How many times do you weigh yourself???



  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    I weigh almost every day. And measurements once a month.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    usually every morning but i only log it once a week on mfp and once a month in my planner.

    if daily fluctuations bother you, weigh less often.
  • Once a week on every Sunday morning. If it's above 143lb's then I trim the calories intake. Normally I take around 2200 to 2300 calories a day to maintain my weight. If I am 2-3 pounds over I just cut it down to half for next 2-3 days.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Every day
  • pwatol
    pwatol Posts: 326 Member
    Most days. But I'm abnormal in that I weigh in the evening right before dinner. I actually do this deliberately to help me with motivation. It's my "worst case" weight for the day (so I worry less about it going up), and if the number is really discouraging or I plateau, I hop on the scale for an "unofficial" weight in the morning before breakfast. It's generally guaranteed to be lower and help me keep my eyes on the prize. When I first started with MFP, I didn't record weight on any days when my weight went up until I felt like I'd be able to shrug off the disappointment of weight fluctuations. It's all stupid tricks to fool myself into playing the weight loss game more, but it works for me.
  • 98starr
    98starr Posts: 3
    I weigh myself every morning before breakfast. The reason I do that is because if I wait a week and lose nothing or gain, then I think - maybe I could have changed something 5 days ago to have gotten a better result... Also it stops me misbehaving if I knwo I have to get in the scale then next am :s
  • SuperC_sa
    SuperC_sa Posts: 48 Member
    I havent climbed on the scale in 6 months now, so liberating! What does my gravitational force on the earth got to do with anything...
  • MichaelVakili
    MichaelVakili Posts: 27 Member
    After struggling with anorexia and binge eating , I found out that the scale is my nightmare. So I throw it out. I don't even want to step on a scale. I prefer using the clothes method , or just checking the mirror now and then.
  • bfrance
    bfrance Posts: 23 Member
    Every 15 days
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    3rd anniversary on MFP 3/12/15.
    -160+ pounds and have been on maintenance 16 months.
    The way it has to be for me.
  • cskone38
    cskone38 Posts: 50 Member
    Just remember with the excercise, your gaining extra muscle, so the scale may say one thing, but the body mass and measurements will be another.
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    I check everyday first thing in the morning. My weigh times are always within a 20 minute window. I don't see a problem as long as you don't get discouraged if the numbers don't show you what you want. Last time I lost weight was before we were trying to get pregnant, I was weighing myself once a week in the mornings at wake up. It's all how you can handle the scale's sassy attitude!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Every month or two. And pre, post races.
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    edited March 2015
    Don't be scared. it will take a few weeks to actually start losing. don't be surprised to see your weight fluctuate +/- 5 lbs due to water etc. don't let your first weigh in discourage you. its best to weigh in at the same time of day each time to minimize fluctuations but its common to see weight go up a bit the first week or two before you start to drop. at least that is what happened to me. be patient and have faith.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    ElisaJtsu wrote: »
    I have not been on the scales since I've (re)started with MFP. I thought about checking my weight on Friday, but I'm soooooooooo scared! Is it too soon?
    Everyday. Studies show a link between frequent weighing and greater weight loss. The exception might be those who obsess about every minor up/down tick. :)

  • jmasci20
    jmasci20 Posts: 82 Member
    I was happy to see a previous comment "officially once a week" which is what I do. There's reams of info online about normal fluctuations in weight, and I found that weighing myself every day can be discouraging. I did that once before and the discouragement lead me to overdo the calorie deficit, and ultimately lose muscle mass. Once a week, same time of day for the official log in.
  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    All the freaking time when I'm home. But I know that time of day, clothes, and a whole host of other things can make it fluctuate a lot, so I log about once every 2 weeks.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    You have to know where the start point is before you can cross the finish line, so it would be a good idea to get on the scale now. I weighed myself every morning while I was on this journey, now I weigh myself once a week, now that I am at goal weight.
  • LetterboxingMoose
    LetterboxingMoose Posts: 18 Member
    I just started back on here last month. I was afraid to weigh in too. I decided to weigh myself every week on Sunday morning and record it on here regardless of whether I gain or lose. I feel that it is helpful to be accountable for that weigh in at the beginning of each week. I can also go back and look at my diary on those good weeks to see what I ate and what I did for exercise.

    Do whatever you think works best for you, everyone is different.
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    I weigh myself daily, in the morning. I like to know how my body reacts to certain foods, or if I see a gain of a lb or two I double down and place myself on notice. I've been weighing myself daily for so many years now it's a habit that I can't break. (Truthfully, I wouldn't either).

    What really matters to me is my "weekly score". On Sunday, I look at my last Sunday's weight. If it's less, I'm happy. If it's the same, I look at the foods I've eaten and tweak. I have yet to go up on a weekly basis.

    Some people do very well not weighing themselves daily. Ultimately, it matters what works best for you.