March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • Hagoal
    Hagoal Posts: 63 Member
    I am in.
    Name: HA
    Age: 38
    Height: 5.1"

    Start Weight (1st March): 149
    Goal Weight (1st April): 144

    Good luck everyone
  • KNS2013
    KNS2013 Posts: 4
    KNS2013 wrote: »
    Name: Kenneth
    Age: 53
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (1st March): 201.3
    Goal Weight (1st April): 191

    1st March: 201
    8th March:
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 4
    Weight lost/gained this month: 4

    Successes/struggles this week:
    3/1-3/7 Walking at least 6,000 steps a day.
    3/2 I struggled during my lunch today, had a fish sandwich and fries at BK

  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    I was going to wait until Sunday to post this week but I'm worried I'll forget...

    Name: Bridget
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (26th February): 235.6lbs
    Goal Weight (1st April): 228lbs (aiming for a bit fewer loss in pounds than I'd like because of grad school)

    5th March: 236.6
    8th March:
    12th March:
    19th March:
    26th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +1
    Weight lost/gained this month: +1

    Successes/struggles this week:
    -Struggles: well, I gained a pound and only made it to the gym once and next week is going to be a struggle just to stay above water in terms of scheduling...
    -Successes: I'm going to look on the bright side and comment on the fact that last night I started really stressing over a quiz but I managed not to go raid my kitchen for every sweet junk food there possibly could be and instead drank a full bottle of water. And today, after a slap in the face of a quiz where I discovered I studied all the wrong material I went to the store and wasn't interested/feeling like I HAD to have more junk food/candy/sweets, instead I bought peppers, cucumbers, broccoli and milk. The most unhealthy things I bought were slices of cheddar cheese and a box of Lean Pockets. I also managed to avoid having to buy one of the triple chocolate cookies at the campus coffee shop that have become my weakness recently.

    So in short a small win despite gaining a pound. Hopefully I can get myself to stop stress eating and convert stress eating into going to the gym when I'm stress.

    Future you are human like the rest of us. So very proud of you fit your healthy choices. With repetition they will become habit. GOOD ON YOU!
  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    Name: Dianne
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (1st March): 232
    Goal Weight (1st April): 222

    1st March: 232
    8th March: 227
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -5 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: just back on the wagon after a hiatus from losing. Feels so good to be back in the groove. It's where I want to stay! Best to all of yse
  • LoriLmcia
    LoriLmcia Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2015
    Name: Lori
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'2

    Start Weight (1st March): 153.2
    Goal Weight (1st April): 147.0

    1st March: 153.2
    8th March:
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I seem to be stalled at this weight. Lost 0.2 lbs all week. Diet and exercise has been good.

  • rbsharma1
    rbsharma1 Posts: 3 Member
    Name: rajoo
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'5"

    Weight (3/7): 154.5
    Goal( 4/1): 150
  • stefchrysler
    stefchrysler Posts: 47 Member
    Name: Stef
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'5

    Start Weight (1st March): 218
    Goal Weight (1st April): 210

    1st March: 218
    8th March:214
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -4
    Weight lost/gained this month:4

    Successes/struggles this week: I worked out hard this week and ate pretty well. I'm so stoked bec. It's been 2 years since I've been under 217!!! So happy!

  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    Name: KADE :o
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'9.5"

    Start Weight (1st March): 214.2 [citing most recent weigh in, re: 27 feb]
    Goal Weight (1st April): 209.7

    1st March: 214.2
    7th March: 212.6
    13th March:
    20nd March:
    27th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.6 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1.6 pounds

    Successes/struggles this week: struggles all over the place. trying to remember not to binge was almost impossible. that hasn't happened to me in months. I hope it stops / that I regain enough control over it.

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Awesome!! I'd like to join in! But Ill post up my stats or tomorrows check in instead of posting it both today and tomorrow =D

    Really like this though, so easy to scan through and see whose stats / goals are close to mine!
  • stellarose73
    stellarose73 Posts: 6 Member
    I am so in. Woo Hoo!! Excited :p

    Name: Paula
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st March): 214.4
    Goal Weight (1st April): 206

    1st March: 214.4
    8th March: 212.4
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 2
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 2

    Successes/struggles this week: Found it hard toward end of week sticking to my food plan, but I did it and it feels awesome. Was so excited to start back at Spin classes, did it 3 times this week along with some weight strengths exercises. Ready for the next week. Hope everyone had a great week. Enjoy the weekend :)
  • YBSlim2
    YBSlim2 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Yvette
    Age: 40
    Height: 5'0"

    Start Weight (1st March):176
    Goal Weight (1st April): 170
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    Name: Christina
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'5
    Start weight (1st March): 99.3 kg
    Goal weight (1st April): 95.3 kg

    Weigh ins:
    1st March: 99.3
    8th March: 99.1
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.2 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -0.2 kg

    Struggles this week: I'm still recovering from a bit of a funk and I've been rather stressed this week which has been really hard. But the biggest struggle this week was the bake sale I did. I spent a few days preparing and all day long baking lovely delicious smelling things. I ended up eating a few cookies which wouldn't be too big of a deal, except (because I'm trying to get rid of it) they're all full of gluten, wheat, and dairy so I paid dearly for my moments of weakness. That was Tuesday and I'm still recovering from it. Feeling like a broken record- but I have to keep telling myself it's sooooo not worth it. I'm also still having trouble doing all the exercises my PT put me to, I think partially because it says 3-4 times a week and my brain keeps saying -meh tomorrow? I might just do it 5x a week that way I have definite on and off days.

