Ladies and lifting weights while losing weight



  • emilyesq
    emilyesq Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! Any suggestions as to losing fat on stomach? Will the weights help that also. Heading to the gym soon

    You can't spot-reduce fat. Lose weight and your body will lose the fat wherever it sees fit. Use a barbell for your lifting and your core will be nice and toned once you shed the fat away from it. :)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Thanks! Any suggestions as to losing fat on stomach? Will the weights help that also. Heading to the gym soon

    Read the "so you want a nice stomach" thread that is pinned up top. Solid advice there.

    Also, you can't spot reduce. So, don't fuss over doing more or less work on muscle groups based on your self-perceived "problem areas." Eating at a caloric deficit will help you get rid of the fat EVERYWHERE (sadly, we don't get to pick where and in what order) and lifting weights will help to preserve your muscle, strengthen your bones, and look fantastic at every size you work through.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    The only way you are going to lose weight is by creating a calorie deficit, which means you need to eat less than you burn. Your diet is the most important. You can't spot reduce, your body will lose fat where it wants to.

    Lifting will help you retain muscles and you can strengthen them while in a calorie deficit, but you are not going to build bulk to them. Cardio is not evil and is easier to create a calorie deficit with. A mix of cardio and lifting is usually the best bet.

    Yes do use heavy weights, the small ones really don't do much, unless you are targeting and isolating certain muscles. If you are going for free weights, make sure someone teaches you proper form. Don't just follow others at the gym, they may be doing it wrong. You can get hurt very easily if you load up a bar and start squatting and don't know what you are doing.
  • jenlo1971
    jenlo1971 Posts: 49 Member
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?

    heavy is relative to you and your existing strength and abilities. the important part is to keep progressing. that's why lost of people recommend SL 5x5. it's a progressive program that keeps you challenging yourself, but you start out with just the bar, which most people can handle.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited March 2015
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?

    It is relative to your strength when you start, and what body part you're working (you'll be able to lift a LOT more for back, chest and legs than you will for biceps, triceps and shoulders, because back, chest and legs are MUCH larger muscle groups).

    I just finished up a round of ChaLEAN Extreme at the beginning of February. The first 4 and last 4 weeks have you lifting X weight for 10-12 reps...the middle 4 weeks have you lifting X weight for 6-8 reps. In all phases, the X weight is whatever weight is necessary for you to reach FAILURE in the desired rep range (10-12 or 6-8), while using good form (including not swinging the dumbbells and using momentum to help you).

    To give you an example, I started with 20s for back/legs, 15s for chest, and 5-10 for arms/shoulders....I got up to 50s for legs (could have done more, but that is the highest I have), 40s for back, 30s for chest and 15-25 for arms during the 6-8 rep month, and then finished with 50s for legs, 35s for back, 25s for chest, and 12-20 for arms/shoulders.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?

    as heavy as you can!
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    I am always pushing myself to lift more
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    no pain no gain
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?

    Heavy heavy!

    Whatever that means to you. For me, I had to start with just the bar on it's own.
  • JulieAnneFIU
    JulieAnneFIU Posts: 125 Member
    There is a really good group on here for women who do SL 5x5 - and also there is an iPhone app that will help you track weights, how much to put on the bar, etc.
    NEWMEKELLIB Posts: 49 Member
    I am soooo happy I found this thread!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SonyaCele wrote: »
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?

    as heavy as you can!
    exactly when I started I was benching 30lbs...I can now bench 125lbs fairly easily...

    I started squatting 60lbs now I squat 200lbs (50lbs over my body weight)

    and I agree Stronglifts is a great program I did the 5x5 for a year than switch it up to 3x5 for the summer then moved to 5/3/1 (intermediate program) and the group is great...I am a member too (I don't post enough there)

    Hopefully I will have some comparison pics in a couple weeks...went to the DR last year and have pics of me @165 and a size 8, I am not 148 and a size 4 (a year later) not really doing much except lifting and counting calories trying to stay at maintenance so I don't gain...but losses are fine I give myself a 10lb spread from goal 145 (5 above and 5 below)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I leg pressed 75kg on Monday :D

    Heavy as you can ..and then go heavier
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Ryudori wrote: »
    Ooooh I loved doing strong lifts! Definitely lift heavier weights, fewer reps - not lifting teeny tiny weights for infinite reps.

    It's so good!

    The only problem I have found is it makes you want to be a bit nosey with friends work out plans. My friends all just do teeny weights high high reps and I want to be like "noooo do this it's way more fun!".

    But I don't want to be that person :neutral_face:

    I kind of am that person. Like "Guys c'mon get off the elliptical and do some squats with me." Lol.

    Lifting heavy is great for weight loss. I'm only 2 weeks into SS and my clothes fit better already. You might not notice much on the scale the first couple of weeks (I haven't bothered to weigh myself), but you'll look and feel much better.

    Good luck!

    Whats wrong with the elliptical? I lost 80lbs with Elliptical being my main source of cardio exercise. Has done wonders for my cardiovascular health and no damage to my joints. I did and still do lift as well, but when I started out Lifting was about 30% of my gym time, and now that I am closer to my goals and have increased my calories I am doing more like 55% of my gym time Lifting.

