The awful truth...

Hi, I'm Dolly (at least that's the name I'm admitting to!) Today the awful realisation hit me that I am officially obese.
I've stopped crying now and acknowledged that I have 25kg to lose. So I guess this is where I start...


  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    *hugs* to you Dolly and you've made a great start, this is a fantastic site!

  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I hit that wall in January and it was eye opening. I felt awful and realized I needed to drop 40 pounds. I thought I'd never do it. I am down 36 and loving it! You can do it. Don't give up. You will be so happy you did!
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    dont be shy were all here for the same reason just take it one day at a time and it will show.good luck people on here are awsome and nice.:smile:
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome :) This is an excellent place to start :)
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    You are definitely in the right place!! Welcome to MFP!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Dolly. You will do great on here. I still have 10kgs to lose and then I will be out of the obese range and can celebrate being overweight.
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome! Add me as a friend if you like!
  • micki59
    micki59 Posts: 25
    Hi Dolly! I'm Michele and I know EXACTLY how you feel! I don't know how many 25kg is but I'm guessing around 50 lbs. I have avoided a scale for almost a year until a dr. visit and when the BIG weight had to leave the 150 area (we go 50 lbs increments) I was totally horrified! In shock. :noway: Knew my pants and all clothes were tight but.....never in my wildest dreams (nightmares) did i way this much. Well reality set in and her I am. AND amazed at ALL these WONDERFUL people struggling just like you and me! Good luck. Friend me if you want!
  • micki59
    micki59 Posts: 25
    not "way"...LOL.... WEIGH
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    :smile: Welcome its not the awful truth it only becomes awful if you didnt realize it and continued to do nothing about it. So welcome we are all hear for you
  • Littlewild
    Littlewild Posts: 2
    Wow, thank you everyone, I really wasn't expecting that response!

    25kg = 55 pounds, God it sounds like such a lot when put that way...but then I guess it is a lot!

    Anyway it's got to go for the sake of my health, and besides once upon a time I used to be told I looked great in jeans - these days I can't even get my favourite pair done up!
  • thedons
    thedons Posts: 41
    welcome dolly. wipe those tears away & replace them with a big smile. you are not alone in your journey. this site is excellent for support, encouragement & advice. add me as a friend if you like.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    You have had your cry, now move on.

    I realized I was obese in January, stil have the pic that brought me to terms with it. Four months later I am down over 50 pounds and at a healthy BMI.

    If I can do it, so can you. Set your mind to it, and journey forward!
  • piccoloco1
    piccoloco1 Posts: 1
    now that you have had your wake up you got to get moving! I'm starting today too. We are going to feel great.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    One day at a time..add me if you would like...Good Luck!