ED past.. committed to weight loss :)

I'm Jessica, I'm 20 years old. I have a long history with food. I had an eating disorder from ages 14-18 and was around 90-105 lbs. I decided to recover when I met my boyfriend (now soon to be husband :smile: ) I gained 60ish lbs in recovery, and then got pregnant. I was 200 lbs after pregnancy. I tried dieting and then I relapsed and then tried dieting. Never was committed. This past month, I relapsed hard. I lost 10 lbs fast and had to think about my family. I decided I needed to continue to recover, for my family. I still wanted to lose weight, though. So I decided I would start doing moderate workouts 20-30 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week and eating 1200-1400 calories a day. This week, so far, I've averaged about 1300 calories and I'm proud of myself. Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm shy, so I'm hoping that introducing myself will get me to start posting on the boards lol. So hi!


  • Hi!!!! Lets motivate each other!!!! I also meed to loose for my family!!! My name is Merby!!!
  • Castrofreak
    Castrofreak Posts: 67 Member
    mervelisem wrote: »
    Hi!!!! Lets motivate each other!!!! I also meed to loose for my family!!! My name is Merby!!!

    I'll add you :smile:
  • hmoczynski13
    hmoczynski13 Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you! I have an eating disorder that I'm stuggling with now, it's good to know some more people who have experienced what I have! Good luck!
  • onelonelysocknoble
    onelonelysocknoble Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 2015

  • I'm totally with you. I wasn't sure if this app was for me because of my history of bulimia. I have 3 children and recovery is so important. So far the app has been helpful for my eating issues, as it helps me stay in a healthy zone for calories ietntake. ..as I usually go from eating very little to too much. I'm going to add you if that's okay!
  • Yes plz do add me! My personal email is mervelisem@gmail.com if u ever wanna get a hold of me sooner :) lets do this!!!