    Success: I did figure out that I am almost definitely allergic to wheat. I kneaded some dough for my bake sale and got a rash up my arms. I guess it could be the yeast in the dough, but either way a positive reaction means that I am right about my guesses of what is making me sick. I also found out that lactose may be okayish, but garlic probably isn't. (Bit heartbreaking because ALL of my savory recipes have like 3-6 cloves of garlic in them.) It's a slow progress, but I'm really happy that I'm starting to pin point exactly what has been causing me issues for the past few years and that I'm finally dealing with it. I also got a new inhaler which seems odd to put in the success pile, but it's really helped me get more active without constantly worrying about being able to breath. It's honestly been liberating.
  • magnumpower
    magnumpower Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Margaret
    Age: 33
    Height: 175 cm (5'9)

    Start Weight (1st March): 98.9 kg
    Goal Weight (1st April): 93.9 kg

    1st March: 98.9
    8th March: 97.7
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.2 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.2 kg

    Struggles this week: Returned to work (teaching) after almost 2 months of vacation AND got my period on the second day back. Meal planning, stress, and getting enough sleep will be more of a challenge from now.

    Successes: Exercised every day despite my cramps and low energy levels. 4 Days X 30 Day Shred Level 2; 3 Days C25K (finished week 4 on to week 5 now). Managed to be over 12,000 steps several days last week.
  • M3Kindschi
    M3Kindschi Posts: 72 Member

    Start Weight (1st March):128
    Goal Weight (1st April):123.5

    1st March:128
    8th March:128
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:0
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week:It was my birthday last Sunday and boy, did I have a horrible "eating" week! :(
  • Coonsmom
    Coonsmom Posts: 47 Member
    I am so in. Woo Hoo!! Excited :p

    Name: Paula
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st March): 214.4
    Goal Weight (1st April): 206

    1st March: 214.4
    8th March: 212.4
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 2
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 2

    Successes/struggles this week: Found it hard toward end of week sticking to my food plan, but I did it and it feels awesome. Was so excited to start back at Spin classes, did it 3 times this week along with some weight strengths exercises. Ready for the next week. Hope everyone had a great week. Enjoy the weekend :)

    Great job Stella! We can do this. We struggle with the same things. Looks like mine I s more about weekends!
  • sherabba
    sherabba Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Sheharzad
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'3"
    SW (Mar 1): 167
    GW (Apr 1): 155

    1st March: 167
    8th March:
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:
  • samfordbelle
    samfordbelle Posts: 25 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm jumping in! I'm slacking and needing motivation.


    Start Weight (1st March):178.2
    Goal Weight (1st April):170....lofty but my 32nd bday is April 4 and I'd like to see my pre- 2nd - baby weight before then!

    1st March:178.2
    8th March:
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I've strayed from my formula some (I've lost 18 lbs low carb/high protein) and I need to focus! :) I've done better with water this week so that's a success. And wore some jeans I haven't worn in more than 2 years. So there.. yay! Next goal is to get more gym visits in....
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Name: Nadine
    Age: 49
    Height: 5ft 6in

    Start Weight (1st March): 135.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st April): 130 lbs

    1st March: 135.8 lbs
    8th March: 134.2 lbs
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I've found it hard keeping under my calorie allowance.
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    Name: Strawberry
    Age: 50
    Height: 5' 10"

    Start Weight (1st March): 228.8
    Goal Weight (1st April): 219 or about 99kgs This would be amazing but will take some effort as I've only lost on average under 2 pounds a week so losing 10 in a month will need some serious effort...

    1st March: 228.8
    8th March: 227.3
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost this week: 1.5lbs
    Weight lost this month. 1.5lbs - Not the best week & not the best start... Far too much high sugar & empty calorie foods. Focus girlfriend... Focus... Pretty good movie to by the way..
  • joycemaclellan
    joycemaclellan Posts: 6 Member
    name: Joyce
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'13"

    Start Weight (1st March): 215
    Goal Weight (1st April): 206

    1st March: 215
    8th March: 209

    Weight lost this week/month: 6lbs

    Successes /struggles this month: stuck to eating only healthy foods, except one treat and completed the exercise I said I'd do. Also did two 'meat free' days which I'd pledged. Cons: baby is bunged up with the cold/teething and we're all fighting it off for now. Probably didn't eat as much as I should have, hence the rapid weight loss, so not so worried if it levels out next week.