Finding time to exercise

jenniferlovesellee Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
hi everyone! I am wondering how everyone finds time to exercise? I have two little ones that require most of my time and working part time. By the end of the day I am left with no energy. How does everyone find the time to squeeze in their workouts?


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Time is not found .. it is made, scheduled, planned.
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    Time is not found .. it is made, scheduled, planned.

    Amen! I just make the time. I have two kids, myself. I carve it out of my day and it is part of our regularly scheduled programming.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Where there is a will, there is a way. Have you tried those really intense 7 minute workouts?
  • ernurse167
    ernurse167 Posts: 26 Member
    I schedule the time. I work over night 12 hour shifts so I stop on my way home and work out at the gym in the morning. On my days off, I work out a second time in the evenings. I miss a day here and there due to life, but after doing it for a bit, it has become a part of my schedule just like everything else.
  • beachbum4044
    beachbum4044 Posts: 57 Member
    I have the ability to eat lunch at my desk so that when I go to lunch I can use the equipment at work (I walk or use the elliptical). I have been trying to do this 2-3 times a week. I then cook dinner and leave the clean up to my daughter. My husband and son pitch in where needed and I take 30 min to push play on a video. I have had to learn to make the time and not the excuse. Do you have a partner at home that can take over so you can work out? Have you tried to get up 30 minutes sooner to push play? or do whatever type of exercise you like? I have a friend w an 18 month old. She goes to bed when he does and then gets up before him to get her workout in. Have you tried to do a video with them in the room? Maybe some type of zumba or dance themed one that they can try and do with you?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Time is not found .. it is made, scheduled, planned.

    Yep, pretty much. I plan it for first thing, so I know it'll get done.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I used to literally lift my children. I don't remember what it was called, but I had a book that had yoga moves for moms and had you lifting children over head, doing push ups with them near by, some moves like airplanes with the kids on your legs. My kids thought it was great! I also used to do things like squats while folding laundry or brushing my teeth, jumping jacks and jump squats in the living room while they played, walking lunges down the hall - just throwing in bodyweight stuff whenever I had a second. Once my kids got old enough to want tv I bought a set of dumbbells and would do some quick lifting while they watched an episode of Daniel Tiger or something. And we had a double stroller so I'd take the kids for looooong walks up as many hills as I could find. Try making a list of exercizes you can do anywhere and keep if with you - then if you find yourself with a couple spare minutes, bang out a set or two of something. It's not ideal, but it's better than doing nothing at all. Although I empathize with energy being more of a challenge than time and opportunity.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Get up 35 minutes before anyone else, pull on workout clothes you laid out the night before, and get a 20-30 minute workout done in your living room. is a great site with over 400 free workout vids, and you can use their search feature to narrow down results by length of workout, intensity, equipment, etc.

    I'm up before anyone in my household and get it done early, or it doesn't happen. I'm done before my kid is up for school, and I take my shower and get on with my day once she's out the door - and it's awesome having the workout done - it's a great feeling having rocked a good workout, even a short one, at the start of the day.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    @brianpperkins‌ is right. I'll set my running shoes and shorts out the night before I run.
    I also run EARLY (predawn); I find the early hours are easiest not to compromise, plus I find it meditative to run without any distractions. As a bonus I get to see the sunrise as I near the finish :)
  • cliffodom1
    cliffodom1 Posts: 57 Member
    AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    Get up 35 minutes before anyone else, pull on workout clothes you laid out the night before, and get a 20-30 minute workout done in your living room. is a great site with over 400 free workout vids, and you can use their search feature to narrow down results by length of workout, intensity, equipment, etc.

    I'm up before anyone in my household and get it done early, or it doesn't happen. I'm done before my kid is up for school, and I take my shower and get on with my day once she's out the door - and it's awesome having the workout done - it's a great feeling having rocked a good workout, even a short one, at the start of the day.

    What she said

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    QHjr wrote: »
    @brianpperkins‌ is right. I'll set my running shoes and shorts out the night before I run.
    I also run EARLY (predawn); I find the early hours are easiest not to compromise, plus I find it meditative to run without any distractions. As a bonus I get to see the sunrise as I near the finish :)

    I'm a dawn patrol runner in the summer - sometimes it's a drag getting out of bed so early to run, but trying to beat the heat is my motivator...and the solitude in the cool of the morning, plus that sunrise peeking over the Sierras as I head for home is always always always a great reward.

    The only workout I've ever regretted is the one I didn't do....
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I have two little ones as well.

    I used to workout during nap time, then my 2.5 year started skipping naps. I then moved it to get it done during their screen time for the day. They started not being too interested in their Ipads for me to get a quick workout in. Now I get up at 5:30 in the morning. They usually get up around 6:30 but of course my 2.5 year old has started getting up before six the last few days. If I am still working out when he strolls on out, he will just look at this books or play with blocks until I am done. He has it out for me though. He loves to talk and ask me a million times how tall he made his towers and tunnels.

    I set up everything the night before so all I have to when I get up is let the dog out, get dressed, and hit play. My husband and I also try to run two days a week with them in the jogging strollers. I agree, you really just have to schedule that time for yourself, whenever you can that will have the least amount of chance of being interfered with.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Get up early and exercise or exercise after they've gone to bed. How old are your kids, what time of day do you work, when do they get up, and when do they go to bed? Are you married or living with a partner? Can s/he take turns watching the kids in the evening so that you can workout then on some days?
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    swap childcare with a friend. That way you can both get a workout in.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    People have given some really great tips, so I'll just add a couple things that have worked for me:

    1. Make it non-negotiable. It's super important, as important as paying bills and making sure your kids get meals and such. It should never be up for debate in your head, about whether you have the time or energy today. You will end up losing that in the end.

