Pet Peeve of the the Day...



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    I downloaded a free app on my phone that will send out an auto-reply when I'm driving. I customized the message to say that I am driving and will respond later. So far, no one's been upset to get the auto-reply. :wink:
  • lunaliberi
    lunaliberi Posts: 60
    When somebody says they hate something somebody else is doing...then does it themselves a few minutes later.

    I was with a friend, we had to be somewhere very important, and he's furious because the car in front of us is driving really slow, and pointing something out to his passenger.
    It was annoying, I agree.
    But then on the way home, he did the same thing. We had a huge line of traffic behind us, and he was driving ten miles under the speed limit, pointing things out.
    I know people who do things like that ALL the time. Drives me up the wall.
  • lady95
    lady95 Posts: 46
    I get annoyed when people slow down incredibly slow to make a right handed turn and THEY DON'T MERGE next to the curb. they'll sit in the middle of the lane, almost slowing to a stop, to make a wide-swinging turn! The only people who NEED to do that are truck drivers, 16-18 wheels.
    Most people have only four, so I shouldn't see it as much as I do~GYA!