Motivation tips/tricks?

Ever feel like you don't have the same motivation/drive to get in shape as you did when you first started? How do you get back on track? What are some things you guys do to get your head back in the game?

I heard buying new gym shoes is a good trick to getting back into 'fight mode'


  • jett69
    jett69 Posts: 60 Member
    I watch a lot of motivational videos on youtube to get me going. It ranges from bodybuilder workout clips to Arnie's speeches to overweight people making huge transformations.
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    I just come up with a new goal for myself. I hit my first goal of lose 10 lbs - so I've added lose 5 more and then I'm at my goal weight. I'm trying new workouts - adding weight to the ones I already do. Just find new ways to challenge yourself! I'm also hoping to start teaching soon, so that will be fun!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I like new apps on my telephone or a new workout video. Any little thing to get me out of the rut.
  • Holly92154
    Holly92154 Posts: 119 Member
    I use the goal method too. For the first two months I focused on 2 week goals. If after two weeks if hated it then I would drop it from my program, if I thought it was something I could maintain I continued. I still do 4 goals a month.

    To stay motivated I do one race every month. It could be an easy 5k or a sprint triathlon. Either way, knowing that I will have to perform in front of people is enough to get me out of bed. If that fails, I recite quotes.

    At my lowest, in December, I had skipped two consecutive days. I had spent the entire day in my workout clothes in case motivation struck. Finally I was laying in bed and googled quotes. "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the *kitten* story you tell yourself as to why you can't achieve it." The quote resonated with me so much I got up and ran 5 miles. I routinely rely on quotes for motivaton. This is my #1 go to.

    If quotes don't cut it, I resort to bribery. I love shopping. If I buy a new work out outfit I'll be more inclined to work out.

    If I don't feel like running I tell myself that I will walk for 10 minutes. If after that time I still don't feel motivated I'll go home. To date, this method has been 100% effective.

    Another dirty trick is to deliberately over eat. Not something I really recommend but... It is effective. If I go crazy and eat fast food exercise is a must. There is no excuse. This is a two fold plan. I generally avoid fast food because it isn't worth the 8 mile run later. Lol

    After two months of swim, bike, run, swim, bike, run I was starting to slack. I've recently incorporated 3 hours of yoga a week in addition to my normal training. It has really helped. Being in a low stress social setting AND breaking up the monotony of routine. Finding someone to work out with once a week or so has inspired me to up my game.

    It took me a loooong time to realize that a missed workout wasn't the end of the world. If you REALLY don't feel like going, don't. It could be your body's way of saying it needs a break.

    Explore other causes- poor sleep quality, poor nutrition, too little water, too much exercise or external stressors can drastically effect your motivation.

    At the end of the day, all it comes down to is YOU. No one can make you exercise. You have to WANT this.
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    I find it's just about focusing on how much I want to achieve my goals and feel better/more healthy, and all the reasons why. I tend to think about that a lot during exercise, when I am shopping for food or about to eat
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I re-read the success stories on here :)
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    jett69 wrote: »
    I watch a lot of motivational videos on youtube to get me going. It ranges from bodybuilder workout clips to Arnie's speeches to overweight people making huge transformations.

    ME TOO! I do this like 3 times a week. Lol. Helps me though.

  • Holly92154 wrote: »
    I use the goal method too. For the first two months I focused on 2 week goals. If after two weeks if hated it then I would drop it from my program, if I thought it was something I could maintain I continued. I still do 4 goals a month.

    To stay motivated I do one race every month. It could be an easy 5k or a sprint triathlon. Either way, knowing that I will have to perform in front of people is enough to get me out of bed. If that fails, I recite quotes.

    At my lowest, in December, I had skipped two consecutive days. I had spent the entire day in my workout clothes in case motivation struck. Finally I was laying in bed and googled quotes. "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the *kitten* story you tell yourself as to why you can't achieve it." The quote resonated with me so much I got up and ran 5 miles. I routinely rely on quotes for motivaton. This is my #1 go to.

    If quotes don't cut it, I resort to bribery. I love shopping. If I buy a new work out outfit I'll be more inclined to work out.

    If I don't feel like running I tell myself that I will walk for 10 minutes. If after that time I still don't feel motivated I'll go home. To date, this method has been 100% effective.

    Another dirty trick is to deliberately over eat. Not something I really recommend but... It is effective. If I go crazy and eat fast food exercise is a must. There is no excuse. This is a two fold plan. I generally avoid fast food because it isn't worth the 8 mile run later. Lol

    After two months of swim, bike, run, swim, bike, run I was starting to slack. I've recently incorporated 3 hours of yoga a week in addition to my normal training. It has really helped. Being in a low stress social setting AND breaking up the monotony of routine. Finding someone to work out with once a week or so has inspired me to up my game.

    It took me a loooong time to realize that a missed workout wasn't the end of the world. If you REALLY don't feel like going, don't. It could be your body's way of saying it needs a break.

    Explore other causes- poor sleep quality, poor nutrition, too little water, too much exercise or external stressors can drastically effect your motivation.

    At the end of the day, all it comes down to is YOU. No one can make you exercise. You have to WANT this.

    Love this! My way would be to do something productive in the morning that'll set you straight for the day. Like eat a good breakfast or go for a morning swim/run. I find that when I start my day right, I tend to feel better and become motivated throughout the day. MFP definitely helps as well. Sometimes when I need a good kick in the *kitten* I'd just read forums for tips and support from people like you
  • vbenoit81
    vbenoit81 Posts: 22
    My biggest motivation trick is keeping what I want to look like around me at all times, so it is something at the front of my mind at all times. Like I have a picture on my phone, computer, on my fridge; so it is on my mind at all times. Plus I wear a fitness tracker.
  • rolyh
    rolyh Posts: 51 Member
    Since my work computer password has to change frequently, I am deriving it from one of my goals. I have to keep typing it in, so its front of mind.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Here's my tip: stop relying on motivation! Create habits and routines for yourself. Motivation fades every time you get hungry, pissed off, tired, or sick. Habits and routines carry you through on the days when you wake up and think "are you freaking kidding me? You want me to workout?" It carries you through when the world pisses you off and there is nothing you can do about it. It carries you through the midnight munchies and the PMS-induced cravings. It carries you through when you get sick. Seriously... You think I wake up every morning ready to kick some *kitten*? You think I never get hungry late at night? You think I've never been pissed off at the world and wanted to eat everything in sight? You think I've never been sick? Hell no. But I still get up every day and go workout. And when I get the munchies in the middle of the night, I go for fruit. Because that's what I do now. I don't know how to begin my day without a workout. And fruit is what I eat. It feels better than chips. And water tastes better than soda. It's just what I do. I still have all that stuff in my house. Soda, chips, chocolate... And I will indulge on occasion, But I don't even think about them anymore when I get hungry, or pissy. Because it's just not what I do. It's not about being super disciplined, or having amazing will power, or a huge, unfailing ambition. Trust me, my family can attest that I have NONE of those things! It's about creating habits and routines for yourself that you can stick with. Don't rely on motivation.