Problem: Sweet Tooth

i love sugar! Chocolates, ice cream, carbs you name it! And thats why i find it difficult to remain under my calorie goal. Any tips or suggestions for healthy alternatives? Fruits are not even half as fullfiling :( thanks!


  • RibStabsHeart
    RibStabsHeart Posts: 71 Member
    Are there certain foods or meals that "trigger" your sweet tooth more than others? Are you able to have a couple pieces of individually wrapped chocolates without eating the rest of the bag? After lunch, I always feel like I need to have a piece of chocolate or something sweet, so I'll grab two Ghirardelli squares. I add it into my day, and make it work. The real struggle is not going back a second or third time, which is all about willpower, sadly.

    It's OK to eat sweets -- this is a lifestyle change, not a crash diet that restricts you from ever eating anything again! You have to log them accurately and move on, making better decisions throughout the day to offset the bad ones you make. Make sure your daily calorie intake isn't set so low that you can't have a couple sweets, and find a few lower-cal options to indulge with. That worked for me!
  • zaina92
    zaina92 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi RibStabsHeart!
    Thanks for your reply. I feel relieved that its not just me! I think i did set my goal too low. I keep going back for second or third servings of chocolate though
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There are a lot of people who can do the moderation thing. They'll have a miniature candy bar instead of a whole one or a tablespoon of ice cream instead of a half cup and be satisfied. I'm not one of them, unfortunately.

    The easiest way for me to stop my sweet tooth is to make sweets basically off-limits by going on a low sugar/carb diet. While I don't go crazy binging on sweets in general, I have a very hard time telling myself "no" when I think I can fit it into my calories. If I'm not eating any at all I find I have no trouble resisting. I've also found that a high carb meal will make me crave sweets after but one that consists of a lean protein and veggies, and omits the starchy side dish, doesn't. That makes it easier to resist sweets, too. Instead my "treats" become nuts, string cheese, green veggies in ranch dressing, pork rinds, sugar-free Popsicles, hard boiled eggs and even an awesome low carb cheese cake muffin I found the recipe for a few years ago.

    I'm not saying that you should eat low carb but what I am saying is that sometimes moderation and substitutions aren't the answer and avoidance is.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I've recently discovered Whitworth's range. They do dried fruit or nuts with small pieces of chocolate. Low calorie, tasty and i find, filling. I'm in the UK though so not sure where you are from.
  • moose_mama
    moose_mama Posts: 32 Member
    I do my best to reserve some calories at the end of the day for something sweet. If I know it's coming, it's easier for me to not eat anything else sweet during the day. My personal favorite is a fiber one brownie microwaved for a few seconds with a small spoonful of light ice cream on top. It really it's the spot!
  • Lady8211
    Lady8211 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you! Any ideas for a healthy sweet snacks? I have a office job...sitting and snacking KILLS me!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Recently discovered chocolate tea (seriously). A mug (like two cups) of chocolate mint sweetened with no-cal chemicals :wink: and my craving for 6 chocolate candy bars is under control. Helps, I think, that it smells wonderful & takes a while to drink...

    Bought my first tin at Target, ordered some straight chocolate tea from Amazon & will be trying it soon. Zero to ten calories total per mug.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    ker95texas wrote: »
    Recently discovered chocolate tea (seriously). A mug (like two cups) of chocolate mint sweetened with no-cal chemicals :wink: and my craving for 6 chocolate candy bars is under control. Helps, I think, that it smells wonderful & takes a while to drink...

    Bought my first tin at Target, ordered some straight chocolate tea from Amazon & will be trying it soon. Zero to ten calories total per mug.

    I have Tazo cocoa mint tea, it's wonderful!

    I also make a sweet yogurt for myself as part of my breakfast or snack. I take 3/4c. non-fat plain Greek yogurt & add a dash of vanilla extract, a tablespoon of no sugar added fruit preserves or frozen berries & 1 packet of Splenda, then stir it up really well. It has enough sweetness to cut my craving, but the whole shebang only has about 130 calories & it fills you way up!

