Officially started yesterday - anyone up for sharing the journey?

I WAS meant to start yesterday lol... I got up did my morning workout but at 3pm I had a huge chocolate craving and my boyfriend left an easter egg on my desk. Sad times. Well, that's all gone now!

My stats (planning on pictures throughout to keep track soon as well):

Height: 5'6 (167cm)
Weight: 15stone (210lbs)
Size: UK 18/20
Age: 25

Before I always tried to go cold turkey on my favourite foods. I can cut out the take-aways.. but chocolate? So my following goals are:

- takeaways/night outs on a friday OR sat only
- alcohol only on a friday OR sat only
- chocolate in moderation (I have little bags of buttons/mini eggs and allowed 1 a day IF desperate lol)
- I have begun and will continue to work out 5 times a week as follows:
- mon/tues/weds/thurs = 30mins treadmill/30mins other cardio/strength
- sunday = a long hike round a scenic park with the dogs

So it's my unrefined plan. I haven't got any friends yet on here so if anyone wants to chip in and share then add away :)



  • miamummy77
    Hi, I'm Vicky. I've just started today.
    No exercise planned today, but trying my best with food, but just failed and had 2 biscuits. I really struggle dieting but need to try.
    I'm 5ft 6, 12st 8. Age 37 x
  • fuzzypicklehead
    fuzzypicklehead Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Vicky & Biscuitz. I just started yesterday too, but seem to have picked up a tummy bug today-- which makes it pretty easy to manage a calorie deficit for today at least!

    I'm also 37 and around 12 st 11. Lately the pounds just seem to keep piling on and I have to do something! Feel free to friend me, I can use all the help and motivation I can get!
  • alwilkey
    alwilkey Posts: 14

    Hey Biscuitz I just found this article and thought you might enjoy it.
  • C1aire80
    C1aire80 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I've recently come back to MFP and would like to lose around 40lbs - for good this time! Feel free to add me if to like.
  • Biscuitz89
    Hiya thanks for the replies and the article - have added :) Am so chuffed with how friendly everyone here is x
  • fancyblossom83
    fancyblossom83 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there y'all! I have used the fitness pal previously when I was trying to diet and excercise. I haven't in awhile and had put on quite a bit of weight thru Christmas. Yesterday was my first day back on fitness pal and my first day to exercise. I am doing a loose 10 pledge for March. I'm really going to try hard! We can do it y'all!! We just have to keep trying everyday. I also had biscuits and deer sausage for breakfast.(my weakness!)
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Started around 2 weeks ago. Find it hard to get motivated to exercise each day but afterwards I feel great for doing it. Also need as much motivation as possible!
  • CaptainBat
    CaptainBat Posts: 1 Member
    I started two days ago, I would love more accountabilibuddies!
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey there! I started a month ago, feel free to add me! I like your attitude, and your plan sounds good!
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    Hi guys, I have been at this for a bit. I know how daunting it can be, and how frustrating the failures are. But I keep at it, and this time I made it promise that I am not stopping until I reach my goal.

    Feel free to add me. I could always use and give more inspiration, and at times just seeing others keep it up in the face of difficulties motivates you.
  • cplessel
    cplessel Posts: 1
    Starting tomorrow. I'm 49, 4' 11" and need to lose 15 lbs by early July.....I start a diet everyday, but can't seem to get through lunch without messing up. This website looks fairly easy to maneuver so maybe this will work....Since this is my first real time on, I'm not sure how to "add" people, but feel free to add me. Gotta go dust off my elliptical and give it a good 15 min. Good luck everyone! :)
  • pcmcavoy
    pcmcavoy Posts: 1
    I just starting using MFP within the past month, but about 10 months I became involved with a program via my employer focused upon lifestyle and wellness. One of the key things I learned from that is most diets fail because they are about deprivation. What was stressed to me is it's not about how much I eat, but what I eat. I've learned to totally rethink my approach to food to focus upon plant based, whole foods as much as possible. Think whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and non-meat protein sources. I actually eat more food (in quantity), but was amazed at how effortlessly I dropped about 13 pounds in 8 weeks.

    Since that initial drop I've not only kept it off, but dropped a couple more pounds. All with the focus on what I eat, not how much I eat. Being in my mid 50's, that seemed like an unthinkable objective, but I was amazed at how rethinking my approach to what I ate made such an impact.

    I've also learned to look at it as a continuum. I make 21 main choices each week when it comes to what I eat (ok, actually more like 28 ... I have an evening snack habit). The more of those I can move to a healthy choice, then the better for my health. I'm not perfect; that's not the goal. It's about finding a balance that works for me where I can make as many of those choices to be healthy choices. I'll never be able to totally give up ice cream, but I try not to make it a daily habit. And I don't beat myself up over the occasional indulgence. I start each day with four fresh choices ... how am I going to make those good choices.

    My reason to start using MFP is not to focus on calories, but because I was interested in better understanding how various food choices play into meeting my daily nutrition goals (sufficient protein, keeping sodium below 2,000 mg). I have found it helpful for that.

    Good luck everyone.
  • julietadimova
    julietadimova Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, don't beat yourself up over one small slip up. It's a long journey and one that we all need to enjoy (to some extend :) ) I'm adding you! Keep up the motivation!
  • jessicasmum2008
    jessicasmum2008 Posts: 68 Member
    Iv only just come back on here . although I didnt use it much before. I forget to use things like this as I dont really keep track of calories, I just keep an eye on my portions and snacks. Does anyone want a whatsapp or txt friend? Im 29 from uk and weigh 169lbs and wanting to lose 29lbs.
  • DosEquisToGo
    I started (again) on the 3rd. I broke down last night, had pizza. Ug! Time to move on, today is another day - grocery shopping tonight so I can stock up on good stuff for the weekend. No more Girl Scout cookies - thank goodness they are gone! LOL Happy Friday y'all!
  • lapopis2014
    Love the energy of the discussion. I agree with captainbat on "I would love more accountabilibuddies" I do my workouts early in the am and need motivation buddies.
  • lcurry717103
    lcurry717103 Posts: 10 Member
    Planning on starting Monday. I would love more buddies for accountability! Please add me!
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi! and welcome.
    I started my journey in January 2013... was 268 lbs.
    Today (14 months later) I have lost 72 lbs.
    It takes time, and patience. Eventually the "motivation" and "willpower" fade away and sometimes you don't lose quickly. I had weeks where I would lose 3 lbs and then weeks where I would slow down to less than 0.5lb loss.
    TIME and PATIENCE. Just log everything - my motto is "if I bite it, I write it".
    good luck.
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone...Im back!! I seriously need buddies on here so I can look forward to getting on My Fitness Pal every day. Good luck on everyones journey.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Welcome to MFP-Good luck!