But my weight DID come on overnight!



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    That hair loss thing is alarming. Does your doctor know about that and still refuse to test your thyroid?

    No - to be honest, I did not go into specifics as to why I thought my thyroid may be off. The reason I suspected it was because a loooong time ago when I was a very active dancer/cheerleader in high school, I tested having a low thyroid. I was underweight regardless, due to extreme activity, and the doctor opted to do nothing about it.
    @britishbroccoli - I will double check the measurements I used. Both the pork chops and wings are oven roasted without adding oil, cooked until crispy - just the way I like my meat. The added oil is always in the veggies :)

    You tested with an underactive thyroid and the doctor left you untreated?

    I... wut?

    It was borderline low, iirc - bear with me, because it was like 12 years ago. But it stood out in my mind like a sore thumb, because I was always worried as to what it could mean.

    Oh, it wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at the stupid doctor. Thyroid health isn't just about weight and metabolism. Brain and bone health are involved too.

    At the very least, the fact that you were borderline then is a piece of the puzzle your current doctor should know, along with the hair loss. Those two pieces of information should be enough to get your thyroid tested.

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Stop blaming it on your thyroid, and start eating less and exercising more. Even your thyroid can't control CICO!

  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Most doctors only test the TSH. Very few will test the full thyroid panels because of insurance issues and payment. I know first hand because of having to drive 3 hours to New Orleans to get a doctor willing to order all of them and pay out of pocket for both doctor and labs. $1500 later I know I have thyroid problems and am still waiting for the endocrinologist appointment.

    To get that endocrinologist appointment I had to take the records from the doctor at Tulane to the doctor up here for a referral. None of the endocrinologists up here will see you without a referral.

    So, its very possible she could have Hashimoto's and a very normal range TSH.

    Good luck Op. It's hard to find a good doctor.

    For Hashimotos to affect noticeably her metabolism, she should have to be at the point where not only her TSH but also her T4 would be completely out off limits, she would have no energy to walk up the stairs and she would be falling asleep while in the middle of normal activities. Hashimoto's can be diagnosed from antibodies years before her TSH or T4 are affected, but there will be no significant change to the metabolism at this point. Until it gets really really bad it can perhaps affect a bit weight, mostly by water retention, but cannot add 60 lbs!

    Actually, not always.

    My TSH 1.64

    My TPOab 1153

    My T4, T3 both in range, although barely. can't say about weight for me, (But everyone is different.) currently because well, half of what I personally eat isn't staying down, I really wish that would stop. And I severely restrict calories to combat weight.
    So if you just ran that one test and discounted the swelling in my throat, you'd really think everything was fine.

    OP, I really hope you can get it sorted out. A good doctor seems to be the biggest hurdle to leap. If you are anywhere in Louisiana, Tulane Medical in New Orleans has a fabulous team of Doctors. I just wish my insurance would cover them and they were closer.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Stop blaming it on your thyroid, and start eating less and exercising more. Even your thyroid can't control CICO!

    Well now, wait a minute. If she does have a thyroid problem and it's untreated, attempting to diet will be like shoveling you know what against the tide.

    There's no need to tell her to stop "blaming" her thyroid. Thyroid will affect the CO portion of CICO if it's not properly regulated. Someone with an unregulated thyroid will lose very, very, very slowly.

    Now, saying that, I doubt the OP is eating at the 1400 that she thinks she is.

    She said she can't get her doctor to check her thyroid. Huh? What doctor doesn't want to order a test and make more money? I've had many friends who blamed their weight gain on their thyroid problem while eating banana splits
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Yep, new doctor. It IS all about CICO!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Stop blaming it on your thyroid, and start eating less and exercising more. Even your thyroid can't control CICO!

    Well now, wait a minute. If she does have a thyroid problem and it's untreated, attempting to diet will be like shoveling you know what against the tide.

    There's no need to tell her to stop "blaming" her thyroid. Thyroid will affect the CO portion of CICO if it's not properly regulated. Someone with an unregulated thyroid will lose very, very, very slowly.

    Now, saying that, I doubt the OP is eating at the 1400 that she thinks she is.

    She said she can't get her doctor to check her thyroid. Huh? What doctor doesn't want to order a test and make more money? I've had many friends who blamed their weight gain on their thyroid problem while eating banana splits

    Check her diary. It's really not bad. She's also losing hair and she'd previously tested borderline low. Something's not right here.

    OP, I'd suggest you switch to weighing in grams, though. They're a bit more precise. I don't think that weighing in ounces is enough to throw you off as much as your problems would indicate, though.

  • ValentineNicole
    ValentineNicole Posts: 51 Member
    It's definitely bizarre and I'm not just making excuses. My boyfriend is worried about me dying, that's how bad it is. Sometimes he yells at me to go back to the doctor because he losses weight eating double what I eat and the same foods. We live together and he is also 5'4... A man, but about the same height.

    In the 12 months I gained the weight, I did nutrisystem for four months, lchf for two months, a green juice fast (not my brightest moment) for two weeks, and now I've just straight counted calories with a digital scale for two months. The first four months I ate normal (which is in my opinion still pretty healthy) and I started to panic at the first thirty pounds. The other thirty were gained during those "diets" over the next eight months.

