320 pounds on 1,700 a day?????



  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    Am I doing this right? I'm sedentary and a female. I'm 25 years old. I can't lose no matter how hard I try. I am just STARVING at the end of the day. I binge only at night since starting my diet. Its a ravenous hunger. No matter if I eat 3 meals or 6 a day. Please help!!!!

    Oh, you will be hungry. There is not an easy way out of that. But if you want to drop a lot of weight, eat once per day. Pick a time (any time), fill up one plate with anything you prefer (but don't do junk food or you will feel rotten), and give yourself one calorie beverage. You will be averaging 1,300 calories if you fill the plate.

    After the meal, allow yourself only calorie-free beverages, but have as many and whatever kinds you want (water, coffee, tea, diet sodas, etc). Give yourself one splurge day once every week-and-a-half to two weeks. You will drop the weight sure enough, but this will take some adjustment, mind you. There is no way around that. This is OMAD (one-meal-a-day) in a nutshell.

    Don't worry about exercise for now. Sedentary is okay and it seems to be the biggest mistake people make by working out while significantly obese. For more info, hit up the OMAD forums here or PM me. I dropped 173 lbs in just over ten months on what I just laid out for you.

    I think the theory is sound considering calories are calories. Doesn't matter time or how often you eat. However, I would feel miserable I think. Who knows, I naturally gravitate towards not eating breakfast and lunch. Maybe dinner now is just what my body became used to. I just need to reverse this habit for me. Thank you for your input any how. Congratulations on the amazing weight loss.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    The only tip you need is eat less and move more. If you pre-log your, days then you have room for evening snacks. Your diary says you only have 27.2 pounds to lose??
  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The only tip you need is eat less and move more. If you pre-log your, days then you have room for evening snacks. Your diary says you only have 27.2 pounds to lose??

    That was a first time goal. Ya know, one that seems to be taking me 5 years ;) Its definitely a lot more than that. Pre-planning is always a good idea. I've tried a couple times and I did seem a bit more prepared. Thank you for the advice everyone. You all are so sweet to help me. I don't think you will ever realize how much something like this means to me. Thank God for MFP.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The only tip you need is eat less and move more. If you pre-log your, days then you have room for evening snacks. Your diary says you only have 27.2 pounds to lose??

    That was a first time goal. Ya know, one that seems to be taking me 5 years ;) Its definitely a lot more than that. Pre-planning is always a good idea. I've tried a couple times and I did seem a bit more prepared. Thank you for the advice everyone. You all are so sweet to help me. I don't think you will ever realize how much something like this means to me. Thank God for MFP.

    You can do this. Take each day as it comes and remember, its not a race.
  • SonofNorthernDarkness
    Im 240 and I'm eating 1650 a day
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    AliceDark wrote: »
    If you're 320 pounds now, 1700 calories sounds really low. If you tell MFP you want to lose 2 pounds per week, what does it give you?

    FWIW, I'm 125 pounds and I eat 1500 calories when I'm trying to lose. Granted, I'm losing 0.5 pounds per week, but you should be able to eat way more than 1700 calories and still lose just fine.

    Caloric needs are primarily determined by lean body mass, not by total body weight.

    OP's number is pretty good.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Your diary is a bit of a mess. IMO you should stop focusing on how much you're eating, and focus on establishing some more consistent eating patterns and accurate logging. Spend some time doing that first, before moving on to worrying about calorie counts.

    IMO, etc.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Eat all your calories at night. That's what I started doing and I'm happy, happy, happy!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Oh, you will be hungry. There is not an easy way out of that. But if you want to drop a lot of weight, eat once per day. Pick a time (any time), fill up one plate with anything you prefer (but don't do junk food or you will feel rotten), and give yourself one calorie beverage. You will be averaging 1,300 calories if you fill the plate.

    After the meal, allow yourself only calorie-free beverages, but have as many and whatever kinds you want (water, coffee, tea, diet sodas, etc). Give yourself one splurge day once every week-and-a-half to two weeks. You will drop the weight sure enough, but this will take some adjustment, mind you. There is no way around that. This is OMAD (one-meal-a-day) in a nutshell.

    Don't worry about exercise for now. Sedentary is okay and it seems to be the biggest mistake people make by working out while significantly obese. For more info, hit up the OMAD forums here or PM me. I dropped 173 lbs in just over ten months on what I just laid out for you.

    This is beyond stupid.
    STUPID_GOPHER Posts: 37 Member
    I would start out doing 2200 x5days......and 2days @500cal.......
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    This may not go over well with some people, but have you considered trying a low carb diet? Even if it's not sustainable for you in the long term, I find that spending time low carb, because it does have appetite suppressing capabilities, can allow you to feel satiated on the proper amount of calories. Then when you feel more in control, you can add back carbs, and if you have given your stomach time to adapt to the smaller food portions, you will feel much fuller on less food.

