High Fat Low Carb diet?

Is there anyone who can shine some light on this diet style? Has it worked effectively for those who have tried it? Does it take a longer time to burn off fat?

And as for exercise, should I be running for cardio or walking for long periods of time? What is the most efficient way to exercise, although I'm already doing muscle building, I just want to burn more fat as well.


  • LeeArmani
    LeeArmani Posts: 2 Member
    A good way to burn more fat is cardio. The treadmill is pretty effective for this. Try setting it on an incline of 15 and set on a min of 4.5 speed. This will burn at least 100 cals per 10 mins. Increase the speed gradually for even more calorie burning.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    try http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group. Wont get much support or love for LCHF on the main forums.
  • stspell
    stspell Posts: 2
    I think it s the best diet I ve ever tried( and believe me, I ve tried loooots)
    I ve lost kinda many pounds in a very short time without feeling bad, frustrated or weak. And the most important is the fact that I haven t lost my muscles!

  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Is there anyone who can shine some light on this diet style? Has it worked effectively for those who have tried it? Does it take a longer time to burn off fat?

    And as for exercise, should I be running for cardio or walking for long periods of time? What is the most efficient way to exercise, although I'm already doing muscle building, I just want to burn more fat as well.

    It's a diet that "robs Peter to pay Paul"...meaning you are just eating more calories in fat at the expense of calories from carbs. Both carbs and fat are energy sources...it's just carbs are more readily available to be used as energy. Any calories, regardless if it's carbs or fat or protein, eaten in excess of your maintenance calories will be stored as fat. So the question will be, do you adhere better to a eating lifestyle of higher fat? Some people do, as fat is very satiating which allows people to more easily eat less than their maintenance, thus causing them to lose weight.

    In regards to your exercise question, again it depends. Can you run? If so, do you like to run? If there is a no to either one of these questions, then do something else. The best modality of exercise is the one you enjoy, which will typically be the one you will stick with doing long term because you like doing it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    In addition to the link to the group that was put up, Google "low carb forum". There are two that will come up right off the bat with people who really get into the specifics.

    It didn't work for me unless I also created a calorie deficit, and I wasn't as satisfied on it overall than I am eating more carbs, so I went back to just the calorie deficit without the carb restrictions. However, it does work well for some people. Good luck!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    It works, but you really need to watch the carbs like a hawk. Eat a yogurt? 14 carbs. You have 10 left for the day. Eat a lot of eggs, cheese, steak.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    It works, but you really need to watch the carbs like a hawk. Eat a yogurt? 14 carbs. You have 10 left for the day. Eat a lot of eggs, cheese, steak.

    And broccoli. It works on NET carbs. :smile: More fiber, less carbs.
  • erikgoya
    erikgoya Posts: 77 Member
    edited March 2015
    Net carbs are mucho importante.
    Fiber doesn't get digested, so any carbs that are fiber don't really "count" to your nutrition, hence net carbs.
    At least, that what I'm getting from the research i've done.
    I'm looking to start LCHF or keto myself pretty soon, so I'm really looking into this as well.

    Is there anyone who can shine some light on this diet style? Has it worked effectively for those who have tried it? Does it take a longer time to burn off fat?

    And as for exercise, should I be running for cardio or walking for long periods of time? What is the most efficient way to exercise, although I'm already doing muscle building, I just want to burn more fat as well.

    As for your exercise; cardio is most effective for fat loss, but strength training helps you burn more calories at rest. If you're looking to drop pounds, do mostly cardio. If you're already lean or lean-ish, just concentrate on strength training with minimal cardio (unless you love it).
    Your cardio doesn't have to be running or walking. Its an effective method, but if you HATE running (like I do) you won't enjoy yourself and you'll stop working out. Choose what you like: running, walking, biking, yoga, cardio kickboxing, even workout dvds you can buy at the 99cents store. Long as you enjoy what you're doing and eat in a deficit, you'll lose the fat.