20 Down 57 to Go and Struggling With Body Changes

Since puberty I have always had a large chest. I knew that this would change significantly with weight loss, and it would be something I had to accept to become happy and healthy. This will not prevent me from pursuing a healthy body weight, but I find it difficult that something so tied with my identity is changing...

This seems a little silly even as I'm typing it. At the weight and shape I'm at I definitely have insecurities. This was the one asset/feature I could feel confident about. As much as I am seeing significant changes for the better with my body, I think the reason I am struggling is because I cannot imagine what the end result will look and feel like.

I guess what I am wondering is if I am alone on this one... and if not, how have you gotten past those negative feelings?


  • Kcov88
    Kcov88 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been there too. All I can say is as you get closer to your goal you'll probably start to feel better about how you look. Best of luck!!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    We do not get to choose what parts get smaller first. The body picks those. For now, observe your body and be gentle and have patience. Most likely, all the parts will even out after you are at maintenance for a while.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    I lost a nut... and I didn't even get the benefit of getting "happy and healthy" while it happened.

    It's gone. Completely.

    So what?



    So your knockers get smaller.



    Nobody cares like you think they do.

    Nobody who matters, anyway.
  • kaitcxlv
    kaitcxlv Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2015
    I lost a nut... and I didn't even get the benefit of getting "happy and healthy" while it happened.

    It's gone. Completely.

    So what?



    So your knockers get smaller.



    Nobody cares like you think they do.

    Nobody who matters, anyway.

    I have not forced anyone to read or reply to this. I'm sorry that you feel the need to project your loss on others... Clearly you care enough to troll these posts and minimize people you don't even know. You realize you're posting in a diet and weight loss help forum right? Thanks for the support pal ;). Best of luck.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Sympathys. Last time around I felt like I was doing a science experiment on myself and yes it gets weird.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Sympathys. Last time around I felt like I was doing a science experiment on myself and yes it gets weird.
  • iwearthejumper32
    iwearthejumper32 Posts: 57 Member
    I lost a nut... and I didn't even get the benefit of getting "happy and healthy" while it happened.

    It's gone. Completely.

    So what?



    So your knockers get smaller.



    Nobody cares like you think they do.

    Nobody who matters, anyway.

    I read this as supportive. I think he means boobs make a woman the same way balls make a man... they dont. Also, chin up... it could be worse.
    I've lived years being the runner up to what I keep in my bra. I said my goodbyes on the first day of choosing new and healthy habits that will without a doubt shrink em. They'll sag too. I dont care. I want what I want and its a price ill pay. :smile:
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Hiw wording may be bad but his point is valid - this is your insecurity, those who care about you don't judge you by one body part. They don't look at you as 'overweight but has nice big boobs', they look at you as a whole. They're not going to go from caring about you to not caring cos your chest has got smaller. That's what he was saying, not projecting any loss nor trolling, just being blunt - at least that's how I read it.

    Also, if its any help having lost almost 140lbs obviously mine have shrunk, however, they're still in proportion with the rest of me so I still like them ;)

    (As an aside if you're going to be here a while then you'll see people being blunt a lot that doesn't make them trolls or even rude, just they've seen most things that have posted a whole bunch of times and having to sugar coat stuff gets tedious. You can dismiss them if you so wish but they're also the ones who generally have the most knowledge & experience.)
  • Caitoriri
    Caitoriri Posts: 87 Member
    Even when parts you want to get smaller start to, it can be hard to wrap your mind around. I had to learn to stop thinking of myself as a fat person after I lost my first 35lbs. It was hard. One time I was out eating with a friend and I couldn't choose between two (tiny) desserts, so I decided to have both, and she said to me, "You can do that, because you're so tiny". I just stared blankly like, "What? Who's tiny?"
    It takes time - took me about 6 months to a year to really come to terms with the new me.

    But anyway, like one commenter said above, it'll probably even out. :) Once you get to a certain weight, your chest might stop getting smaller almost completely, just like that. And when the rest of you gets smaller, it'll start to look better. Even at my highest weight, I was about a B. Now I'm an A, but they look bigger than they used to because my stomach looks smaller.