    Also you talk about lifting Heavy, well if you can't push that weight with proper form at least 8 times for your first 2 or 3 sets, then I think you need to decrease the weight. I push for 8 to 12 reps for each weight lifting activity and try my best to keep good form. If I can do more than 12 then i up the weight, if I can't do 8 then I lower the weight. Sometimes I do a 4,5, 6th set (mostly Fly & Curls) that I can not do more than 5 or 6 but thats at complete muscle exhaustion.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    Ryudori wrote: »
    Ooooh I loved doing strong lifts! Definitely lift heavier weights, fewer reps - not lifting teeny tiny weights for infinite reps.

    It's so good!

    The only problem I have found is it makes you want to be a bit nosey with friends work out plans. My friends all just do teeny weights high high reps and I want to be like "noooo do this it's way more fun!".

    But I don't want to be that person :neutral_face:

    I kind of am that person. Like "Guys c'mon get off the elliptical and do some squats with me." Lol.

    Lifting heavy is great for weight loss. I'm only 2 weeks into SS and my clothes fit better already. You might not notice much on the scale the first couple of weeks (I haven't bothered to weigh myself), but you'll look and feel much better.

    Good luck!

    Whats wrong with the elliptical? I lost 80lbs with Elliptical being my main source of cardio exercise. Has done wonders for my cardiovascular health and no damage to my joints. I did and still do lift as well, but when I started out Lifting was about 30% of my gym time, and now that I am closer to my goals and have increased my calories I am doing more like 55% of my gym time Lifting.

    Also you talk about lifting Heavy, well if you can't push that weight with proper form at least 8 times for your first 2 or 3 sets, then I think you need to decrease the weight. I push for 8 to 12 reps for each weight lifting activity and try my best to keep good form. If I can do more than 12 then i up the weight, if I can't do 8 then I lower the weight. Sometimes I do a 4,5, 6th set (mostly Fly & Curls) that I can not do more than 5 or 6 but thats at complete muscle exhaustion.

    Nothing wrong with elliptical at all

    You don't need to do 8-12 reps if you don't want to (I do) but lots follow other programmes like
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    Ryudori wrote: »
    Ooooh I loved doing strong lifts! Definitely lift heavier weights, fewer reps - not lifting teeny tiny weights for infinite reps.

    It's so good!

    The only problem I have found is it makes you want to be a bit nosey with friends work out plans. My friends all just do teeny weights high high reps and I want to be like "noooo do this it's way more fun!".

    But I don't want to be that person :neutral_face:

    I kind of am that person. Like "Guys c'mon get off the elliptical and do some squats with me." Lol.

    Lifting heavy is great for weight loss. I'm only 2 weeks into SS and my clothes fit better already. You might not notice much on the scale the first couple of weeks (I haven't bothered to weigh myself), but you'll look and feel much better.

    Good luck!

    Whats wrong with the elliptical? I lost 80lbs with Elliptical being my main source of cardio exercise. Has done wonders for my cardiovascular health and no damage to my joints. I did and still do lift as well, but when I started out Lifting was about 30% of my gym time, and now that I am closer to my goals and have increased my calories I am doing more like 55% of my gym time Lifting.

    Also you talk about lifting Heavy, well if you can't push that weight with proper form at least 8 times for your first 2 or 3 sets, then I think you need to decrease the weight. I push for 8 to 12 reps for each weight lifting activity and try my best to keep good form. If I can do more than 12 then i up the weight, if I can't do 8 then I lower the weight. Sometimes I do a 4,5, 6th set (mostly Fly & Curls) that I can not do more than 5 or 6 but thats at complete muscle exhaustion.

    Nothing wrong with elliptical at all

    You don't need to do 8-12 reps if you don't want to (I do) but lots follow other programmes like

    I agree with ya,

    Annoy's the hell out of me really when people at the gym tie up the fly machine, set it at 10 lbs, do a set of 50...........sit there for 5 minutes........then do 50 more at 10 lbs........and you ask them if you can work in with them and they say ( I just have 3 more sets)....then go back to their facebook on the phone while sitting on the equipment........arrrhhhh!

    Also kinda dumb when you see those guys doing arm curls with 50 or 60 lbs dumbbells......just swinging them and bending to force a set of 3.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    You are not going to gain a bunch of weight if you're eating at a deficit. Thermodynamics.

    Lift as heavy as you can. Keep cardio - preferably something like HIIT. Ignore the scale, and think long term instead of just to June.

    HOLY SMOKING HOT LEGS!!!!!!!!.........Sorry did I say that out loud? LOL

    I agree completely with this, especially the part of thinking longterm. Thats the great thing about MFP, it helps you develop good long term eating habits.

  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    I agree lift heavy weights. For starters, you will not bulk like a man. It just won't happen! However, when you lose a significant amount of weight (more that 20 lbs) it seems that you need to add definition to your muscles so that you look good naked. I know from past experiences that only reducing my weight with dieting alone left me looking soft and flabby and I don't recommend it. Don't fear gaining muscle as it can add good shape.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I am just about to start the beginning of week 7 of stronglifts 5x5. It's a great program! Be careful not to focus on the scale to much at the beginning. For the first month my scale did not budge at all but my body measurements were going down nicely and my clothes were fitting more loosely :smile: