Low carb & exhausted

MemFox Posts: 35 Member
I am on day 5 of a 6 week shred program. First week is low to No carb.
I am exhausted, emotional and suffering from brain fog.
I am eating high protein, have cut out as much crap from my diet as possible and struggling to make it to the point I start to feel better.
Please can you look at my diary and make suggestions to give me a little more energy?
I work nights at a pub so need to be with it.
I am sleeping extremely well at night, and exercising everyday (always before lunch time)
I am trying this as I haven't been able to lose weight lately just using mfp.


  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I am not a huge nutrition expert, but how about just adding in a little more fruit which is natural carbs to give you a little more energy. Maybe an apple or some berries.

  • MemFox
    MemFox Posts: 35 Member
    First week is no fruit either- I'm following a program by Sally Matterson, gosh she's awesome! 2 more days and I can have a cheat day should I want to, but till then
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You cannot do a lot of changes at once without feeling off for a few days. For now, focus on getting more fat into your diet. Also, for now do not worry about whether something is "crap" or not. Tonight you can eat more eggs and some more bacon. Butter, olive oil, or any oil would be good.
    Tomorrow get some low carb veggies. Think of leaves like Swiss chard, kale, romaine, cabbage. Also cucumber, asparagus, mushrooms.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Like a bad smell, it too will soon pass.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    It looks to me that your overall calories are very low. Eat more calories.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Been there, done that, tried for nearly a year and it never got better. Low carb and intense workouts are a disastrous combination for lots of people.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Looked at a few diary days. More fat, first of all. A lot more fat. You cannot do low carb and low fat at the same time. You also need a lot more salt and water - that's where the fatigue is coming from. Try drinking some chicken broth, that should make you feel better quickly. Also make sure you're getting enough magnesium and potassium, your electrolytes being off causes a lot of the symptoms you're complaining of.

    Use this: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    You don't have to do keto to use the calculator. Answer the questions and set the carbs to whatever you feel you should be working on, and it will calculate the rest of the macros based on your body info and rate of loss.
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    Your life and ability to function is more important than doing an arbitrary no-carb period for a kick start. Your body needs carbohydrates to function. It is as simple as that. You don't have to add in a huge amount - but strongly suggest some fruit and vegetables. Remember, these aren't just carbs- they are fibre, bulk, vitamins, nutrients. Important!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Your life and ability to function is more important than doing an arbitrary no-carb period for a kick start. Your body needs carbohydrates to function. It is as simple as that. You don't have to add in a huge amount - but strongly suggest some fruit and vegetables. Remember, these aren't just carbs- they are fibre, bulk, vitamins, nutrients. Important!
    You can get all the fiber and nutrients from most vegetables and the body needs glucose, which the body is capable of producing in the absence of dietary carbs, which I don't advocate but nevertheless.

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I don't really get the no carb thing. You can lose weight by just eating at a calorie deficit. It also looks to me like you're not eating enough overall. You're only getting like barely over 1,100 calories a day. No wonder you have no energy.
  • mokaiba
    mokaiba Posts: 141 Member
    edited March 2015
    MemFox wrote: »
    I am on day 5 of a 6 week shred program. First week is low to No carb.
    I am exhausted, emotional and suffering from brain fog.
    I am eating high protein, have cut out as much crap from my diet as possible and struggling to make it to the point I start to feel better.
    Please can you look at my diary and make suggestions to give me a little more energy?
    I work nights at a pub so need to be with it.
    I am sleeping extremely well at night, and exercising everyday (always before lunch time)
    I am trying this as I haven't been able to lose weight lately just using mfp.

    You cannot just cut carbs and increase protein without complications.

    when you cut carbs to 100g or less you need to increase your fat intake. The fogginess is from your brain having no fuel. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketogenic_diet for more info.

