This is so hard

I'm 36 yrs old married with 4 kids and I'm 5'7 1/2 310lbs! Biggest I've every been in my life. My goal is to lose 15-20lbs by May! I'm a nurse tht works overnight , which I'm sure is why I gained like 40 lbs. Any and all tips,suggestions and advice is welcome or even if all you have to give is a "hello" "keep it up" Thts welcomed as well! Everyone be blessed and keep moving!


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Eat at a calorie defecit - weigh and log everything you eat.

    Move more - get a pedometer (like a fitbit) to track your movements and automatically earn more calories.

    If you can access a gym .. a progressive weight lifting programme is highly advised

    It's only hard at the start, once you get into it and develop your saving graces it gets much much easier

    My saving graces are moving more, not setting too high a weekly goal and batch cooking at the weekend: I always have big tubs of things like meditteranean stew, squash risotto, chicken cacciatore, cooked rice, grated cheese that I can grab a meal to heat up at work with. I've worked out the recipes and they're generally under 400 calories.

    I also keep berries and 0% greek yogurt to grab and go

    Welcome to MFP and good luck
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Eat at a calorie defecit - weigh and log everything you eat.

    Move more - get a pedometer (like a fitbit) to track your movements and automatically earn more calories.

    If you can access a gym .. a progressive weight lifting programme is highly advised

    It's only hard at the start, once you get into it and develop your saving graces it gets much much easier

    My saving graces are moving more, not setting too high a weekly goal and batch cooking at the weekend: I always have big tubs of things like meditteranean stew, squash risotto, chicken cacciatore, cooked rice, grated cheese that I can grab a meal to heat up at work with. I've worked out the recipes and they're generally under 400 calories.

    I also keep berries and 0% greek yogurt to grab and go

    Welcome to MFP and good luck

    Some great advice here!
    It does get easier as time goes on, as with anything it's about habit changing and forming.

    I wish you complete success with all your goals!

    All the best,
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I think you have a great goal and I think you will achieve it! One day at at time.
  • DeeD946
    DeeD946 Posts: 7
    I am big too, and Yes its very hard, hardest thing for me is eating less carbs. Wishing you all the best!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Tip: keep it simple, move more, eat a little less (don't starve), be consistent.
    Add a habit or goal that drives other behavior.

    It shouldn't be hard, but it can be at times. Make it easier, when you can.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    In light of your post then id say your first task isnt to immediately set yourself weight targets, but to think about what it is you are trying to do, get the right mindset and atitude as well as planning and preparing properly. It will help you in the long run if you understand what it is you are trying to do and ease yourself into a healthy sustainable weight management plan that fits you.

    Knowing what you are doing will give you the best chance of being effective, which in turn will make the weight loss as efficient as possible. Achieving small but sustainable results will pay off long term as you increase confidence and start to feel in control of what you are doing. Not all of those steps need to be weight related. Read the stickies at the top of each section as they give you invaluable tips on good practice.

    Some tips to start are:

    1. Weigh your food and log it all because being at a deficit is made much easier if you know how much you are consuming. Buy some kitchen scales to help you do this.
    2. Commit and make time for yourself, if its important to lose weight then you need to get to grips with how its going to make demands on your time as a lot of it requires you to be well organised. Once you are organised then it becomes much easier as you do things without worrying or wasting time thinking too much.
    3. Be friends with yourself, dont beat up and do be supportive.
    4. Be realistic and patient, its a long journey, so breaking it down into small manageable parts will be more sustainable than just setting yourself tragets that other people use.
    5. There is no magic to losing weight, as pointed out above its just calorific deficit. Its hard because it requires change and some mental discipline. Anyone can do it though, the key is to sustain it.
  • scannerjockey
    scannerjockey Posts: 7 Member
    You can do this!

    I agree with the posters above, and the truth is, diets don't work. The way to lose weight and keep it off is to make lifestyle changes. Wear a pedometer (I use an Omron, it was about ten bucks on Amazon), and try to structure your life around moving more. For example, I realized a lot of my social life revolved around dive bars - so booze and junk food. Now I ask friends to walk around a museum then stop for coffee (well, tea for me).

    The good news is that scientists say it takes three weeks to establish a new habit. So if you make fitness and healthy eating your habit for the next 21 days, you're on your way!
  • peake76
    peake76 Posts: 1
    iysha29 wrote: »
    I'm 36 yrs old married with 4 kids and I'm 5'7 1/2 310lbs! Biggest I've every been in my life. My goal is to lose 15-20lbs by May! I'm a nurse tht works overnight , which I'm sure is why I gained like 40 lbs. Any and all tips,suggestions and advice is welcome or even if all you have to give is a "hello" "keep it up" Thts welcomed as well! Everyone be blessed and keep moving!

    Hi Iv drank Pepsi max for about 10 years and didn't realise it was causing an insulin spike in my blood making me crave carbs and sugar so as it is the only thing I drink it's been an eye opener for me because iv stopped drinking it and all fizzy drinks and I just drink water plain water nothing added just from the tap and in two days iv already lost 2 llbs I guess small changes like this help try that it does work xx
  • itstimeRK
    itstimeRK Posts: 112 Member
    Three things I wish someone had told me at the beginning:

    1. Get a fitness band. (I've owned a Fitbit and a Jawbone UP and the UP is superior)
    2. Get a food scale so you know exactly what goes into you instead of guesstimating.
    3. Set lots of small goals so I don't get overwhelmed with the big ones.

    Good luck! If you'd like to reach out, I would love to lend you my support!