    2. Start light to build the habit and the passion. I was really low in January, and had dropped my workout habit in September. I started back with a daily yoga routine (30 days of yoga by Yoga with Adriene on YouTube). Immediately, I was feeling better. It helped me build up the daily habit. And it builds strength, balance, flexibility, but is a bit gentle. Like stretch, find peace, move here, HOLD this strength-building thing hold hold hold, relax, stretch... etc. I went into it with no energy, no willpower, just kind of desperate. I came out of it with a boat load of energy. I've been sleeping better. I've adopted a daily practice. I was inspired to start back up with other kinds of workouts too, bigger challenges.

    I don't know if that would work for you as a starter. But if not that, something. It's not all or nothing. Pick something light and restorative, or of moderate intensity, or something fun. Does not have to leave you sweaty and shaking. Just build that daily habit. Practice making the time and showing up to it, and being present for whatever activity you picked. You'll start to feel better, and you'll start to want to expand.
  • jenniferlovesellee
    jenniferlovesellee Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the great tips everyone! I never thought of it as important as paying bills but it is really is important to me to get the workout in. I always feel so much better after I workout when I don't.
  • Rafase282
    Rafase282 Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2015
    For now I just find ways to make me workout, like getting off one stop before, using the stairs instead of the elevator, walking as much as possible and when playing videogames or watching tv i do push-ups or squats when the game is loading or there is commercials on tv. Other than that is to pretty much schedule it.
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    Time is not found .. it is made, scheduled, planned.

    ^^Amen. I work full time, have two kids at home and a husband that is rarely home. I work out at 9 pm 5 nights a week. It's what works and what I could fully commit to.

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Multitask. I used to watch a lot of tv. I still keep up with my favorite shows - by watching them while I'm on the treadmill. Or I'll read/study for a class while on the treadmill. And there is always the idea of working it in to family time. Active play is good for you & them.
    hi everyone! I am wondering how everyone finds time to exercise? I have two little ones that require most of my time and working part time. By the end of the day I am left with no energy. How does everyone find the time to squeeze in their workouts?

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,753 Member
    I'm not sure how old your children are, but I started walking with the baby in the stroller as soon as I was cleared by my doctor. Fortunately, I live a block from a high school track so I'd just hit the track with the stroller almost every day. When the kids got too old to stay in the stroller they'd play in the long jump pit (aka the sand box) while I walked.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2015
    Are you a single mother? Just curious as it seems like I see a lot of women here who are doing all of the taking care of this and that, cleaning, cooking, kids...doing their husbands laundry, etc and I always wonder what the *kitten* the husband does.

    At any-rate my wife and I work as a is important to both of us so we make the time (finding time is a passive endeavor...time will never be found...there will always be something else to fill that time) and we just help each other out.

    For example, she hits the gym on Monday and Wednesday evening and I pick the kids up from day care and get them home, fed, bathed, etc. Opposite is done on Tuesday and Thursday when I hit the gym and she takes care of the domestics. She's off work on Fridays so she hits the gym then and I hit it again on Saturday mornings. She runs a lot at lunch times and I primarily ride and use my lunch for that. She goes for one long run on Saturday when I get home from the gym so I usually take the kids out to go do something fund...and my long ride is usually Sunday and my wife takes the kids out for mommy and kiddo time.

    Sometimes we all go do some fun fitness stuff as a family as well...we enjoy getting out for a family bike ride when the weather is nice.
  • berescga
    berescga Posts: 27 Member
    I work out at what I affectionately call "stupid early" because I am a morning person, dh works out in the evening, and if I don't get it done first thing in the morning there are way too many excuses that get in the way. It works for me, although I know dh wishes I didn't go to bed so early at night.

    You just have to make it a priority and figure out what works for you. Good luck!
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    I plan my workout times and put them in the calendar in my phone and stick to it.
  • aimsterrz
    aimsterrz Posts: 26 Member
    I find myself having a tough time putting the effort in going to the gym, but I do the beachbody programs. Some of those programs are 25-30 minutes long and I do not have to go anywhere. It keeps me more accountable for working out if I dont have to leave the house!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I work early morning till mid afternoon. I usually do my weightlifting at the gym after work and my HIIT workouts in the evening after a short rest.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I make it mandatory.

    i have 4 kids - 7, 5 ,4 and 6 months. Its hard, but if i give myself the option - i wont go.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    It's non-negotiable! I will nix errands, social events, get my workouts in if needed. Before I had a gym w/child care I used to go to bed when the kids did and then workout at 4am so I could be home in time to get them ready for school at 6am. Now I go to the gym and if the kids are with me, they go too. Mommy's not very nice if she skips her workouts.
  • midnight419
    midnight419 Posts: 77 Member
    Make it a priority, and you will "find" the time.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Like others are saying, you don't find time. You make it.
  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    I try to get up early and exercise before my two girls (2 and 5) get up, or make it work mid morning with the kids running around me. They even have their own 1 lb. weights, which is pretty adorable. Gym is not currently an option for me so I do you tube videos (Jillian Michaels, Jessica Smith, etc.) It was hard getting in to a routine at first but if you commit you can make it happen!
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