    With that said, i never understand why people switch to diets meant for medical conditions and then wonder why they are getting screwed over by it.

    edit: looked at your diary. your carb intake is actually normal for today and yesterday was 72. you got foggy because you only ate 28 fat when it should have been 60-100.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Is this the program you're talking about? http://www.sallymatterson.com.au/original-shredder-online-training-program

    If you paid money for that, and it's advising you specifically to do a low carb and low fat diet at the same time, I think the best thing you should do is ask for your money back and report them to whatever Australia's version of the Better Business Bureau is.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    If you're interested, you can take a look at this. I've been using this on my entire weight loss journey and I've managed to lose so far almost 25 pounds. It's a free online calculator.


    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. And you don't have to go "low carb" or "low fat" or low anything. Just eat at a slight deficit and you'll lose weight.
  • MemFox
    MemFox Posts: 35 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks For all your replies so far. My goal originally was to lose weight, now however I am also trying to build muscle and tone. The change in my diet as Im following the above program.
    I am finding with all the extra protein I'm eating I am not hungry and struggling to even eat what's in my diary. My appetite has decreased heaps! ( though I do emotional eat Big time so that urge to munch even when I'm not hungry still hasn't gone lol)
    I'm not intentionally Cutting fats either- it's just happened this way of cutting carbs and attempting to eat clean.
    previously my calories were eaten up with lots of carbs, potato crisps and wine so surely hat I'm eating now should be heaps better in comparison?
  • mokaiba
    mokaiba Posts: 141 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    If you're interested, you can take a look at this. I've been using this on my entire weight loss journey and I've managed to lose so far almost 25 pounds. It's a free online calculator.


    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. And you don't have to go "low carb" or "low fat" or low anything. Just eat at a slight deficit and you'll lose weight.

    I like to refer to http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ .
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member

    mokaiba wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    If you're interested, you can take a look at this. I've been using this on my entire weight loss journey and I've managed to lose so far almost 25 pounds. It's a free online calculator.


    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. And you don't have to go "low carb" or "low fat" or low anything. Just eat at a slight deficit and you'll lose weight.

    I like to refer to http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ .

    Ooh I haven't seen this one yet. I plugged in my stats - got pretty much the same numbers I'm already using. So good to know anyway!

  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    The cals just seem low to me. You're not doing no carb just low carb. The issue looks like you're simply not eating enough. Try some smoothies or shakes.
  • kingw363
    kingw363 Posts: 18 Member
    If you do low carb then you have to increase your fat, also I'm not familiar with that program but no carbs is a bad choice. I have read before that the brain needs certain amount of carbs, a small number but 0 carbs seems like a bad idea.
  • Nikkei74
    Nikkei74 Posts: 48 Member
    I have the same problem with low carb. Any less than 80 grams (gross, not net) and I struggle to get above 900 calories for a day. Maybe try snacking on things like macadamia or avocado. You can make a pretty tasty smoothie with coconut water, avocado and cocoa. The avocado doesn't change the flavour much, but makes the smoothie really creamy.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MemFox wrote: »
    Thanks For all your replies so far. My goal originally was to lose weight, now however I am also trying to build muscle and tone. The change in my diet as Im following the above program.
    I am finding with all the extra protein I'm eating I am not hungry and struggling to even eat what's in my diary. My appetite has decreased heaps! ( though I do emotional eat Big time so that urge to munch even when I'm not hungry still hasn't gone lol)
    I'm not intentionally Cutting fats either- it's just happened this way of cutting carbs and attempting to eat clean.
    previously my calories were eaten up with lots of carbs, potato crisps and wine so surely hat I'm eating now should be heaps better in comparison?

    Cook veggies in oil, add some avocado, do something to get more fats in there. You're risking real damage to your body. While what you're doing now is comparatively better than what you were doing before, it's all about balance. If you drop fat, you have to add carbs, if you drop carbs, you have to add fat. If your diet is all protein and little to nothing else, you're looking at joint problems, bone loss, things that will definitely bite you later in life, even if they don't seem like a big deal now.