    I suppose it's good the weight gain slowed, but I'm honest to god worried about my health. I shouldn't be this heavy for my frame and I'm scared sometimes walking up stairs that I'll tear my cartlidge in my knees or something. It can't continue at this pace. I don't want to die young.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Nicole, please go see a different doctor. Also, be honest about the calories you are eating. If you are eating the same as your boyfriend, who may burn tons of calories at his job or whatever, while you are not, that's an excuse. Weigh everything, don't compare yourself to anyone else, and zone in on being healthy. You can do it
  • ValentineNicole
    ValentineNicole Posts: 51 Member
    Nicole, please go see a different doctor. Also, be honest about the calories you are eating. If you are eating the same as your boyfriend, who may burn tons of calories at his job or whatever, while you are not, that's an excuse. Weigh everything, don't compare yourself to anyone else, and zone in on being healthy. You can do it
    Yes, thank you. My mom is helping me look into other doctors in the area that may be less inclined to immediately judge. I plan on going shortly, because I really do want answers.
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

    Yeah no. 50lbs in a month? That would be over a pound a day.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

    Yeah no. 50lbs in a month? That would be over a pound a day.

    Did you eat way over maintenance everyday when you put on 50lbs? @altogirl2‌
  • Mwrarr
    Mwrarr Posts: 27 Member
    Wow. A lot of know it alls on this thread...
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

    Yeah no. 50lbs in a month? That would be over a pound a day.

    Did you eat way over maintenance everyday when you put on 50lbs? @altogirl2‌

    No, nothing in my diet or lifestyle changed. I didn't realize it was happening because it was so sudden. One day, none of my clothes fit. I saw my doctor soon after and he apologized for not telling me that rapid, sudden weight gain might be a consequence of taking the medication. It was zyprexa if anyone wants to look it up. Needless to say, I stopped it immediately.

  • naomistennett3
    Just discovered I have an under active thyroid at 239.4 pounds. Like you my diet wasn't bad, if anything it's gotten better. No fizzy drinks or take outs. Everything is prepared by me and me alone so I know what goes in.
    I suggest getting a new Dr, honestly there are meds available that will help you xx
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

    Yeah no. 50lbs in a month? That would be over a pound a day.

    Did you eat way over maintenance everyday when you put on 50lbs? @altogirl2‌

    No, nothing in my diet or lifestyle changed. I didn't realize it was happening because it was so sudden. One day, none of my clothes fit. I saw my doctor soon after and he apologized for not telling me that rapid, sudden weight gain might be a consequence of taking the medication. It was zyprexa if anyone wants to look it up. Needless to say, I stopped it immediately.

    I gained about 30 in 3 weeks on Zyprexa, although I wasn't tracking intake at the time and i'm sure I overate - that in combination with the massive metabolism slow-down from the Zyprexa really did me over.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    And I think something else is being misconstrued - just because I weigh MYSELF daily doesn't mean I've given this "a day." I've tried every diet under the sun since my weight started creeping up. I was in damned near panic mode when I hit 150. I give every change a minimum of one full month... and my weight just keeps crawling upward.

    People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid and uncontrolled weight gain." Within a month I had gained over 50 pounds. One month!

    Find another doctor. Go over all your meds and check online to see if weight gain is a side effect. Maybe see a dietician, sometimes they are better than a doctor in checking all aspects of your situation.

    And try not to be discouraged. There's a reason this has happened and you will find it. Once you find out what it is you can do something about it.

    Yeah no. 50lbs in a month? That would be over a pound a day.

    Did you eat way over maintenance everyday when you put on 50lbs? @altogirl2‌

    No, nothing in my diet or lifestyle changed. I didn't realize it was happening because it was so sudden. One day, none of my clothes fit. I saw my doctor soon after and he apologized for not telling me that rapid, sudden weight gain might be a consequence of taking the medication. It was zyprexa if anyone wants to look it up. Needless to say, I stopped it immediately.

    That is an unreal amount to put on in a month :disappointed:
    I would have stopped taking it too. Did you find a suitable replacement, and did you manage to lose it?

  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    Not meaning to disrespect anyone yelling CICO, but I maintained a weight of 120 pounds until this year, and I eat approximately 1000-1600 calories every single day. And I weigh everything :)

    No, nothing in my diet or lifestyle changed. I didn't realize it was happening because it was so sudden. One day, none of my clothes fit. I saw my doctor soon after and he apologized for not telling me that rapid, sudden weight gain might be a consequence of taking the medication. It was zyprexa if anyone wants to look it up. Needless to say, I stopped it immediately.

    That is an unreal amount to put on in a month :disappointed:
    I would have stopped taking it too. Did you find a suitable replacement, and did you manage to lose it?

    I was dx as bipolar II by this same doctor. I'm still not sure if the dx is accurate or not, but it really put me off taking psycotropic medications. I didn't try anything else and I've been fine. I was at a period in my life when the stress was unbelievable. Now that my life has calmed down, I've calmed down, LOL! I'm still trying to lose the weight but this is the first time anything is really working, long-term. It's been about 10 years since the zyprexa incident. I can't eat nearly as much as I used to before I took it, but that could be due to aging also, I'm post-menopausal now and I know my metabolism has also slowed down due to that.

    I do think that CICO is accurate 99% of the time but I think that painting everyone with the same paintbrush can be dangerous, especially where health is concerned.
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    This is a reply to a question from Christinev297. I think I deleted the quote marks.

    I was dx as bipolar II by this same doctor. I'm still not sure if the dx is accurate or not, but it really put me off taking psycotropic medications. I didn't try anything else and I've been fine. I was at a period in my life when the stress was unbelievable. Now that my life has calmed down, I've calmed down, LOL! I'm still trying to lose the weight but this is the first time anything is really working, long-term. It's been about 10 years since the zyprexa incident. I can't eat nearly as much as I used to before I took it, but that could be due to aging also, I'm post-menopausal now and I know my metabolism has also slowed down due to that.

    I do think that CICO is accurate 99% of the time but I think that painting everyone with the same paintbrush can be dangerous, especially where health is concerned.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Mwrarr wrote: »
    Wow. A lot of know it alls on this thread...

    Solid contribution.