Starting today!! need motivated friends to make my long Journey a little more fun!!

ilara85 Posts: 17 Member
I want this so bad!! I'm determined and motivated. My total goal is 80 pounds. My short term immediate goal is 25 pounds. I've been here once before lost 20 and of course I gained them right back. I am commited to be fat and debt free for the rest of my remaining life. Please join me in my Journey!!

Thank you God bless,



  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Hi Iris! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm happy to support you any way possible! (also working on getting debt free!)
  • ilara85
    ilara85 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes!! Thanks I just sent you a message!
  • tonic773
    tonic773 Posts: 1
    Hi iris good luck on your journey, I started today and I'm determined to my this my last time too ,hopefully we can support each other :)
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    Awesome decision! I wish the best for you. I would be willing to help you on your journey. What does your current fitness plan look like?
  • ilara85
    ilara85 Posts: 17 Member
    Stop eating junk food and fast food!! Lol so anything low on cal and if there is fat, be the good kind like almonds and nuts! Thank you anything you can tell me to do different I will!
  • Mikey_Irish
    Mikey_Irish Posts: 93 Member
    We will get ya there pal!! :)B):)
  • dreenesho
    dreenesho Posts: 10
    Today is my first day too! Just joined! I think you're very inspirational and we can help each other not give up :)
  • lglory87
    lglory87 Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you 100%! I also started getting more serious about losing weight. I've used myfitnesspal for quite some time, but never followed through. Now that I am, I have lost 10lbs in 4 weeks. Feel free to add me and we can help each other kick this weights' butt!