

So I have a question...I started my official weight loss journey 3 weeks ago...ever since I have started, I have been having reoccuring headaches...some days worse than others...I have a long history of headaches and migraines...but this time it's different...Tho I am eating far less than I was used to...i'm still eating plenty, and most the time im not that hungry...so i'm wondering is it possible that my headaches are from carb overload, or something else? I feel that most days i'm getting plenty of water..tho i'm really bad about remembering to drink it on the weekends...but my headaches seem to be worse during the week...when i'm on my routine. I eat every 3-4 hours...I have breakfast late due to my work schedule, but i usually sleep later as well...my eating schedule is as follows
Breakfast usually around 10:30
Lunch around 2:00
Snack around 4:00
Dinner around 7-8

And I usually do my workouts after dinner at night...but my headaches start either first thing int he morning or about midday.

Just trying to see if anyone else has had this problem, or if anyone has any idea as to why i would be having these headaches so suddenly? My diary is public so feel free to read it if needed.

Thanks in advance,

Nikki :smile:


  • ssector
    ssector Posts: 6
    Hi there - good luck with your journey to a fitter you. I am not a dietian or a doctor but was wondering if you have changed your caffiene intake as this can certainly cause headaches when consumption is suddenly decreased. Don't forget caffiene isn't just in coffee (chocolate is another example).
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Did you inadvertently (or on purpose) give up caffeine.. like tea, coffee, pop or chocolate? Sometimes I think I get headaches when I don't eat enough d/t electrolyte deficiencies (sodium, potassium or magnesium). Are you getting plenty of fresh fruits and veggies (sources for the electrolytes?)
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I only get headaches when I am withdraw or had too much soda. Caffine in large doses give me headaches. The withdrawal from that is killer. It took me awhile. Stay away from it as long as possible til u dont have headaches anymore then slowly have no caffine soda. Mountain dew is also the worst soda to have.
  • ♥Lexi♥
    ♥Lexi♥ Posts: 126
    do you drink enough water?
    also, do you breath properly when excersizing?

    these two factors really make a difference. when we excersize, we tend to breath incorrectly such as holding our breath when we should really be exhaling. learning proper breathing during excerize can really improve your health. we you don't breaht properly, your blood pressure will drop or increase, which in turn can cause headaches and/or dizziness.

    other remedies include drinking ginger tea. ginger is an anti-inflammatory. when we experience headaches, especially due to tension, that means that your muscles swell. when this happens, you can experience headaches.

    hope that helps!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Caffeine intake, sugar intake, change in fats that you eat these all cause headaches for me!
  • harmonikki
    harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
    In response to the caffeine intake, no I haven't changed it dramatically..yes I do occasionally drink my dew, but I only did that occasionally before...and I haven't drastically changed my chocolate intake either...I know those are the obvious reason...wish it was that simple...thanks so far to the ones that have responded...I really haven't changed my diet or types of food that much, I have just started watching calories for portion sizes n to avoid those high calorie items...but most of what I eat I already ate before, and I can't think of any food that I ate before that I specifically don't eat now...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Are the headaches any better if you have a small snack before your breakfast? You may just be empty for too long a stretch between 7 PM and 10:30 AM the following day.
  • spiritmachine
    When exactly did the headaches start?
    Do you have them every day?
    How long do they last?
    Is the pain continuous or does it come and go?
    What is the quality of the pain? E.g. stabbing, throbbing
    What is the intensity of the pain 1-10
    Where is the pain located?
    Are there any associated symptoms--nausea, vomiting, dizziness, racing heart, VISUAL CHANGES (blurry vision, or floaters), confusion, unsteadiness, nasal congestion?
    Is the pain aggravated by bright light or loud noise?
    What makes the pain worse?
    What makes the pain better? Do you take any meds to deal with the pain and if so does it work?
    Have you traveled out of the country recently? Any fever, cough? Neck stiffness?

