
I'm going to America for three weeks over Easter and I need help avoiding weight gain. Knowing my family, they'll want to indulge me by taking me out to Red Lobster, buying Skyline, stocking their houses with sugary foods, baking food, going to Dunkin' Donuts and buying take out from Shake Shack on top of cake for my brother's birthday and Ester Price chocolates for Easter. I really don't want to have to take action when I get back - I've only just got rid of my holiday weight and weaned myself off of some bad foods.


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Tell your family in advance what your new dietary requirements are so they don't waste time buying stuff you don't want.
    No one can make you put food in your mouth. Say no thank you as many times as you need to.
    Log stuff and make the best choices you can.
  • YanskaNY
    YanskaNY Posts: 103 Member
    You must assert yourself on this trip. Families can be the worst food pushers there are. I can hear it now: "Oh sweetie you are here visiting! You dont have to deny yourself food while you traveling! Just come with us and get back on track when you leave! We miss you/ want to eat with you/want to enjoy our time together blah blah blah."
    You named a couple of places above -do some research and prepare a list of items you can fit into your plan. Every eatery has their nutritional info listed on line these days. Red Lobster, Dunkin Donuts, Subway, Wendy's, whatever- you can totally make a cheat sheet for yourself and be ready to spend time with your family while doing what is right for you. If the issue is being embarrassed about letting them see you are on a plan I say screw it, doing good things for yourself is not shameful. Be proud, prepared and confident. You can go on this trip and stay on plan as long as you choose to do so. Go for it!!!!!! :)
  • charlottefaycolvin
    Thank you so much!! :D
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just say "No thank you".
  • skyblue99
    skyblue99 Posts: 6 Member
    If you do indulge, eat smaller portions or split a meal with someone. Drink a large glass of water or eat a piece of fruit before the meal to prevent overeating.