Tracking my running?

I love MFP, but I wish there was a way to log my runs (mileage, time, speed etc). I'd especially like to see graphs as my runs get longer, faster, and such. I've been searching around, but I haven't found anyplace to do this. Anybody know of a good site?


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I love MFP, but I wish there was a way to log my runs (mileage, time, speed etc). I'd especially like to see graphs as my runs get longer, faster, and such. I've been searching around, but I haven't found anyplace to do this. Anybody know of a good site?

    Garmin Connect
  • Kellylynnhaynes
    Kellylynnhaynes Posts: 73 Member
    I use the Nike + running app A lot of my friends use mapmyrun
  • snookey16
    snookey16 Posts: 47 Member
    Run keeper is also a really good app, and you can link it to MFP.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Endomondo has very cool graphs and tracking. I have it on my iPhone.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    RunKeeper has some pretty good graphs of pace/distance and elevation/distance. If you pay for the elite version, you can compare workouts.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I'm old school. I use excel. :)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    In addition to the sites already mentioned, here are some others:
    • - old school, simple, effective (ads but otherwise free; you can pay a bit to get rid of the ads)
    • - flashy, slightly gamified, but interesting analysis (some features paid)
    • - for serious athletes; has training plans and options for working with coaches
    • - if you have a competitive streak, you can see how you stack up against other runners. Started as a cycling site but has since expanded (probably due to pressure from triathletes)

    Strava has an associated app that you can use to track your runs with a GPS-equipped smartphone.
  • midnight419
    midnight419 Posts: 77 Member
    I use Garmin. I've also used Nike+ and RunKeeper neither of which I was fond of. I've heard good things about Running Ahead and Training Peaks.
  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member
    Not many people on MFP seem to keep an eye on the here's a wee secret.

    The same company that owns MFP recently bought Endomondo (sports tracker).

    This means there will be closer and closer integration as the two companies move forward. If you are not already in one of the sports trackers, this is the direction I'd head in.

    From a personal perspective, I've used Endomondo and Strava. Strava is *far* better for cycling, Endomondo is better for running and multisport.

    The paid app for Endomondo includes a couple of additional features, but the premium subscription for Endomondo includes training plans and a heap of other decent functionality.

    Even if you do start out with one, you can (in the future) get all your historic sessions pulled across into another programme - through for instance.
  • crittergirl222
    crittergirl222 Posts: 120 Member
    Excellent advice! Thanks everyone!! I'm off to browse through these sites!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Strava for me.
  • bannericks
    bannericks Posts: 3 Member
    Strava is the best one.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I use Nike+. Used to use Runkeeper, but recently ditched it altogether because it tends to pause at random times for no apparent reason. Nothing like finishing a long run, hike or walk only to find the app paused 12 seconds in. :neutral_face: So I've switched to Runtastic for walking & hiking, still like Nike for my running.
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    Another vote for Strava. I used the app on my iPhone before switching to a Garmin. If statistics are your thing, you can compile your Strava data using this site: