Minnesota nice = Winter Weight!

I grew up in Minnesota but moved to Phoenix after college. I lived there for 7 years and just moved back about a year ago. Basically, I have gained 10 pounds since I moved back and had gained 10 the year before that. I guess we like too many hotdishes and reasons to turn on the oven in the Winter! A friend recommended this site and after day 3, I have to say I agree that it rocks. For one thing, writing this is distracting me from eating ice cream right now! :)

I am single. I am 30. I feel that I may be single for several reasons, but one of them is the fact that I don't have the confidence to go for that great person that I deserve. I have a ton of friends and I tend to make friends very easily, but when the it comes to finding that partner, I am luck-less.

I have determined that before I can find someone, I need to find the real me first. I am SO comfortable with my personality, but just NOT at all comfortable with my body. When my inside matches my outside, then maybe I will be able to move forward!

**I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am bored. I have no portion control. I love pizza. I love Taco Bell.

***If anyone can help me with any of the ** items, please feel free to offer advice!


  • MeliF
    MeliF Posts: 41 Member
    I actually moved to MN about 7 years ago and realized how easy it is to not exercise and gain weight when it is -20 outside! Then it warms up and I am so paranoid about how I look, that I don't want to venture outside.

    I also LOVE Taco Bell, best fast food out there! Prior to myfitnesspal I didn't have any portion control. Purchasing a food scale has also helped.

    I drink lots and lots of water throughout the day, close to 128 oz. This helps me to not snack as much and I don't feel as hungry. I began using smaller plates when I eat dinner. I chew lots of gum. I guess all of these things have helped me eat less and eat better. Once I started losing weight (35.5 lbs since January) I really wanted to do well. So, lots of exercising and eating better!

    Best of luck to you! I hope the MN weather gets better because the walking trails are awesome!
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I grew up in south central Minnesota and now live in Wisconsin. I know what it's like in those nasy winters, I LOVE Taco Bell as well, but there is none around me at the moment. I might have to hit one up when I go to my parents next week. Yum!
    If you want a new friend, feel free to add me!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I live in Scottsdale I was in northern MN up on the iron range april 15-25 it snowed liked 6 inches the second day I was there ..... freaking winter heh
  • better_days_ahead
    better_days_ahead Posts: 69 Member
    I'm right across the border in Clear Lake, Iowa. I totally agree with one of the above posts, Portion Control!

    Have the right mind set, plan ahead, look at labels, and drink plenty of water.

    Best of Luck on your journey!