At home workouts/exercise

Snowed in today and still would like to get a good workout in :)
Also good for long work days when I can't make it to the gym - any adivce would be very appreciated!


  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2015
    Look on you tube, pinterest or even your cable channels. You should find something. It depends on what you are looking for. Do you have a flight of stairs? A jump rope? You can get some work out videos pretty reasonably like Jillian Michaels. I have seen them on Amazon and at BJ'so so you would always have a back up plan.
  • cupcaker18
    Strength training! I do 30 min cardio at the gym, but almost all my strength training is done at home. Lunges, bridges, swimmers, flutterkicks, squat variations, push ups, tricep dips, wall sits, crunches - all so easy and convenient to do at home. Maybe you can add jumping jacks for some cardio?