Feel so frustrated

Hi I really need some help. I started at 353lbs. I am a binge eater. I have always eaten healthily in terms of a good breakfast and lots of veg, lean meat etc but I would consume big bars of chocolate, tubs of ice cream, cakes, biscuits. Anyway back in January I went to my gp and asked for help. The very next day I cut out all the crap and I haven't touched any of these foods since and I've not missed them. I told myself that come Xmas when I've lost a lot of weight then I can have some chocolate. The first week 8lbs came off but now 9 weeks later I average 1lb a week and it's so disheartening. My calories have gone from 4,000 a day down to 2,000. I do a little walking but no other exercise as yet. I wrote my food down and weigh it out. The only thing I can think of as to why the loss is so slow is that my thyroxine levels are out (I had my thyroid removed 20yrs ago). I'm having blood tests done next week to see about this. I know that I need to relax about this but I have a wonderful family and life but my weight makes me miserable so my focus for this year is to get the weight off. I don't feel like cheating or going off the rails but I cry every morning the scales don't shift. I got given xenical/oralistat tablets 3 weeks ago from the gp but they've not made any difference. They are meant to take a third of the fat out of your meal but my meals are very low fat. I've read that stress can make the scales not budge but I don't really understand that?? Anyone else with over 140lbs to loose and struggling so early on? I know that a loss is a loss but I'm sorry I need to see 2lbs a week am I asking too much?


  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Congrats on losing 21 lb!! That's fantastic!

    It's important to remember that you didn't put it all on in a few months and it won't come off that fast either. Patience, and perseverance are your best friends.

    Assuming that you started Jan 1, that was 9 weeks ago... You have lost 21 lb in 9 weeks, which is MORE than 2 lb / week average. Even accounting for the initial 8 lb loss, you are averaging 1.4 lb/week.

    The first 1-2 weeks, you lose a lot of water weight as your body adjusts to the calorie deficit you live in.. and it is normal for your weight loss to slow down after that.

    Now if you want to go for a total transformation, I suggest to start moving more... start slow and easy, and build up slowly. In this way, you will increase your calorie deficit through the calories you burn, and improve your body shape and help you feel better overall.

    Losing weight is simple, but not necessarily easy. It is not linear, either. You may have 3-4 weeks of only losing 1 lb/week, followed by a whoosh of 3 lb in a day... then have a stead 2 lb/week for 3 months, followed by a plateau that lasts for a month, then another whoosh.
    It's all part of the process.

    Keep it going - really, you are doing great.

  • mytimemfp
    mytimemfp Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much I keep focussing on how much better I feel and my clothes are looser just sometime feel like I will be fat forever and I cry at that thought. I'm starting the gym next week and in the past that's always helped me shift weight so I will plough on.
    thanks again x
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    It took me 5 years to lose 120 lbs. That averages out to about HALF a pound a week. Was I discouraged at times? yes. But I never gave up. That half a pound a week doesn't bother me so much now. You're losing twice as fast as I did. So, rock on! keep it up!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. The best part of tracking your food is you can go back and see what you eat and try to eliminate or change some things. You'd be surprised how a simple change can make a huge difference. I use to eat a "healthy" cereal with skim milk every morning and when I noticed no changes I switched it up to eggs with veggies and the weight started coming off again. You just keep on keeping on!!!! Keep walking! Add some small weights a few times a week. You've got this!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Not a bad start. You should be proud of yourself. I don't have as much to lose but am hypothyroid. I try to limit carbs to 45% of my daily calories. Don't go too low on fat either. Fat doesn't make you fat eating too much of everything does. Good luck <3