    If it's really hard, for now focus on how you're feeling physically. Do you feel healthier? Stronger? More energy? Can you do more? Focus on the positive, and it'll make accepting those other changes so much easier. No matter what, there is a community here and we all want to support you. Good luck!
  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    My boobs are my pride and joy. They bring all the boys to the yard, although I am married now so maybe that's not good. Lolll! But while I know they'll shrink some, I'm prayingggg they don't completely deflate.
  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    But you know what. Even if they do and we end up B or C cups, oh well. We'll be healthier!! And have reached a goal many people never do! Don't fret sister. Just do some squats and be flat chested with a great *kitten* lolll
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I feel you in fact I posted something similar on my journey

    I have to say you get used to it ..I dropped from an E cup to just about a D cup but the rest of my body has slimmed in proportion and after the first jarring glances in the mirror where I thought "but my boobs waah" you begin to focus on areas you've always felt aren't quite as nice ...now I look at my legs and think "not bad" ...never felt like that before

    I have to say I've been strength training since the start and I've not sagged at all ..not bad at my age after a couple of years breastfeeding :smile:

    So don't despair ...just let your head and self image catch up ...I can still do cleavage when I want with the right bra
  • kaitcxlv
    kaitcxlv Posts: 9 Member
    My apologies if I have misunderstood. I suppose I read "Nobody cares like you think they do." without the tone of a face to face conversation and it takes on a completely different meaning.

    Thanks everyone for the support. I guess it's just going to take time. I was hoping for a magical answer :P, but toughing it out seems like the only road.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You'll get used to Sarge, he's a straight-talker with some great advice (generally along the "suck it up buttercup" lines) :wink:
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    Totally understandable. It's your body, the only one you're used to so when a part of that which you love starts to change so drastically it makes sense you'd feel the way you do. As you lose weight though I'm sure you will discover that there are plenty other parts that you love about yourself. Your boobs may get smaller but you get killer legs or a great bum or a toned and beautiful tummy! Just try to go with the flow and embrace all the changes, ultimately the biggest change is on the inside and you're creating a healthy body.
  • Paperchains38
    Paperchains38 Posts: 42 Member
    I hate losing my boobs, when i did it the first time round they went from an F cup to a D cup and although they still looked good in my bra they looked awful out of it (I have never had pert boobs) as they just looked like tennis balls in long socks, when i put all the weight back on i was happy to get the girls back however this time round i am prepared for losing them (I was single first time round but now i have a man that really doesn't care what i look like naked) i will just have to buy some sexy, less reinforced push up bras that will be cheaper which is a bonus.
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    I hate losing my boobs like really hate lol however I'm still only halfway through my journey and if I got to my goal with my original sized boobs I'd look like something from a freak show! As much as it causes me insecurities and upset I do have faith that it will all even out eventually and for my body size my boobs will still look relatively big :) x
  • orlandodenise
    orlandodenise Posts: 54 Member
    Ive lost 109 pounds and lost a lot off my bust. I use a good bra and a bit of padding and now being size 6-8 ( USA ) on top - they stand out ! Having a big bust and being big as well just isnt the same -big boobs just made me look fatter.

    Of course my issue is with my legs - they are losing weight slower than my top half - grrrr .... We all have something that we dont like :)
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    kaitcxlv wrote: »
    I lost a nut... and I didn't even get the benefit of getting "happy and healthy" while it happened.

    It's gone. Completely.

    So what?



    So your knockers get smaller.



    Nobody cares like you think they do.

    Nobody who matters, anyway.

    I have not forced anyone to read or reply to this. I'm sorry that you feel the need to project your loss on others... Clearly you care enough to troll these posts and minimize people you don't even know. You realize you're posting in a diet and weight loss help forum right? Thanks for the support pal ;). Best of luck.

    I don't think he was trying to minimize you OP, just prove a point. It's only a big deal if you let it be. Sound simple, yes? Simple doesn't mean easy, but it is as simple as that.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    he was being supportive.

    really, no one cares but you. just like no one cares about his missing ball. LOLOL

    ive lost 4" off my bust since january. id really rather it came off my hips but hey- whatever. my husband doesnt care. my friends dont care. really, other than being frustrated with bras right now, even *I* don't care. (and if hubby did care id bring up a *kitten* load of stuff about him LMAO!)

    this is going to be a YOU battle. and, as another poster said, as you continue to lose weight, your body will most likely re-porportion itself so you still look nice.