10 lbs in a month

Looking to lose 10 lbs in a month-curious if anyone has achieved this same goal and, if so, what were you eating? I have eliminated dairy and I'm a little sensitive to eggs so I try to only have those for breakfast once or twice a week. I'm looking for simple, quick meal ideas or a meal plan that would be eAsy to implement into my daily routine, as I have an 11 month old who keeps me on my toes!

Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    A pound is 3500 calories. To lose ten pounds in a 30-day month would mean a reduction of 1,167 calories a day either by exercise and/or decrease in food intake. This is doable if you exercise like crazy every day and hardly eat anything. At least eat stuff that's good for you.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    cal1417 wrote: »
    Looking to lose 10 lbs in a month-curious if anyone has achieved this same goal and, if so, what were you eating? I have eliminated dairy and I'm a little sensitive to eggs so I try to only have those for breakfast once or twice a week. I'm looking for simple, quick meal ideas or a meal plan that would be eAsy to implement into my daily routine, as I have an 11 month old who keeps me on my toes!

    Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    With only 20lbs to lose, you should really only be aiming for .5lb/1lb a week loss until you hit 15lbs left to lose.

    You didn't put on 10lbs in a month; don't rush to take it off. As stated above, your deficit is going to be way too huge and unsustainable. Take this time to learn new habits, buy a food scale, and peruse the forums for safe and sustainable ways to lose weight.

    Unless you were obese, 10lbs will not come off in a month. There may be a big initial water weight drop due to changes in your intake, but it will just be water weight, and will taper off after a few weeks as your deficit starts leading to actual fat loss.

    Good luck, OP.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    With only 10 pounds to go, not a sound idea.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    I've done 19 pounds in the last 7.5 weeks. It's do-able, but I'll tell ya straight up: most folks wont/can't handle that kind of deficit.

    It's time for some brutal honesty with yourself: What's your tolerance for discomfort? Can you handle hunger combined with extreme calorie burn from exercise? Are you committed, motivated, and most importantly - strong willed and highly disciplined?

    If not, don't even try to go down this road. Most folks will fail with a goal that aggressive.

    A pound a week is pretty comfortable. I'd recommend you start there.

    Full disclosure: I failed at my actual goal of 22 pounds and will finish with 20 pounds @ 8 weeks.
  • minamina27
    minamina27 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi. I've lost 17 1/2 in less than 6 weeks. (May be more now but not weighing till next week). My diary is open but I made the decision to eat as clean as I could, cut out all refined sugar, pasta, bread, juice/pop sweets, biscuits etc and cut down on potatoes, rice and hardly any alcohol.. Only exercise has been walking and I'm on week 3 of c25k and I do my own thing with a dumbbell for my arms whilst I'm waiting for the bath to run! Good luck.
  • sjackson310
    I just lost 10 lbs in 31 days exactly but I totally did not mean to. My calorie goal was set to lose 1 lb a week. I started exercising vigorously and ate about half of my calories back. I pretty much just ate a bunch of Lean Cuisine meals and other prepackaged foods. Some times I ate more than half my calories back. I only ate if I was hungry (previously I loved food so much I'd eat even if full).
    Anyways, I was working out 4-6 times a week and put my activity level in Myfitnesspal as "sedentary" even though I am a registered nurse so I am on my feet for 13 hours each shift. The first 2 weeks I only lost about 3 lbs, then the last 2 weeks another 7 lbs just fell off. I found out after 31 days that I was pregnant (yay) so I cut back on the exercise from vigorous to light, and then as I started having signs of another miscarriage, I stopped exercising completely. I also got wayyyyy more loose with my calorie counting and ate some junk food here and there to compensate for my crappy emotions of losing another baby. I just got back to working out again yesterday since my miscarriage is complete and I am the exact same weight I was the day I found out I was pregnant (22 days ago) so I feel that this weight loss, although a bit more extreme than I meant for it to be, is sustainable.

    Long story still long lol, it's possible. I only had to lose 15 lbs, so I still have to lose 5 lbs before reaching my goal weight. It is not like I was obese or anything. Just during those 31 days I was very good about tracking my calories, being active all day every day, and if I did eat any junk food it would be in moderation. Also, if I had a stressful day at work and wanted a whole bottle of wine, I'd burn off the 570 wine calories on top of my normal gym routine and then go drink that whole bottle with no regrets lol.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i lost 22 since jan 9, but (1) I am obese and have a LOT to lose and (2) a lot of that, especially right at first, is water weight and not fat loss. I was also on 1200 cal/day and was working out EVERY day (Which if the weather would cooperate I would still do, but for now im stuck with the gym and zumba a few times a week)

    my weight loss, now steady and slightly slower, is still around 2 lb/week and thats with 1500ish cals/ day and not (usually) eating back exercise calories unless im hungry or just wanting a treat (ie: yesterday was zumba day and i had ice cream after dinner!)
  • sabshane
    sabshane Posts: 9 Member
    Anybody up for 10 pound weight loss mutual support? I injured ankles and had to stop running. Gained a quick 15 lbs in a couple months. Now having hard time losing it! Aiming to lose 10 lbs in 2 months.
  • oludi
    oludi Posts: 15 Member
    Ok let's do it
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    what's the rush?

    you can lose a fair proportion of that in simple water weight - and then as soon as you eat 'normally' again wham it comes back quicker than it went off