400 lbs and determined!!! i need some support though...



  • geta23
    geta23 Posts: 3
    You can do it , congrats on making the most important step in getting started that along is the hardest starting point , keep up the momentum and get support from all of us , we all are on our own journey ur not ALONE! Good luck work hard stay motivated
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! If you want to friend me, feel free! :)
  • Good luck buddy all the best and keep going
  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    I wish I'd not been the age I was when I began getting things finally figured out. At my highest I was 368+, am now within 10 pounds to goal. Whatever plan you've chosen to follow, be sure it is one you can live on, with some modification, for maintenance as well. It is a lot easier to like how you are eating, while losing weight, then to "tough it" out, thinking of what you will go back to when "done".
    I applaud your courage, and I wish you all the best. If you've any interest, my profile lists my blog address and my entire journey, which began before I joined MFP.
  • samivenbutterfly
    samivenbutterfly Posts: 21 Member
    I read comments a lot, but comment myself very little. Your post reminded me of a wonderful inspirational story I witnessed. As I was driving to work every day several years ago I saw a VERY obese middle aged man walking every morning. He was obviously struggling just to achieve a normal pace, his tummy was hitting his thighs and he had a towel around his neck due to perspiration. I actually saw several people pointing at him and some laughing!! I honestly thought after a few days he would give up myself. To my surprise I saw him week after week trudging along. One day as he was on the sidewalk I gave him a "thumbs up" sign and he gave me a broad, proud smile. I started noticing he was dropping some weight and even saw him walking not only in the mornings, but in the afternoons as well. As the months passed, he was dropping more and more weight, his pace was faster and faster and he was now using light weights. One day I honked my horn and rolled my window down and yelled "Good Job buddy!" Then the amazing thing happened! I noticed mornings and evenings other cars were honking to support him and people were waving and cheering him on. I watched this determined man for 2 yrs. as the weight melted off, he was out there EVERY day, rain, sun, no matter what. The last time I saw him he looked like he had gone from probably around 500lbs. to under 200 lbs. My point is . . . Honey . . you CAN do this. Please do not give up. I am a nurse and know this will be a long journey for you, but you have the right mind set now. Read up on nutrition, get checked out by your physician and give him/her your game plan to make sure you have a good beginning check up and support. Ignore negative looks and comments. develop "tunnel vision" for the goals your heart desires. Get going Girl!!!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I read comments a lot, but comment myself very little. Your post reminded me of a wonderful inspirational story I witnessed. As I was driving to work every day several years ago I saw a VERY obese middle aged man walking every morning. He was obviously struggling just to achieve a normal pace, his tummy was hitting his thighs and he had a towel around his neck due to perspiration. I actually saw several people pointing at him and some laughing!! I honestly thought after a few days he would give up myself. To my surprise I saw him week after week trudging along. One day as he was on the sidewalk I gave him a "thumbs up" sign and he gave me a broad, proud smile. I started noticing he was dropping some weight and even saw him walking not only in the mornings, but in the afternoons as well. As the months passed, he was dropping more and more weight, his pace was faster and faster and he was now using light weights. One day I honked my horn and rolled my window down and yelled "Good Job buddy!" Then the amazing thing happened! I noticed mornings and evenings other cars were honking to support him and people were waving and cheering him on. I watched this determined man for 2 yrs. as the weight melted off, he was out there EVERY day, rain, sun, no matter what. The last time I saw him he looked like he had gone from probably around 500lbs. to under 200 lbs. My point is . . . Honey . . you CAN do this. Please do not give up. I am a nurse and know this will be a long journey for you, but you have the right mind set now. Read up on nutrition, get checked out by your physician and give him/her your game plan to make sure you have a good beginning check up and support. Ignore negative looks and comments. develop "tunnel vision" for the goals your heart desires. Get going Girl!!!

    this story made me cry!
  • samivenbutterfly
    samivenbutterfly Posts: 21 Member
    Awahhh! To be honest . . . he made me cry many times! When I was having a bad day his smile and determination always made me feel better somehow, like if he could push thru such tremendous odds . . . I could certainly push thru a bad day at work! This is an amazing thing to witness. I saw a policeman (Very overweight himself) pull over and shake his hand, he got out of his cruiser and was talking to him. Another time I saw a lady pull over and hand him a really cool water bottle that attaches to your clothing. A soldier in fatigues was walking his dog one morning and stepped to the side when he passed him and was applauding him, then gave him a salute!! I looked forward to seeing him every day, and I am sure many others did as well.
  • brokenhalo99
    brokenhalo99 Posts: 414 Member
    ^Me too! That is a very touching story.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    People who are very overweight do not usually see themselves as "motivators" but I find people like him to be my biggest motivator. Thanks for that story!
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    You re in the right place. You can do this. Do it for you....Come get the support you need. We re all here for you...
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    You can do this, Christina. Diet is the key at first, but eventually exercise will provide more and more motivation as your body takes over the process of regaining fitness.

    Great story, samivenbutterfly!
  • brokenhalo99
    brokenhalo99 Posts: 414 Member
    Robbo_79 wrote: »
    wow 400lbs is a hell of alot but you've made the most important step by deciding to change your life, so good luck, stay strong, focused, and set small achievable goals!!

    Was that first line really necessary? Hang in there christinadesneiges, you can do it! Take it one day at a time and use the community when your are feeling discouraged. We will all be cheering you on!