Pre-workout supplements?

Hi all,

I was wondering if any of you use pre-workout supplements and if you can advise to the best ones.

I'm struggling to maintain energy in some of my fitness regimes, particularly in the cardio! I tend to do classes such as Body Combat instead of plodding along on the cross trainer for hours as I find it's much more fun and I can get a lot more out of them. I I always start out at 100% and like to give my all but find by 3/4 way in I'm lagging and my effort drops dramatically. I normally eat something rich in carbs an hour and a half before to fuel my body and have tried sipping sports drinks throughout the class, which does help to a point but I find they make me feel sick.

Any suggestions?



  • wellsy31
    wellsy31 Posts: 2 Member
    Switch from eating a carb rich meal before exercise, and try a high protein/fat meal. The carbs can be making you feel sluggish, I never eat carbs pre workout unless im training legs, as I feel I need them then!! Check out Ben pakulskis view on protein/fat before training.
  • insaneteabag
    insaneteabag Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you will have a look now!
  • Rooster0504
    Rooster0504 Posts: 14 Member
    I use pulse once a week for my earliest work out. I love it! I think it's newer on the market. Gives great quick energy that you feel compelled to channel into activity. 1 scoop is more than enough from me and the energy tapers of gradually. I like it better than others I've tried (animal rage and noexplode).
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    I use PreJym. It is expensive but is very transparent on what it contains which is important to me.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I have used c4 by cellucor and I like it but if I take more than one scoop I get a strange tingling all over my body and will start to feel nauseous. So I try my best not to use it if I can help it. I think a cup of coffee and maybe something high protein would work better or a banana with pb depending on the length of your work out. Good luck! :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    There is no "best" pre-workout, as people will respond differently to the different stims. I've tried a bunch and have some I like and some I don't like. The only universal, for me, is caffeine. Caffeine is good for my workouts.

    Here is what I've tried, all taken on an empty stomach for greatest effect -
    • C4 - no effect
    • Hyper - good buzz, just short of giving me the jitters.
    • Amino Energy - barely noticable
    • Gold standard preworkout - good buzz, just short of giving me the jitters.
    • 5hr Energy, regular strength - barely noticable
    • 5hr energy, extra strength - good buzz, doesn't give me the jitters, but makes me antsy.

    But, more to your problem... I find that pre-workouts don't help much with energy during longer workouts. The only thing to help with that is actual calories. You'll have to expiriment to find what you respond well to vs what makes you feel heavy and sluggish. Personally, I've had good luck with everything from energy gels to rice crispy treats to PPB&J sandwiches.
  • Tortitudekitty
    Tortitudekitty Posts: 67 Member
    A cup (or two) of freshly brewed coffee. None of that instant muck!

    Keeping hydrated through the workout with filtered water, then after slug back a hit of whey asap.
  • gio14
    gio14 Posts: 57 Member
    Coffee+Beta Alanine+Arginine+Zinc/Magneseum+BCAA No need for all the extra junk in pre workout crack
  • tziol
    tziol Posts: 206 Member
    everyone reacts differently to different supplements....For me Amino Energy was one of the best
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    I use PreJym and really like it. Ive used most of the other popular ones and this particular product works best for me.
  • jett69
    jett69 Posts: 60 Member
    I use to use craze and it gave me crazy focus and strength. Found out it had meth like ingredients in it. Now its just black coffee on ice, i chug it 20 min before my workout, not as great as craze but it gets the job done.