    Also don't forget to drink a lot of non calorie fluids. Water, tea (diet or unsweetened), drinking sufficient quantities can help you feel fuller without any calories. Eat more non starchy vegetables too!

    Best of luck to you.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Eat all your calories at night. That's what I started doing and I'm happy, happy, happy!

    Uh no. That feeds into the binge approach.
  • Mlethenme
    Mlethenme Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have as much to lose as you do, but I can tell you what is working for me. I decide what I'm going to eat the night before, and enter my calories. I've already put in my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for tomorrow. Sometimes I enter my snacks in advance too, but I usually decide what snack sounds good, and then look to see how much of it I can have based on how many calories I have left. I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week, so I feel your pain. Good luck, and stick with it.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Eat all your calories at night. That's what I started doing and I'm happy, happy, happy!

    Uh no. That feeds into the binge approach.

    Really? Oh my gosh, what shall I do now? I remember starving all day because I was suppose to eat 3 well rounded meals a day. Didn't work for me, doesn't work for many. Turn on the eating machine and it doesn't stop. Check out Leangains or any of the other IF methods. But to each their own. This is Finally working for me. It works for others too. No wrong way to restrict calories IMHO.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    It depends on what your eating!
    If you eat the right foods and drink at least 2L of water a day you won't free staving by night time.
    I've starting eating healthy again on Sunday and I always make sure I am full after a meal and that my meals are high in fibre.
    In the morning I have porridge with a cup of green tea. Before I head to work.. (depends on my shifts, I'm on the lates this week.) I have swede and carrot mash with some chicken and an apple. At about 4 ish I have a some soup and at about half 8 I have a tuna salad and some strawberries and blueberries with low fat geek yogurt and a little chocolate sprinkles. But the main thing is... you have to tell your worth it'll be worth it in the long run and your body doesn't need the food.
    I nearly caved at work today, I work in a supermarket and im surrounded my junk food and chocolate... but I walked away had a glass of water and some fruit tea.
    I know it's hard but like I said before it'll be worth.
    If your eating because you'd bored find something to do! I've notice I now have energy when I get in from work at 11.30 so do some cleaning, sort out my meals for the next day, watch a bit of Netflix and then head to bed.
    Hope this helps :smile:

    ignore this ..

    right foods don't matter..

    calorie deficit does….

    In this case the right foods do matter to combat what the op is complaining about which is bingeing. If she cna eat foods which deal with her hunger in a better way then she can avoid the hunger and avoid bingeing, which will help maintain her deficit. Clearly the way she is going about it at the moment is not working for her.

    she is binging at night because she is hungry and not eating enough calories.

    if she changes her calorie allotment up to one pound per week loss then the binge problem should go away.

    so gain, right food does to matter ignore that advice.

    Disagree, its viable that if she eats food that will fill her up then she wouldnt feel hungry in the first place and may not binge. She may be able to achieve that without changing her calories, but merely by more sensible preplanning and allocation as well as eating more foods that with increase satiety. In that sense right foods are helpful and could solve her problem of feeling hungry. If you look at her diary then theres plenty of scope for swapping out some foods that are high on calories, but low on satiety and nutrition.

