I keep running out of calories

xstephnz Posts: 278 Member
-please don't check my food diary, there's nothing in there at the moment

When I use my food diary, I run out of calories really quickly.

I loved Weight Watchers when I was on it, because there were lots of ''0'' foods that I could stock up on when I had used all of my calorie allowance for the day.

I am trying to have protein with every meal. I often start out my day with whole grain toast (2 pieces) and 2 hard boiled eggs. Once I've had that about 400 calories is already gone.

I read in one place, you should have 2 eggs a day. In another, I read that you shouldn't exceed more than 7 eggs in a week.

I see that some people struggle to get to their daily calorie limit. I'm having the opposite problem. Seems like I enjoy the high calorie options a bit too much (although I have low fat butter, and low fat milk).

How can I stretch out my calories?



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Change your goals to one pound a week. MFP is going to lower your calories as you lose weight anyway.
    I do not eat much bread/pasta/potatoes/cereal as I find that I do better eating protein (eggs, Greek yogurt, meat, beans, nuts) and vegetables.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Reassess your goals - for most people 0.5 to 1 lb per week weight loss is a healthy, sustainable goal. This will give you a higher calorie goal that you should find it easier to stick to.

    Also, are you exercising? If so, log your exercise and MFP will credit you with extra calories (exercise requires fuel).

    Just be aware that many exercise burns are over-estimated, so only eating back 50-75% of exercise calories allows for this.
  • allierat84
    allierat84 Posts: 73 Member
    Make sure that your goals are realistically attainable, don't try and loose too much at once. As well as protein, fill up on low calorie fruit and vegetables. Exercise in order to get more calorie allowance. Low fat does not equal low calorie and just because something like whole grain toast sounds healthy doesn't mean it's going to fit into your calorie goals. Eat as many or as few eggs as you like as long as it fits your calorie allowance.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    Where are you logging your calories? Your diary is empty?

    But it does show that you intended only to eat about 1350 calories per day. This is not enough for someone with about 58 kilos to lose. I am not surprised you are always going over calorie allowance you are probably very hungry.

    Re do your weight loss profile, set a reasonable weekly goal and you will be given a more sustainable daily calorie allowance.

  • daizyk70
    daizyk70 Posts: 16 Member
    I use 1 egg and then one or two servings of All Whites in an omelet. The taste is still good and you get more protein and fewer calories than 2 eggs.
  • milkywayward
    milkywayward Posts: 27 Member
    You can change your goals and also look for less calorie-dense options (e.g. vegetables). You could also experiment with standard meals you have, like see if you're just as full having just the eggs, or a third egg instead of toast, or just one slice of toast or something like that. That's how I manage my calories.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited March 2015
    I like to eat a light breakfast that way I have more calories for dinner. My breakfast is like 173 calories, plus my coffee. I eat fiber one cereal with almond milk. And it actually keeps me full. All of the fiber I suppose.

    Try making things that involve more meat and veggies and only a little rice/pasta. That will help keep the calories down. And then you can take that for lunch.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Start logging in your food. No one can help you if you don't help yourself.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Perhaps you could log for the sake of logging for a couple weeks? Ignore the suggested number of calories, ignore it if it goes into the red, and just see what you are eating. Maybe make a note or two about why you're eating, are you hungry, bored, tired, etc.? If you're running out of calories and are still hungry, you aren't eating enough of something that will satisfy you. It could be a fat and protein thing, or you may need to add some low calorie veggies to add volume.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Perhaps cut out the trip to McDonald's that you posted about in another section?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    xstephnz wrote: »
    -please don't check my food diary, there's nothing in there at the moment

    When I use my food diary, I run out of calories really quickly.

    I loved Weight Watchers when I was on it, because there were lots of ''0'' foods that I could stock up on when I had used all of my calorie allowance for the day.

    I am trying to have protein with every meal. I often start out my day with whole grain toast (2 pieces) and 2 hard boiled eggs. Once I've had that about 400 calories is already gone.

    I read in one place, you should have 2 eggs a day. In another, I read that you shouldn't exceed more than 7 eggs in a week.

    I see that some people struggle to get to their daily calorie limit. I'm having the opposite problem. Seems like I enjoy the high calorie options a bit too much (although I have low fat butter, and low fat milk).

    How can I stretch out my calories?


    That's what I didn't like about WW. Not to say that fruits and vegetables aren't good options, but they certainly have calories and are not "free."