    What other chronic medical conditions do you have e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, seasonal allergies, sinus disease, etc
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Have you checked your blood pressure? While exercise over the long term can lower blood pressure, it often makes it increase at first. If your blood pressure is elevated, you will get a headache. So, I'd suggest having your blood pressure checked next time you have a headache and see if that is it. You may need to treat it through diet and maybe even medication until the exercise causes the long term lowering.
  • lelegrev
    lelegrev Posts: 15
    Caffeine caffeine caffeine caffeine. I'm an addict. I love my caffeine - tea, soda, coffee - love it! When I started mfp I made a promise to stop buying soda for the house, stop making tea unless it was Saturday and our friends were coming over, and cut my starbucks down to at most once a week. I still made coffee every morning but only have one cup. When we go out to eat I would have a soda while eating. That was the trade off for me. I can still have it, but not as much.
  • try2basunbeam
    try2basunbeam Posts: 128
    I've been plagued with headaches for-ever...

    Sometimes, I can get them from exercise, like walking with poor posture, or strains on the neck muscles can cause them as well, like from sit-ups or lifting weights.

    Also, not drinking enough water can do it.

    It could be, too, from starting a healthier lifestyle, just your body detoxing. Getting rid of the yucky stuff in your system along with the fat.

  • harmonikki
    harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
    To try2basunbeam :

    This is kind of how i've been...had them since highschool off and on all the time...they've just been worse and different recently...
    So just trying to find out if it's something specific i'm doing...I do know that not enough water causes them for me, and on weekends that's a big challenge...but during the week i do pretty well...Maybe it is just my body detoxing and adjusting to the added activity??? Have yours gotten any better over time or stay constant???
  • harmonikki
    harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
    I've always had headaches, but these have been since i started the watching calories and working out regularly...about 3 weeks...I do have them most days, so days are worse than others...so start first thing in the morning, others not til later in the day...Most of the time they don't go away until I take something for them, and that's only if I feel I absolutely need to due to trying not to take to much medication...iv'e already taken too much in my lifetime...and yes most of the time they go away with medication, but sometimes come back...like yesterday....It's usually continuous once it comes on...the pain is bearable most days, but since i've started the MFP has been primarily located behind my eyes, and yes is sensitive to light...usually no other symptoms involved unless it evolves into more of a miagrain type headache...quality is throbbing...although a couple days it's been coming ang going and then just stabbing pain when it does hit me....and no i haven't been out of the country ever...I do have some indoor allergies, but not seasonal that I know of, adn my indoor ones have not been acting up in any other way...Mainly it seems to be related to the new changes in my life, just not sure how...tho i do have cronic headaches...these have been different, and I can tell when the headaches change from whatever is causing these, to when it's a stress or tension headache (been alot of that dealing with my mother lately as well...different type of headache all around)

    When exactly did the headaches start?
    Do you have them every day?
    How long do they last?
    Is the pain continuous or does it come and go?
    What is the quality of the pain? E.g. stabbing, throbbing
    What is the intensity of the pain 1-10
    Where is the pain located?
    Are there any associated symptoms--nausea, vomiting, dizziness, racing heart, VISUAL CHANGES (blurry vision, or floaters), confusion, unsteadiness, nasal congestion?
    Is the pain aggravated by bright light or loud noise?
    What makes the pain worse?
    What makes the pain better? Do you take any meds to deal with the pain and if so does it work?
    Have you traveled out of the country recently? Any fever, cough? Neck stiffness?

    What other chronic medical conditions do you have e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, seasonal allergies, sinus disease, etc
  • try2basunbeam
    try2basunbeam Posts: 128
    I think it could be detoxing, but depending on the exercise routine you've been doing that can be it too. The headache I get behind my eye is mainly on one side, so I know that, for me, it is from my neck muscle. If you look at an anatomy book at where the muscles are, you can see how a tight muscle in your neck can cause headaches. It's quite remarkable IMO.

