eat all of it.
  • webcray
    webcray Posts: 5 Member
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far. Diet with a proper exercise routine that includes strength and cardio training will get you were you want to be.
  • SonofNorthernDarkness
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far. Diet with a proper exercise routine that includes strength and cardio training will get you were you want to be.

    fat does not make you fat
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lean meats, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, a spattering of healthy fats, and overall less of what you have been eating.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    lowendfuzz wrote: »
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far. Diet with a proper exercise routine that includes strength and cardio training will get you were you want to be.

    fat does not make you fat

    In fact, fat makes you feel full (usually), so you don't need to eat as much.

    Fat is not the enemy. Of course, carbs and/or protein aren't the enemy either. Too many calories is the enemy.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far. Diet with a proper exercise routine that includes strength and cardio training will get you were you want to be.

    Depends where she wants to be. If someone wants to be a ripped body builder then yeah, monitoring food intake and lots of the right exercise is necessary.

    If all someone wants to do is lose weight then all that's needed is a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter if all they calories they eat are fat, if they're in their calorie goals they'll lose weight (they might get scurvy or whatever, but they'll also get thinner!)
  • cbri02
    cbri02 Posts: 13 Member
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Low carb, high fat with HIIT training. Quickest and most efficient way to shredding fat.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far.

    No..no...and no

    cbri02 wrote: »
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Low carb, high fat with HIIT training. Quickest and most efficient way to shredding fat.

    Maybe...but if 'low carb, high fat with HIIT training' still leaves you eating at maintenance or in a caloric surplus, you won't lose fat/weight.

    Regardless of how you get there, calories are king. Eat less, burn more. Period.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited March 2015
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far.

    No, no no! Seconded. Fat does not make you fat.
  • cbri02
    cbri02 Posts: 13 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far.

    No..no...and no

    cbri02 wrote: »
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Low carb, high fat with HIIT training. Quickest and most efficient way to shredding fat.

    Maybe...but if 'low carb, high fat with HIIT training' still leaves you eating at maintenance or in a caloric surplus, you won't lose fat/weight.

    Regardless of how you get there, calories are king. Eat less, burn more. Period.

    Even at maintenance, you can cut down if you training is designed property. Cardio Acceleration while lifting heavy compound movements, will shred fat in a caloric deficit an at a maintenance. Not because the calories burned in that particular training bout exceeds the calorie in vs calorie out theory, but because with HIIT your body will burn calories for up to 24 hours. Me personally, and in many clients, i've had them lose inches around the waist, but increase weight, at a caloric surplus and maintenance level. Mind you, we are athletes, not body builders, so our training is much more intense then the average gym member.

    I don't particularly agree with the calories are king theory. If you have a well designed macro nutrient breakdown, the calories will place themselves correctly. Counting calories is also extremely inaccurate. Lets me honest, how many people really weigh out every bit of food, and calculate what the food is being cooked in. Only serious body builders.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    What you normally do, only in moderation, at a deficit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far. Diet with a proper exercise routine that includes strength and cardio training will get you were you want to be.
    False. Calorie deficit in any form will help people lose fat. Fat is HIGHER in calories per gram than the other 2 macros, but one could overeat carbs and stay fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    cbri02 wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    webcray wrote: »
    If you want to lose fat, you need to limit your intake of fat. Limiting your calories will only get you so far.

    No..no...and no

    cbri02 wrote: »
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Low carb, high fat with HIIT training. Quickest and most efficient way to shredding fat.

    Maybe...but if 'low carb, high fat with HIIT training' still leaves you eating at maintenance or in a caloric surplus, you won't lose fat/weight.

    Regardless of how you get there, calories are king. Eat less, burn more. Period.

    Even at maintenance, you can cut down if you training is designed property. Cardio Acceleration while lifting heavy compound movements, will shred fat in a caloric deficit an at a maintenance. Not because the calories burned in that particular training bout exceeds the calorie in vs calorie out theory, but because with HIIT your body will burn calories for up to 24 hours. Me personally, and in many clients, i've had them lose inches around the waist, but increase weight, at a caloric surplus and maintenance level. Mind you, we are athletes, not body builders, so our training is much more intense then the average gym member.

    Yes, you can recomp by eating at maintenance...but it's a relatively slow process. I assumed by the "shred" fat title, OP was looking to lose fat quickly-ish. And you don't need to be a high-performing athlete to recomp *eye roll*
    I don't particularly agree with the calories are king theory.

    The cool thing about science is...it still works whether you believe it or not
    If you have a well designed macro nutrient breakdown, the calories will place themselves correctly.

    While I don't necessarily disagree, a lot of people find it easier to count calories than to set and monitor specific macro breakdowns.
    Counting calories is also extremely inaccurate. Lets me honest, how many people really weigh out every bit of food, and calculate what the food is being cooked in. Only serious body builders.

    Considering you're on a calorie-counting website, filled with people who have had success doing so, I'd say quite a few. And very few of us are 'serious body builders' (I guess depending on how you're defining that term)

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    cbri02 wrote: »
    Need Some Help Looking For The Best Diet Plans To Lose Fat.

    Low carb, high fat with HIIT training. Quickest and most efficient way to shredding fat.
    Still have to be in calorie deficit though and low carbing isn't always best for some especially with high intensity exercise since their blood sugars could drop quickly if they aren't used to the regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    BLUF: Contact a dietitian!
    With that being said, eat healthy not less; eat lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats. Fish and chicken are my staples with beef mixed in a few meals a week. Lots of green, red, orange, and yellow veggies (less or no condiments) and fresh fruits and nuts.
    A good thing to do is get a multi layered steamer put your protein on the bottom layer, rice on the second and a veggie on the third layer (I loved a veggie medley of zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, and snow peas). I’d marinade my chicken or even fish in an EVOO and balsamic with seasoning for a few hours, then pour the left over marinade over the veggies and let it drop down on the rice, the steam will kill and bacteria from cross contamination. You can steam either brown or white rice.
    Just cut out the empty or dead calories i.e. chips, soda, cookies, and eat healthy choices. But it is ok if you have the self-control to occasionally have a treat, I’m not saying never have them again.
    With proper exercise, you will need the calories from eating proper and that is how you should be attacking the battle of the bulge.
    You can do anything that you set your mind to. You can certainly do this!
    Good luck.