    This idea of why she is eating so little is a bit of a myth. A 1000 calorie deficit for 2lb a week weight loss, is one that many people can and do manage. Dropping to -500 is one option, but its not the only one. Obviously she needs to find out what works for her and probably use babysteps towards it, but she can get there.
  • brookesdsu
    brookesdsu Posts: 47 Member
    I started this journey at 302.2 the beginning of January and am also 5'7". You can do this! Trust me, if I can do this, you can do this. I am down 21 pounds and am feeling great. You need to decide if you want it though. I suggest you set your goal to lose 1 pound per week, follow the calories MFP gives you, and start making little changes to your diet. Pretty soon the little changes will become habit. Get a food scale, this was huge for me. My serving of cereal turned out to be 2 or 3. My serving of coffee creamer turned out to be 2 or 3 (or maybe 4!). Eat more lean protein (I see changes you could make like lower fat cottage cheese, skim milk vs whole, etc) and drink more water. Plan your meals, read about nutrition, and smile. You got this. :)
  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    In the beginning I REALLY found myself struggling. I am 5'10" and started at 325 so MFP gave me a seemingly generous calorie goal. If I can remember, it was around 2000. And that was to lose 2lbs a week. I simply made the commitment to log every bite no matter what and for the first week I went over my carloies EVERY day. I made better food choices and I DID try. I just felt like such a failure that I couldn't stick to such a high goal! But I promised myself I wouldn't quit. I just said that I needed to keep the habit of logging. Week #2 I was still over everyday. Unbelievable I thought! But I didn't quit. I looked back and realized that the first week I had been over by about 1000 calories a day. Yup. A. Day. But week 2, I didn't realize that I was only over by about 500 calories a day. Sure, still not great. But without me realizing, I had gotten used to eating slightly less and making even better choices. This whole time I was being so hard on myself and didn't realize that I WAS learning. Just not as quickly as I had liked. Fast forward almost exactly one year and I'm down 81 lbs. Did I want to hit 100 lbs lost this year? Yup. I really, really did. Did I learn WAY more about myself through all of the daily struggles and hurdles instead of hitting a perfect 2 lb/week loss? Absolutely. I'm not trying to tell you to not care about going over your goal... I just remember how discouraging it was in the beginning and hope that you can find what works for you, whatever that may be. Good luck and whatever you do, don't give up!
  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    In the beginning I REALLY found myself struggling. I am 5'10" and started at 325 so MFP gave me a seemingly generous calorie goal. If I can remember, it was around 2000. And that was to lose 2lbs a week. I simply made the commitment to log every bite no matter what and for the first week I went over my carloies EVERY day. I made better food choices and I DID try. I just felt like such a failure that I couldn't stick to such a high goal! But I promised myself I wouldn't quit. I just said that I needed to keep the habit of logging. Week #2 I was still over everyday. Unbelievable I thought! But I didn't quit. I looked back and realized that the first week I had been over by about 1000 calories a day. Yup. A. Day. But week 2, I didn't realize that I was only over by about 500 calories a day. Sure, still not great. But without me realizing, I had gotten used to eating slightly less and making even better choices. This whole time I was being so hard on myself and didn't realize that I WAS learning. Just not as quickly as I had liked. Fast forward almost exactly one year and I'm down 81 lbs. Did I want to hit 100 lbs lost this year? Yup. I really, really did. Did I learn WAY more about myself through all of the daily struggles and hurdles instead of hitting a perfect 2 lb/week loss? Absolutely. I'm not trying to tell you to not care about going over your goal... I just remember how discouraging it was in the beginning and hope that you can find what works for you, whatever that may be. Good luck and whatever you do, don't give up!

    This is me in a nutshell!!! Going over and feeling like a failure. I'm so happy to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations on tour amazing weight loss! You got very close to 100. Its amazing to lose the weight you did. Keep up the great work. Thank you for encouraging me to notice the small changes. I think the fact that I'm putting myself out there and logging In consistently each day just to be disappointed by the high calories says I am trying. I just need to keep trying. I hope in a year, I'm as changed as you are.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    edited March 2015
    There is no such thing as losing weight, without getting hungry. Regardless if you're just 15 pounds overweight or 150 pounds overweight, everyone suffers thru it. Eventually your mind and stomach get accustomed to the lower calorie consumption and the hunger pangs stop. But it's hard at first, and it is the primary reason people stop trying to lose. They give up and get fatter than ever. Food defeated them! One has to reach down into their sol and ask themselves just how tough they are. Because it's take a very strong person to do it.

    Obviously at 320 pounds you're used to eating a couple of thousand more calories in the day, than what your body is burning. Binging at night or any time during the day only spells failure.

    Eat more protein, cut your carbs way down. Change your eating habits and lifestyle.

    Losing weight is not rocket science, it's just calories in versus calories out, simply meaning eat less, move more.

    Good Luck
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I changed my diary to times rather than B/L/D. So I log what I eat between 9-12, 12-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, mostly because I eat 5 smaller meals. Definitely snack on more veggies. What is your favorite? If you like celery, its high fiber, low calorie. Alone is best, but you can have a small amount of hummus or peanut butter. Pre-prep snack bags of veggies. Fruit serving is one cup. Can you switch to 1% milk, light mayo or lowfat cottage cheese? Make little changes where you can to save a few calories. I would definitely recommend skipping the biscuits due to high carb and high calories. Frozen bananas make a great ice cream like consistency with a little milk. Quinoa is great and easy to cook (I make mine in a rice cooker). Cook in low sodium chicken broth for more flavor. Sweet potatoes are good, too. Plenty of free videos on Youtube - even just walking in your living room. Leslie Sansone is great. Even if you just start with 10 minutes a day this week, 15 minutes a day next week (if you're not exercising yet)... do a little bit now while it's cold out, and as we get to Spring and Summer, you'll be ready to walk around the parks! I'm so ready for warmer weather! (I'm out on the East coast right now). All the best!