new to this...going to try the 17 day diet

nadine83 Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
hi, i am new to all this and tried to post on the 17 day diet topic thread but it said it has closed. are there any others on here who are currently on or thinking of doing this diet? I have some questions and am looking for some advice and support!!:happy:


  • beautybloom
    beautybloom Posts: 45
    i am curious too!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Hi Nadine, did you biy the book yet? I bought the book but haven't read it yet. I find that by watching my calories on MFP it's working for me. I think on the 17 Day Diet you have to cook and I don't like to cook. However would you let me know how it turns out for you? I may give it a shot on down the road after I've lost a little more weight. I figure it will be something different to jolt my system. Please stay in touch and let me know. Have a great evening!
  • what in the world is the 17 day diet? Sounds interesting but dangerous. I am sure it is one of those diets where you have to starve yourself like HCG But would love to hear about it though!
  • chines706
    chines706 Posts: 18
    I brought the book last night! Plan to read it over the weekend. We can all start together!!!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning! Lots of ladies at my office trying it and some are giving it 100% and doing great. One girl lost 6 pounds the first week. I read the book and I like his ideas. Only issue not much research to back his theories. not yet anyway. But look at Atkins, they now say some of his reasearch is very accurate. Anyway, best of luck to you and friend me if you would like so that I can stay intouch to see how you are doing! Best wishes! Shelia
  • I looked it up on the internet and it says that it resets your metabolism and that it has been featured on The Doctors and the Dr. Phil Show.

    Every 17 days you’re changing what you’re doing. They call it metabolic, or body, confusion.
    Here are the four cycles of The 17 Day Diet:

    Cycle 1: Accelerate. Encourages rapid weight loss, cleansing and fat burning. Discourages fat storage.
    Cycle 2: Activate. Resets the metabolism.
    Cycle 3: Achieve. Develop good eating habits, re-teach yourself how to eat carbs.
    Cycle 4: Arrive. A combination of the first three Cycles. On weekends, enjoy your favorite foods.

    The 17 Day Diet also features a 17-minute exercise routine you should do as well as tons of tips and strategies to avoid food pitfalls.

    I'm going to try it as well !!
  • Very interesting. I'd be curious to see how close it is to the Atkins diet, and the South Beach Diet (phase 1) which is also 2 weeks. I did South Beach years ago and shed a LOT in the first 2 weeks. Problem is, I didn't like the menu too much - not what I normally eat. Was great for 10 years, but the weight came back. So here I am on MFP. It's all about self-discipline for moderation .... isn't it :wink:
  • LauriinSB
    LauriinSB Posts: 34 Member
    I've been doing it and I eat all the time! I'm at the very end of my weight loss so it's going a little slower, but it helped break my plateau. It's really easy, you should give it a try
  • nadine83
    nadine83 Posts: 7
    we should definitely start together if possible...just trying to figure out the best day to start it so we can all be on the same day. I think it would be really helpful to be able to check in with each other each night and see how well things are going and compare notes : side effects, recipes, exercise tips, ect...

    Cant wait to start!!!

    Now lets take a vote on when to start! Im thinking either Sunday or Monday? That way it gives us time to get groceries and stuff that we need? Any other ideas just let me know!
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
    this is the second thread of 17 day diet
    don't think this one is locked.

    Lots of information and sucess for people who have completed cycle 1.
    I am starting cycle 1 tomorrow.
    Have read the book and am ready to give it a go.
  • nadine83
    nadine83 Posts: 7
    thanks i will try that one for more tips and advice! Not sure why the other was locked! There are a few of us that are planning on starting the diet together on monday and the more the if ud like to be in our group let me know...add me as a friend...we will also continue to post and update on here to keep everyone informed of our progress!

    best of luck to everyone!
  • nadine83
    nadine83 Posts: 7
    well i think i am ready....i know i am ready...i have the book, going grocery shopping tomorrow and will start 1st thing monday morning...WILLPOWER WILLPOWER WILLPOWER!!!!!!!
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    I just downloaded the book on my android phone app. The diet seems much like the South Beach, which I did about about 7 years ago. The one thing that I like about this one is that it doesn't cut out fruit during the first cycle, like the South Beach (in phase 1.) I'm also thinking about trying it, but I need to wait a week to be able to give it my full attention. I'll be interested in seeing how all of you do doing the 1st week. GOOD LUCK!
  • stargazgal
    stargazgal Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all,

    I started the 17 day diet on MOnday (cycle 1) and I love it! It is better than the atkins and south beach because you are allowed to have 2 fruits a day and 2 probiotic dairy. The first cyle is really just sensible eating, lean white meat and fish and unlimited vegetables. I feel great and I havent been hungry once nor have I craved any sweets or carbs and I just finished my 3rd day! :) I have lost 3 lbs so far (which I know is water weight) but still....I think it will be good because I know in 14 more days I can incorporate lean beef, pork and 1 healthy starch...(alternating my days from cycle 1 and cycle 2) i am excitted! ;)
    ps. any 17 day dieters want to add me as friend so we can share recipes etc let me know!
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    Hi all, today is day 8 for me and weight loss of 6 pounds. I feel fantastic!! Good luck to us all! I'm also looking for diet buddies if anyone is interested :)
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Today is my first day! I am eating the taco salad made with ground turkey. It is wonderful!!! So far today, I was a little hungry after my 2 eggs for breakfast but at snack time I got to have my yogurt and frozen berries. I think that I will be able to actually stick to this plan!!
  • aw4n
    aw4n Posts: 6
    I only just heard about this diet yesterday..ordered the book straightaway from amazon which should arrive tomorrow morning! Plan to start on Monday.

    After reading the results some people have had I'm REALLY excited.

    1 question though..I'm going on holiday next month so is it fine to do the first cycle..take a break of 12 days..and then restart the process?
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