    But I guess it doesn't really matter if you're not even keeping track of your intake. You have to put the work in in order for things to change. It doesn't just happen.
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    Just eat less calorie dense food - it really is that simple
    Yes, you will get hungry at times, but that's what happens when you're trying to cut down
  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs. I usually eat 4(whole) a day.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Start logging your food to get an idea of what you are eating. Not logging is a major flaw.
    Use some common sense and distribute your calories wisely during the day. Pick calories that will help you feel full as well as providing nutrition. That way you will feel less hungry.

    It really starts with logging though and getting an understanding of what you currently consume and then you can make a gradual transition over weeks.
  • xstephnz
    xstephnz Posts: 278 Member
    Alright, I've changed my food tracker so I only lose 0.5 kilogram a week. I'm a bit funny about it. I guess I'll eat what it says, and just eat half of my exercise calories back. I have so much weight to lose that hopefully I'll start losing weight a bit faster anyway. Once I know how to eat more food for less calories, I'll put it back on lose 1 kilogram a week.


    Can anyone tell me what the best low dense foods are?
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    2 pieces of toast and 2 eggs is a lot for breakfast when you've only got 1350 calories. You could up your calories by lowering your pounds per week goal, or you could change up your breakfast/other meals to make them count for less. I eat about 1430 (on days I don't exercise), and my breakfast is usually granola and yogurt with coffee, or granola and peanut butter with coffee. The protein in the peanut butter or yogurt (as well as the granola which is about 4g) keeps me fuller until I eat lunch 4-5 hours later. It's not a huge breakfast coming in at less than 300 cals, but it keeps me satisfied.

    Also you can stretch out the calories by adding those 0 point foods, they'll just be 30 calories here (carrots) or 90 calories there (an apple). But those are excellent snack choices, and if you fill half your plate with veggies at lunch or dinner, you're filling yourself up but with less calories.

    But definitely log everything! Seeing it all laid out every day helps a lot. And if you go over a little, that's ok!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Pre-log your day ahead of time. That way, you have a general idea of what you can eat so you don't end up with no calories to spare come dinner time.

    Your calorie goal is probably too low anyway.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    xstephnz wrote: »
    Alright, I've changed my food tracker so I only lose 0.5 kilogram a week. I'm a bit funny about it. I guess I'll eat what it says, and just eat half of my exercise calories back. I have so much weight to lose that hopefully I'll start losing weight a bit faster anyway. Once I know how to eat more food for less calories, I'll put it back on lose 1 kilogram a week.


    Can anyone tell me what the best low dense foods are?

    Chicken breasts
    Eggs (egg substitutes are also a good option)
    Turkey breast
    Spaghetti squash
    Old-fashioned oats

    Pretty much pick lean proteins and veggies as the primary "parts" of your meal, then fit in grains as a side dish as they fit in your calorie goal. I aim for half of my meal (most of the time) to be veggies, a third to be protein, and fill in the rest with carbs/grains.
  • LetterboxingMoose
    LetterboxingMoose Posts: 18 Member
    As a general rule, I find it easier to meet my goal when I eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat that has not been processed and whole grains. Exercising is also a key player. The more you exercise, the more you will be able to eat more. I also find it helpful to plan my meals on here for the entire day and then stick with the plan.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Here's a newbie help post which has links to helpful info such as sexypants, realistic goal setting, accurately measuring & logging food ... Read all 3 of those, then browse the rest.

    A few observations:
    - At only 25 years old, you should have a higher starting calorie allotment even if you're very short. So even if you're aiming to lose 1 lb per week, you should have more than 1300 cal. I'm 46 and 5'10" and I'm aiming for 1400. (That's absolute. Ignore net/exercise calories.)

    - Your photo doesn't look like losing 128 lb will be healthy for you. Play around with the last calculator in the goal setting post - it works in English & metric and will show you your BMI at whatever weight you put in, as well as how many servings of the various food groups you should be eating. Aim to get the BMI somewhere around 22, which is the middle of the healthy range.

    - As for WW and their "free" foods... see example #4 here. (Read the rest of it too, because eventually you'll run into someone talking about starvation mode & you'll need to know what it is & is not.) The woman he's talking about took WW literally, believing that it's OK to eat unlimited amounts of their "free" foods... and was not losing weight.
    Yes, vegetables especially are low in calories, high in nutrition & fiber. But they still count. Everything counts. If you want more bulk, have more veggies. Have more fruit too, but be careful of the sugar.

    - To feel unhungry longer, include protein with every meal & snack. Lowfat meat, cheese, hard boiled eggs, even some nuts (but don't go overboard).