    I also had major headaches for about 2-3 weeks when I started cutting the garbage out of my diet. But they have mostly subsided. Here and there I still get a doosey, but even then I tend to chalk it up to the weather changes. Only I know what I feel and where I feel it so it's hard for anyone to truly understand what it is like to be plagued by headaches...or to try and tell me what causes them...I think that as you continue towards healthiness, the headaches will improve. BUT, if you are working muscles adn straining them, the headaches may get worse before they get better. Just being honest. If it is the latter, it is still worth going through just to get healthier!

    I try not to take pain pills too much, I would be living off them if I took them every time i hurt so I just take them as needed but even that...changing your diet can release the garbage that come with pain pills through detox. It's just the way we were made...

    I also thought water with you because you said you do your workouts later in the evening and your headaches are there first thing in the morning. Sounds related to me. So I'd put my money (if I were a bettin' gal) on water or strained muscles in the neck or shoulders. What exercises are you doing?

  • harmonikki
    harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
    Right now i'm just walking, and occasionally adding some short running...nothing too strenuous..but that is a good thought...tho I try to drink quite a bit of water in the evening especially after working out...I don't think it's muscle strain, tho of course it always could be...my job is sitting at a computer and taking payments from customers for 6 hours straight so that's still a possibility...but i'm leaning torwards your detox thought...kinda seems to fit the type of headache i'm having, so i'll probalby give it a few more weeks and see if they improve before I worry too much more about them! Thanks so much for the advice!!!

    I think it could be detoxing, but depending on the exercise routine you've been doing that can be it too. The headache I get behind my eye is mainly on one side, so I know that, for me, it is from my neck muscle. If you look at an anatomy book at where the muscles are, you can see how a tight muscle in your neck can cause headaches. It's quite remarkable IMO.

    I also had major headaches for about 2-3 weeks when I started cutting the garbage out of my diet. But they have mostly subsided. Here and there I still get a doosey, but even then I tend to chalk it up to the weather changes. Only I know what I feel and where I feel it so it's hard for anyone to truly understand what it is like to be plagued by headaches...or to try and tell me what causes them...I think that as you continue towards healthiness, the headaches will improve. BUT, if you are working muscles adn straining them, the headaches may get worse before they get better. Just being honest. If it is the latter, it is still worth going through just to get healthier!

    I try not to take pain pills too much, I would be living off them if I took them every time i hurt so I just take them as needed but even that...changing your diet can release the garbage that come with pain pills through detox. It's just the way we were made...

    I also thought water with you because you said you do your workouts later in the evening and your headaches are there first thing in the morning. Sounds related to me. So I'd put my money (if I were a bettin' gal) on water or strained muscles in the neck or shoulders. What exercises are you doing?

  • HendryL
    HendryL Posts: 5
    I have battled headaches for years as well. One other possibilty are rebound headaches caused by taking NSAID's daily. If you take any kind of headache releiver medicine (Advil, Excedrine, Aspirin, etc.) every day, you can easily have rebound headaches when the medication wares off. I know when I started exercising again, my body really hurt even from just taking long walks and it was tempting to take Advil. But given my headache history I try not to take the NSAID's unless it is absolutely necessary. If you find you can't break the headache cycle your best bet is to see your doctor (specializing in headaches). They have meds to help break the cycle without having to suffer. Good luck and congrats on the start to getting healthy!
  • spiritmachine
    Sounds like a migraine type headache. IMO not a tension headache due to the location. Sensitivity to light, location behind the eyes and your history of migraine all make migraine more likely. Didn't hear if you get nauseous or if you have any visual changes. Probably best thing to do would be to get a physical with some routine blood work, check blood pressure etc from you general doctor. See what they say but probably just going to tell you to take NSAIDs. If it continues you should see a neurologist for migraine treatment. Headache diaries are always good but not too much help if you are getting them everyday.