    There's also a few really great recipes for deserts on the South Beach website. I really like the ricotta cheese mixed with cocoa powder & chopped almonds. It's amazing.

    And try sugar-free puddings. The dulce de leche one by Jello is ridiculous.

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I feel you. This may not work for everyone, but I've found that if Im really craving something sweet and I don't have the room for it in my day, if I chew gum or eat 3 or 4 lemon drops (hard candy) as slowly as possible, it dampens the craving enough that I can get passed it without going nuts. Sometimes I just go ahead and eat the good stuff though. Not perfect.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    There are a lot of people who can do the moderation thing. They'll have a miniature candy bar instead of a whole one or a tablespoon of ice cream instead of a half cup and be satisfied. I'm not one of them, unfortunately.

    Who's eating a tablespoon of ice cream?! (My husband felt nuts enough when I made him measure me out a half cup the other night. ;) )
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    I hear you! I love sweets! For me, it's important not to deprive myself, so I try to just have a small serving of whatever I'm craving. I also try to make sure that I really savor and enjoy every treat, so that I get the full psychological benefit and the satisfied feeling.
  • cherylmlane
    cherylmlane Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Zaina92!

    You are NOT alone. I am still in the process of cutting back/eliminating added sugars from my diet. My husband determined after a few years of watching me struggle to loose a few pounds that I had a sugar addiction.

    RibStabgeart mentioned the word TRIGGER, I have determined that was what was happening to my body/brain when I ate certain foods.

    If you'd like me to share my struggle/accomplishment from craving sweets/carbs to "thanks, but no thanks!" to that yummy desert someone offers you, let me know and I can share some tips with you!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    banana nice cream mmmmm can make a big heaping bowl for 2-300 calories and feel awesome about it :D
  • zaina92
    zaina92 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Everyone for your helpful advice!!! I think the best thing for me will be the snack bars from Coco pops (84 calories) each, one a day! I think ill leave it for the end of the day to reward myself if im under my calorie goal. Also feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • I keep a bag of Dove dark chocolate squares in my desk at work. 1 is 42 calories, so I can usually fit 1-5 in my calorie allotment!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited March 2015
    zaina92 wrote: »
    i love sugar! Chocolates, ice cream, carbs you name it! And thats why i find it difficult to remain under my calorie goal. Any tips or suggestions for healthy alternatives? Fruits are not even half as fullfiling :( thanks!

    Some things I like:

    Dole Dark Chocolate Covered Banana's or Strawberries (found in frozen foods, if I remember correctly the Strawberries are around 60 or 80 for 4 strawberry halves, so 2 strawberries and the Bananas are around 100 for 4 or 5 half inch slices)

    Bigelow Salted Caramel Black Tea

    Lindt Dark Chocolates (the squares are pretty low in calories)

  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    Greek yogurt, fiber one bar, whey protein and fruits help me control my sweet tooth.
  • gettingfit4rjjel
    gettingfit4rjjel Posts: 1 Member
    I have discovered that the first time I eat sweets/desserts for the day I will crave it all day long. My best strategy is to not eat the dessert until my "kids in bed" snack and then use whatever calories remain. Sometimes the sweet treat is a chocolate bar, sometimes a key lime yogurt. Not every day is perfect, but when I go with this method I'm much more likely to not waste precious energy and mind space over resisting the treat.
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    I've switched to raw organic mint chocolate - not terribly sweet but satisfies the chocolate cravings. Also, try Quest bars for a sweet but more nutritional treat. I've also found protein icecream that's low carb/low fat but tastes awesome. None of these leave me with cravings for more like that high-sugar highly-processed versions....
  • ceevee6
    ceevee6 Posts: 10 Member
    All natural Peanut butter (or even sunflower or almond butter) and apple slices! The fat from the PB fills me right up in between meals. Just remember to stay under 2tbsp of PB.